WebNovelSo Will I32.56%

Chapter=14(Diamond attracts diamond.)

Newmoon tugged his hair backward and wiped a handful of sweat from his forehead.

He asked with a dark complexion.

"anyway, when they are arriving?"

"Tomorrow morning I guess?"


Newmoon paused for a quick moment to take his time and calm himself before he could speak properly in a kind way.

He clenched his teeth, "Noona, you should have informed me a little earlier, maybe a few days before too?"

Jina argued with facts, "Yaa, Whose fault is it when another person doesn't read and check out others' messages on time. HMM?? And to talk about the precision of the information, do you think they are a normal person like us? We never learned to read them! They do whatever they like..whatever they think is right!"

As if Jina stabbed right into a Newmoon's sore part he was speechless for a while. To be honest, It indeed was his fault at least on the surface. He never looked in the social media, Acebook not until he had some quotes to post onto it. And these days he hadn't uploaded any of them, so that's why he was away from such news.

However, it didn't mean it was all his fault. The fact Newmoon never used Acebook that frequently she knew it. But still, she decided to send him through Acebook thinking he would eventually look into it a few days ago. But again, due to some reasons, Newmoon was unaware of it and would be unaware for the rest of the time if Jina hadn't shared it through a phone call. So maybe it's both of their faults.

Thinking such vast, profound research on these things, Newmoon couldn't help himself but to deeply sighed. At this point, he doesn't even care who was responsible to blame them.

He rubbed his chin in a distressing way.

"Do you think they will share such things just because I am a daughter-in-law?"

Jina stated firmly.

Hearing the last sentences, his worried expression faltered all at once. His muscles froze too.

"Doesn't that give more reasons? For them to share it with you huh?"


"Isn't that more than enough..?"


Suddenly, a heaviness was flown between them.

After a long pause, Jina's voice sounded again, "Sigh, leave it. you will know once you'll get married!"

"But I won't be a daughter-in-law..ya know?"

Newmoon quarter attack with it.

It was the first time, Jina noona was silent over the topic of her in-law's family. And also the first time for newmoon as well to feel some sort of uneasy feelings about if he had spoken out about the things he shouldn't have had. So, he followed his gut instincts and cracked out the joke amidst the worrying aura.

"I would be son-in-law instead! And will be brought daughter-in-law for you and my family..don't you think that's way more possible?"

Newmoon teased her as he tried to relax the energy.

Jina laughed out and threw the same arrow into himself unexpectedly, "Who knows!!-

From a mile away, a bus came. As soon as he saw it he rushed out. He ran away and got himself into it. Luckily, because of his activeness, he even got himself blessed with two seats in the second last area.

"-Who knows..!

Newmoon..," Yeah noona?? What who knows?"

"Who knows if you'll become someone else family's daughter-in-law..?"

At the same time, long legs touched the door of the bus. Soon he entered almost zero faces weren't turned into him. Even drivers were! He paid his money for a ride and walked ahead. As he walked gracefully literally every girl began to brush off their hair and maintained their position on the seat from lazily sitting before beginning to strengthen their back postures too.

Some of them began to chap their lips to make their lipstick color more symmetrical properly, tilting their head and hair, etc.

Nothing mattered to them even the fact most of them were sitting along with their loved ones.


Boys were helpless too, and could only feel envious of that guy rather than feeling jealous. Cause they too already had felt that sense of humor that he was above them.

At that moment, all they could do was silently pray to god, not to sit before or after, nearby them. And stop sending back the hints of their girlfriends although that wasn't the reality.

The horror look over them was hilarious. To a point, if Newmoon was attentive at that time then he would burst out into laughter seeing their funny look just like how April couldn't help herself back then.

Too bad for Newmoon.

That tall guy went to the only empty seat. Only to move behind at the last moment when he saw an old grandma coming from the door.

He stretched his hands as a sign of calling her towards him and pointing to an only seat.

Now the praise for him exceeds every limit of girls. Not only he was handsome and perfect, he even had a conscious, considerate, and gentleman that most boys lacked then. Their boyfriends could feel that embarrassing point of their entire life. Their pride was crushed right beyond their eyes and they were completely helpless. Little did that tall guy know he had innocently made a huge appearance upon girls and won everyone's heart too!

The old woman sat beside Newmoon. And that tall guy stood next to her.

And just like that..the bus went off.

"-Daughter-in-law like me?"

Jina especially repeated those words on purpose.

Newmoon laughed, "Haha..sure..nothing's wrong with it!"

"If you wish that hard then-Then I guess I will be a daughter-in-law for you..only for you."

"Ya know I can do that at least for you..ya know! haha!"

Surprisingly, As if that tall guy heard it, he glance at Newmoon from above secretly.


Then.., after staring for a few seconds he got called out by one lady.

A few whispering and then the lady left with a blush while that tall guy returned and walked up to the last seat.

It seemed like that lady was supposed to get out, so she kindly requested him to seat over the space to have a chance with him. She might have expected more but he simply cut it short. That girl did stand up for a little more then walked out eventually!


Newmoon shouted again.

This time he had conscious of the surrounding when everyone's eyes fell upon him. Even the grandmother's one.

"Ohh- Orry.

"Wait what am I saying?"

Newmoon bowed his head silently, "Sorry sorry!"

He then smiled out of embarrassment, "exams pressure exam pressure!"

Grandma just replied with a warm face nodding as if she was giving him a hint of 'never mind', 'Sometimes it happens sort of!' expression.

He returned facing towards the window side, "Exam pressure my foot! It is instead called a life pressure, in this way and this flow, I'll bombard one day for sure."

He returned to his call, "2 more? who?"

"Yaa, Is this the way of talking to someone elder than you? You did do the same thing earlier too? Where is your manner? Did I teach you that way huh?"


Out of blue, Newmoon felt a little bit guilty.

With a sigh, Jina continued, "Is this what they called karma? what goes around comes around?"

"Back then I used to be like that..same as you..and is it karma being reflected at me right now?"

Indeed what she said wasn't entirely wrong. There were times when she lost her sh*t too..and she vented it to mom and dad too. She thought now karma was hitting her with the same karma as she did back then.

"Noona..? Let's stop talking about past subjects. PAST IS PAST!"

Newmoon straightly buried the subjects.

"For now let's focus on the present! Tell me who are those 2 people? As far as I know, your mother-in-law is a single widow right?"

Newmoon asked in a serious tone.

"Yeah, she is..!"

Jina responded in a carefree manner.

"Her best friend, MRS.SONG and her precious grandson Mr. AIDEN SONG!"

Only low-key people like Newmoon and other average family members would be unaware of such a profound family name In reality. They are so caught up in their small thinking and world that they don't have such huge knowledge about the business world of their country south- Korea let alone leave about an international country like the UK.

"SONG'S family are greatly known as one of the most successful investors of all time, Group widely affected by "MY group..! They had several branches all over the glove alongside in Korea as well."

Peacefully considering every detail Newmoon argued with facts, "If they were that prestigious then, why bother to come here? I bet they must have a huge and more luxurious building, castle than one's here.??"

"um. About that, I don't know the reasons much. But I have heard on every holiday they tend to come there in the same old building. Rumors even said that the place where you are staying right now was the most memorial, favorite, and near to the heart of their late husband. They had started their first small business from their own little home and heard that's why that house means a lot to her(mother-in-law). So, despite their other large castle building, nothing beats more than their small house."

To look from a different perspective, it almost looks like a touching one.., which could even have the potential to turn into a non-fictional world. Newmoon never thought the reasons behind it could be just simple.


Indeed the love, commitment, and promises were much more meaningful and trustful of old generations. Nothing beats more than the old's ones.

As Newmoon's mind wander around again, His eyes gaze stopped at the several couples all around the bus. Even from earlier, where girls were a bit taken by strangers' their beauty now was already glued to their respective partners in a way 'till the death part us apart' type of scenario.


Newmoon squeezed his eyes both in disgust and embarrassment.

"seriously.., It's good to develop faster but not this way..!"

His eyes again go around one corner ahead exactly across him.

They were holding each other's hands like an inseparable condition.

Newman's face almost wrinkled like a 90's year old grandpa.., kinda similar to a nearby grandma's face.

"Yeah..now I know why I didn't go blind back then..! God gave me these eyes till now just to see this kind of shitty things..! Is this why people said, everything happens for a reason?"


"Oh yeah.., noona.. sorry I just caught up on a heat..,!"

"what sort of..? glancing at girls?"

"Nah Nah..!"

"How time has changed, it just felt like yesterday where we, kids would be terrified, fearful about even talking to the opposite gender, let alone about touching and doing *****..but nowadays. it's all..sigh!"

"WOAH..why you're feeling jealous too? Hmm?"

Jina teased him.

"Nah..just comparing time. And thinking deeply..!, It always makes me wonder ya know..!"

"Hahh! Sometimes you talk strangely. anyway, Be nice to Mrs.Song and his grandson..! According to an earlier report, what if you two fall in love and get married? If so you will be the 'daughter-in-law' of such a holistic family..haha!"

"NoONa.What the- It was just supposed to be-

"I know I know. I am just kidding too.



*Beep* Beep* (sound of a doorbell)


What he saw there totally made Newmoon himself surprised!

Then, a sudden voice of Jina noona echoed in his ears.

"Oops!! I almost forget the main reasons for calling you! Don't forget to clean the whole apartment! I am repeating it. Don't forget!"

Newmoon, "…"

"I want to let you know that mom-in-law is a clean freak. She doesn't even like a 'D' word of dust-

"- yaa, noona seriously? Are you being real.?"

"You called me for that stupid reasons-!"

"Oii!" Jina immediately interrupted,

"Don't pretend to play innocent. I know you very well. What type of person are you? I wanted to remind you.!"

"Your dirty underwear and clothes must be dried off and thrown somewhere in the corner of each room-

The words hadn't been finished yet, and across Newmoon, he saw the color of his reddish panther type of underwear's tip seriously laid on the ground.


And again the voice of his sister rung beside his head,

"Old, wrenched shocks must be pushed inside the worn-out shoes!"

Newmoon's head automatically turned down. He bend his waist and grabbed one of his shoes which lay on the right side of the front entrance door from where he was standing still.

He poked his fingers inside it and felt something strong hard metal type of thing in his hands.

With its tip of that thing, he pulled it out only to see the exact poor to death condition of that shock.


It was exactly as she had predicted.

The only difference till now was the spider rolling, walking out from either the hole of shocks or the shoes..a third person.

Then, again the audio kept on playing continuously as if it were on the loop.

"And windows too, every corner.., I am worried the character of the mirror must have been changed to something that even it forgets to reflect reflections. It must be chapped and blurred. what if the condition is much worse than I assumed hmm? Like not being able to see the outer thing too.-

There she predicted a little. However she was being cautioned and there was really nothing being the one too..and most often if the person was Newmoon!!

"They are completely different than us. So at least for today do it an extremely."

"Okay okay, rest assured I will."

"Not only the forehead part.., but the entire huge body..! I am well aware of your cleanliness method too..!!Don't dare to skip the corner area, She will know in an instant.!"

Hearing such nuisance characters of mother-in-law, Newmoon's head throbbed and he exclaimed in an agitated tone, "Woah…feathers of birds do flocks together hmm??"

Newmoon was already on the edge of breaking point hearing not only her mother-in-law would come alone but with extra two other people as well and now listening to the rubbish about some weird things about her made Newmoon nothing more than deadly sick.

All these years, Newmoon had been grown under the wings of Jina. Being compelled to work under strict rules and regulations was hard growing up. Newmoon the laziest one in the whole family got his ass wiped off from his sister jina during all those years. How can he forget about that? And he had sighed a long breath of relief when she got married and flown somewhere far several oceans across the UK.

But now coming to learn that her mother-in-law was of the same breed, he couldn't hold any longer his grudges against the neat freak.

"I thought you were one of the only rare species of a clean freak but from the way it sounds it seems like there is another person who is a real mother of you hmm?"

"Like Mother-in-law, Like daughter-in-law too!! same. Diamond attracts diamond."

"No No, She is way more neat freak than me!"

Jina outcasts more of it.


It was that moment when he came to know that he was brutally fucked up. Jina alone was almost hard to deal with, and now her mother-in-law---

Newmoon couldn't even imagine the outcome of it. Suddenly, all of his overthinking got jammed too.

"So stay alert about that..and yeah it's true I thought I was the only one..the fact everybody told me I am"

When she told everybody..it meant to be their mother. Cause she never learned to listen to others besides her mother.

"But no..as they said the world is huge, they weren't wrong. Your brother-in-law is more sensitive to dirty than me, I even heard him say. I stink..and then comes mother-in-law…!"


All the explanations sounded unreal. Giving the hints, The upcoming persons mustn't be taken lightly..the one who even bestowed his Jina noona.

During the time, Newmoon's whole mind wandered toward the metaphysical subjects about frequency, vibration, etc, back then in middle and high school.

Coming to the present, Newmoon walked off to his room, and another reality strikes and awaits him,

"There must be a huge leap, a pile of your clothes all over the bedroom."

Yeah, reality check.

From left to right, up to down, there wasn't any space left for feet to stamp on..! He even was stepping on a piece of clothes while standing there and looking at the mess out of his room.

Newmoon turned into the kitchen.

"And not to mention about the rack of utensils laid on the sink, left miserably, and a place to live for all flies, and a birthplace of cockroaches too..!"


Then he moved solely to the front of the mirror, where he tugged down the long piece of clothes which he often used to cover it.

And find himself in the worst situation ever.

"Now talking about yourself, your health sanitation, Your hair must be greasy, oily and dry..and of course smell odor too!"

Newmoon touched his hair on an expressionless face only to get hit by honesty again.

It indeed was the same as she described. No wonder she was his noona.

"I made sure I washed it every once in a while. but still..this chapped..!"

He barely washed it..only on weekends or once a week.

And for the rest of the days, as Jina pointed out he only brushed off the front area..around the forehead only with water.

"I never understand why every boy sprinkled and brushed off their hair with water, I mean..after dried off, they will get greasy, and most importantly it stinks..eww..!"

Newmoon's nose got wrinkled and twitched as though Jina noona had hit him in a vulnerable part.


With a long 'Screech' driver pulled out the bus.

"Ok.. noona, I got your point. I'll be walking now, call me later. Take care, bye."


Before standing up and getting out, Newmoon blinked in a bewildered manner.

The fact he couldn't digest the truth any longer made him act out of normal. The longer he listens, the more his secrets would be exposed and will sarcastically hit him.

Newmoon put a mask on his face, with a broom and large plastic bag on each side of his hands, ready to clean the entire apartment.

"Hmm...t's gonna be a long night tonight! let's get this done already!"

Oddly enough, he empowered himself to get work done in time.

Time flew by in each minute and perhaps several hours too. And yet for the first time, Newmoon was still the same enthusiastic and full of energy. What got into him nobody knows.