WebNovelSo Will I69.77%

Chapter=30(It feels like I don't belong here)

Still, it was expected. If not own a few big properties..why would they call themselves an influential family right?

Aiden wriggled his finger at a few more buildings like five stars hotels, real estate, and many more bragging about their group. Meanwhile, newmoon lowered his chin and slanted his eyes at him, his mind thinking something else.

Finally, the hyung he knew was back. Yes! This side of him was cheerful and reliable. Much more comfortable too. With him, it could feel like he can share everything without the fear of being betrayed. Though the blood of influential people still, he acted like one of the average people. Maybe that's one of the reasons why he felt weirdly close to him.


With a long 'screech' the bus stopped suddenly. Newmoon almost flew his head on the front seat. Next second, Several footsteps of people entered the bus. In a spilt minute, The bus was packed like a pickle in an air-tight jar.

Newmoon's eyes twitched, "..However, if he was that prominent why not bring his car-?"

Having not gotten a chance to even finished his thoughts, somebody from the back of the crowd smacked his head.


He genuinely wanted to cry at that moment. Unfortunately neither he could glare back to god knows who was the person nor he could raise his voice. He secretly cursed Aiden for that reason in some way. Being the heir of such a prestigious family, how come he hasn't owned a simple car as well?

Pouting his mouth, he turned his head towards the window in a way as if he didn't want to show his disappointed look to him.

He wanted to hate such a feeling but couldn't bring himself to hate it at the same time as well. After all who don't like comfort and materialistic thing in their life? Thus, He was blinded by human greed.

After long hours of shopping, they eventually stopped in front of the big mobile store.

"Here! Take a look and pick one from any of them."

Aiden's voice was calm. His postures show seriousness. Unlike newmoon whose expression and shoulders were shrunk down a bit every time they entered new stores due to low- confidence. Most of the time he knowingly hides his body behind the shadow of Aiden. The largest brands, spotless crystal-clear floors, and high elegant ceilings never fail to skip his heart.

And now he was finally put in the most uncomfortable spot.

Newmoon raised his eyebrows as though he didn't believe his ears, "E-Eh?"

Aiden causally walked off and sat on the sofa not too far away while nodding his head twice. His body language was normal and calm as if he often does the shopping.

Seeing his surprised eyes, Aiden crossed his legs and responded in a mild tone, "Don't look at me with those expressions. I know your other phone doesn't work. So, it's my gift to you!"

Now that he mentioned his phone, it was the truth. Ever since his mobile fell on the ground and got soaked in the rain it malfunctioned ever then. That's why within that period he never had any conversation with his family as well as Jina. He had planned to repair it once his exam finished but it slipped through his mind.

Knowing his place, newmoon lowered his eyes in hesitation. He gives it some thought about if he should or not. In the end, he better decided not to create such unnecessary drama in front of the workers. And the fact they were already inside and the gift was from Aiden, he couldn't help himself but agree.

Newmoon broke down in a sweat as he nervously give a short smile to the worker there who was standing on the side smiling at him. Now, he had no other way than to step ahead and pretended to look at the phone model which was showcased in a row. Different national and international brands were distinguished in their row.

Pointing at the 3rd row, he leaned forward and asked for the suggestion of the worker in a small shuddering voice, "U-Um, w-what-?"


That worker slightly leans towards him.

His voice almost sounds similar to the goats. Newmoon himself didn't know why he was crackling.

A drop of sweat slid down the back of his neck.

Before responding in a clear and big tune, he gathered all the sticking saliva inside his mouth and gulped down in all one go thinking it might be the cause of his shuddering.

"What about this model?"

"Ah! This?"

The worker smiled excitedly, now he knew the customer's choice.

Then, he began to blabber about its products and models of it. Newmoon just wanted to go home already. So, he randomly pointed his fingers at the one that caught his eyes in a flash and was nearer to him.

He was grateful enough to Aiden that he was the one buying so he assumed it wouldn't be decent to be a picker.

Immediately afterward, Aiden's hands grabbed the phone model. He put it down and replaced it with branded Eyephone model.


In an instant, newmoon snatched back his hands in shock. His eyes were shivering in shock.

Him? An eyephone? Carrying an eyephone XX? His soul wouldn't accept it.


Newmoon shook both of his hands and head constantly.

Blinking to him once as if he was saying 'it was alright, he turned to the worker and gave him his card.

Newmoon could only purse his lips and head hungry in guilty.


Aiden exhaled a long breath as he slide down his back on the wall of the local restaurant. And newmoon sat down on the opposite side. Beside the table lay tons of shopping bags they bought. But what's inside the bag? Even newmoon didn't know about it.

Ordering the pig's intestines, meat, and other similar dishes with a side dish to the waiter, Aiden added a ton of soju bottles too!

"Why do we need that much soju? We're only two. And I don't drink much as well?"

Newmooon wondered.

Drinking his water, Aiden smiled as he looked up in the same direction as newmoon was, "Because of course we can't let our haemin alone right?"


The atmosphere turned stiff in a second. There was no need for newmoon to turn around and confront him as the next second he heard the 'creak' sound of the chair being dragged back he already saw haemin sat sitting down beside him.

The phrase 'Today's meat isn't gonna taste great' was hanging on drooping eyelids. He sadly gulped down the first sip of soju subconsciously.

While haemin who was busy chattering to Aiden secretly slanted his gaze upon newmoon, his mind seemed to be thinking about something else, "…"

Time passed by seconds, minutes, and then hours. Aiden kept on ordering more soju, beer, and meat. Among them, only the newmoon seemed to be left all by himself although he was a boy too. Once in a while, he pretend to laugh at Aiden's joke just to make sure he was having fun too and rest assured Hyung and the rest of the time simply blankly looking at them.

It was good enough to drink the soju with two people but Nah..! "These drunkards people only like to be around drunkards people."

Newmoon sneered as he glared at both of them in envy.

"How come they have a thing to talk with each other? Whenever I see them, they're too attached like girls gossiping about boys."

Squinting his eyes newmoon slightly perked his ear more towards haemin unknown about the future.

The moment newmoon's arm touched haemin's arms, he instantly haemin retract his arms back leading newmoon almost to fall to the side.


"See? I was a second away from almost striking my head now..! As I expected you must despise me to hell."

Newmoon smiled shortly with a heavy heart.

"W-Woah! Newmoon, what are you doing? Are you all right?"

Aiden's voice sounded from the front, worried.

"Yeah! He was like that the other day too! Why in the world everybody hates me, Jina, and our family?"

He began to question himself internally.

Rubbing the back of his head newmoon sat in his original position,

"Haha! My elbow just slipped. Maybe I'm beginning to get drunk?"

Again his voice continued, "What did we ever do wrong to them?"

Somehow newmoon's heart started to feel drowsy as an indescribable sadness rose from the deepest level of his subconsciousness. Maybe he was getting drunk after all?

He simply pour the soju and kept on gulping on down as though he wanted to swallow down the bitter feelings. The hustle and bustle of the restaurant kept on increasing, with more number of late office workers joining the dinner with their company group. Somewhere on the cornerback side, the child was crying so loudly that drunk people were shouting to stop their child. Newmoon heard it all. He noticed every single soul roaming, running, and chattering with their friends, relatives, and lovers. Seeing them, a foreboding feeling arose in his heart. He didn't know what it was or from where it came.

He picked up the piece of meat and eat it then drink the beer. He went on and on.

But the more he drink the more he felt like he was all alone by himself not only in their group but in the entire restaurant.

"There are hundreds of people around me and 7.7 billion people all around the world and yet….I-"

He took a fine glance at the cup of soju and muttered silently, "I am alone."

At this point, his eyelids were about to touch the lower eyelids. Without his knowledge and permission, his eyes began to get filled with water.

"It feels like I don't belong here. Man- I want to cry. I don't know what type of loneliness is but it's painful.."

He took another sip and put down the cup. With one huge gulp, he successfully swallowed the tears down along with soju. The method and trick were a handful. It always saved him in these sorts of situations.

Maybe cause he indeed drank a lot or felt an immeasurable weight in his heart, his face began to get redden.

His hearing soon buzzed on both sides of the ear. Slowly, he rested his head on the table and curled around with his hands as if his consciousness was gradually slipping through his hands. Not long after his vision got blurred, he simply closed his eyes.


It took haemin few minutes to realize the condition of the newmoon.


"Let's call it a day, Aiden."

Haemin put down his empty cup.

Whereas Aiden on the other side was still sober as always. His alcohol tolerance level was above newmoon's thinking process.

Glancing at newmoon, Aiden understands. He nods his head and tried to get up, "Haa~ It was fun today!"

"Something good must have happened today!"

Haemin remarked.

Upon hearing it, Aiden smirked shrugging his shoulder.

Holding his jacket, Aiden asked for a favor, "Yo, help me a hand by carrying him and taking him outside. I'll pay first and then I'll catch you shortly after."

Haemin didn't say anything in return. "…"

"Btw, leave the shopping bag there. I'll bring it."

Then, The figure of Aiden disappeared.

In the mid-evening, only passed-out Newmoon and haemin were left.

Haemin sighed deeply before he began to lose the arms of newmoon which was wrapped around his head.

The next second, newmoon finally let go.

Before haemin could pull his arms to wrap around his shoulder, His gaze fell upon something.


A drop of water was shining near his closed eyes. He couldn't see much further than that cause newmoon's head was hung low.

Was it a drop of soju? Or..tears?

As if newmoon was about to wake up, he moved his head around from left to right hysterically and finally stopped when he hung his head upwards his body heavy as concrete.

Upon carefully looking down haemin figured out what was it! It was torn. Judging from the evidence of the tear marks being disappeared before they could even slide down only means one thing. He fell asleep with his eyes filled with tears.


"Oi You still here, man?"

Only when he heard Aiden's shouting voice did he woke from the daydream.

Hurriedly, haemin wiped the tears off from newmoon's eyes before he carried him over on his shoulders and dragged him away.

To the outside, newmoon kept on muttering like, "H-Home i..gotta.. home g-go!"

If newmoon could only mumble that one phrase Haemin would let it slide but no! He kept on wriggling his body like a touched earthworm one every 3 seconds and the other time kicking his legs into mid-air. In that part, even Aiden came to control newmoon. One time, Haemin almost got kicked into the private area too!

Hearing him constantly underneath his chin on one side and controlling his wriggling, seizure-like body on the other side, an irritation flashed in his eyes. Their eyes were straightforward in a way as though he was resisting from throwing that earthworm lookalike body away to the side bush as though he was throwing some waste materials. Nobody would know the whereabouts of newmoon's body.

Finally, Aiden was able to get the cab before they ran out of time.

In extremely careful ways, they put a newmoon inside the cab. Closing the door, Haemin wondered from the outside of the window.

"Are you sure you're not late? It's half past 11."

A trace of concern sounded in his tone.

Giving a thumbs up, Aiden responded in a bouncy voice, "It's alright. They won't be returning home today. More.."

Coming to the last part, Aiden's voice was more cunning than normal. The lips turned into a twisted smile.


Haemin, "…"

Aiden received the messages as soon as he plopped down on his bed after a quick shower. He managed to drag the body of newmoon and placed it in his bedroom.

He opened the messages.

"We aren't coming back today. Keep a close eye on the newmoon. It's her order."

The eyes 'See? I told you?' was hinting at the messages as a reply.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the other part of the country, grandma seemed lost in her thoughts.

She was standing peacefully with her arms crossed staring and listening to the silent roar of the breeze on the surface of the swimming pool.

Handling a change in her hand, Mrs.Song stood behind her following the same gaze as her friend.

"Um- Now that you're aware that he will be leaving tomorrow. Aren't you gonna send some gift to your daughter-in-law's parents and family?"

With a pause, Mrs. Song chuckled as she secretly paid attention to her expressions, "Or. Should I say your in-laws?"

However, grandma's expression remains unchanged for some reason. She quietly drank her wine.

Having not received any reply for her, Mrs song continued in a cunning tone, "Don't tell me you're planning to send him away empty-handed?"

Grandma halted as if she thought of something, "…"

And so was Mrs. Song.

In disbelief eyes, Mrs. Song protested, "Aigoo! It's not appropriate to fall on that low level as them, just because you don't prefer your daughter-in-law."

Honestly that night, grandma was more silent than ever.

Just with the name of 'Jina', her entire body would itch in hatred and now she was silent like a sea.

"Common, still you should keep our name both in the industry and family tradition. What would people say if they found out..?"

Mrs. Song sneered.

She stole a glance at her and announced in an excited tone, her eyes hiding mystery, "let's do this then. I've got a plan. Why not try sending some trash and garbage thing to make them realize their low place? And let them distinguished and be clear that just because their daughter had entered our family doesn't mean they belong-"

"-That's enough!"

Grandma interfered in an indifferent tone.

"I don't play dirty."

Then, she continued pulling a straight face.

"..It has got nothing to do with her younger brother as well as their family. This bitter hatred relationship is between me and her. By following the tradition and culture of our family I'll treat the rest of them accordingly. After all, we're related as in-laws."

Turning to Mrs. song, she patted her shoulders, "We're leaving tomorrow morning."

Her sudden unexpected decision left Mrs. Song speechless.

Under her gaze, all Mrs. Song could do was lower her head and nod in agreement.

Soon after, grandma left.

Witnessing such character development in her old days put her body on a cliff of excitement.

"..What a surprise! You've changed a lot ever since you've come here!"

A fine line of satisfaction shimmered at the corner of her eyes as she grins.

"I'm really happy! I wonder if Jina had to do with anything?"

The next morning the sun rose quite early than usual. Hinting the days might be much brighter and warmer than the other days.

Newmoon woke up slowly wiping the drooled saliva from his mouth and cheeks. The moment he finished, the data of crazy memory fell into his head like a stream of water. It was unavoidable.


With a large 'thud' newmoon fell to the ground from shock. For the first time, he hoped he could strike the floor with his head so that all of that embarrassing flashbacks would vanish forever like it was never exist. It didn't matter if he was the only one who couldn't recall.

"GODD! Just kill me instead!! why do you keep on torturing me like this??"

He tugged his hair and cried in despair.

"Past things hadn't settled down yet and now I have created another humiliation and cringe scenario.! Die. Die.."

There wasn't a day where he spent all normal. Every once in a while some drama did occur.