WebNovelSo Will I72.09%

Chapter=31(Care to take a peek at it??)

He screamed at the top of his lungs. Haemin, who already disgust just by the sight of the newmoon, now commits the unwashable sin. He successfully made a fool of himself.

Thinking about the worst of the worst scenario he starts to toss and twist his body. Sometimes, he crawled and shrunken his body in crispness. He wanted to vanish from the entire world.

Spitting his craziest memory, he cursed himself.

Suddenly, something quickly flashed in his red eyes. It was like a switch on.

He froze for a second, sliding his eyes pupil from left to right as though he was organizing his thoughts. The next minute, his cheeks lifted upwards hysterically.

A dark smile shone on his face.

"Haha! I'm such a fool. How come I've never thought from that perspective?"

He smacked himself.

He puffed his chest in pride, "Haha! He deserved it!"

"That discrimination settles down equally. How dare he treat me like that? First mattress and second at a restaurant?"

Suddenly, A cloud got dispersed in his face and the clear sense of the situation hit him for good. The same hand he used to tug his hair was now used for brushing and patting his hair.

He got out of bed, feeling extremely happier than ever. Honestly, he had wanted to avenge a long time ago. But the chances and excuses were missing. But he maintained to keep a clean profile while doing dirty things at the same time. It was killing two birds with one stone.

"Hehehe! Karma man karma! You get what you sow."

With a 'creak' sound, he opened the large floor-to-ceiling window and stood on the balcony to absorb the morning sunlight.

"Though I didn't get a direct hit to his **** however, I'm ok!"

The thought of kicking him and giving him his piece of mind was enough to avenge him. It made the newmoon feel on top of the mountain.

The warm breeze flew. Something was different that day. He felt it from the wind and the sunlight he was absorbing. Maybe cause he was leaving that day?

He flinched when he recalled why he was feeling that way!

Immediately afterward, he dashed to pack up his things into his luggage and also pretended to side sneak to grandma and Mrs. song at the same time too?

His heart skips a bit about recalling the consequences of yesterday's act. However, at the same too, oddly he was relieved thinking how Aiden Hyung was with him too. His deep heart rest assured him everything was fine and within control. It was 100% foolish and impossible to think that way still he was calling into that false hope. Why? Cause he was reliable. By sharing the same roof for months he came to realize he was reliable. So Being with him, Aiden must have come up with a few plans or must have a card under his sleeve. That's for sure.

Inhaling a deep breath, he suggests to himself, "It must be fine. Hyung must have done something to cover me up! Otherwise, the household wouldn't be this peaceful."

Humming to his assumption, he began to work on his stuff.

Time passed on. Newmoon made a quick breakfast for everyone but the fact he didn't see any sight of a family figure threw him surprised. Neither grandma nor Aiden was anywhere to be seen. However, instead of getting worried about them, his mood even gets brighter than the sun thinking now that he won't have to deal with them.

Finally, at around 10 o'clock newmoon stepped out of his room and kept his red luggage in the sitting room. He didn't have many things to pack in the first place. Some clothes and the rest were packed with gifts that his Jina noona sent for the entire family.

Newmoon first wore a red casual outfit which was not so different from his home outfits but at the end of rush time, he decided to change it thinking it might not be appropriate to wear simple cheap clothes in front of their high prestigious family. After all indirectly he belonged to an influential family too!

He wore a plain white shirt with a denim jacket as a top and completed the attire with Sky blue jeans. He didn't change much of the design cause he stuck to the same casual looks. The main difference was the price tag and the brand's names!

Newmoon had heard the quote and saw all around the internet: "Rich people go for a simple casual look." The bell was ringing in that wavelength. However, the price was higher than all the black market.

That's why newmoon copied and presented that philosophy too! The outfit was the gift that Jina had bought for him when they were in Seoul. Normally he couldn't care less about the attire or whatever..as long as it could cover his chest and down areas.

Before he walked back to the sitting room he once again checked the door if it was properly locked or not. Thankfully, Yesterday while they were out of house shopping, Aiden called some trusted repairman and repaired it on the knack of time.

Veins popped on his forehead as he continuously tried to twist and turn the lock, "Hahh! How did I get into this pit?"

His overthinking was turning into a delusion after a few go. Finally, he let go.

Although he was parted with Jina noona and can't connect with her these days he knew one thing. That she would brag to him about the locking system too!

"Hah! That should do the thing!"

He walked swiftly to the sitting room and stopped at the same pace too. Now the time he was hoping least to interact with came into play. No matter what he should say about the parting time with so-called witches.

Till this day, He hadn't uttered the thing about his leaving by himself but he knew the news had traveled to their ears by Jina noona. They hadn't got themselves in contact because of the phone but she had long known about the departure date and time.

He bit his lips subconsciously as he walked back and forth.

If the situation was like the past where he was all naïve and innocent then maybe it would get easier for him to act all good boy around them even wagging his tail around him but…

Every once in a while he slide down the luggage seeming to make his mind go secretly but again he held back for the same reason. He squeezed his eyes in pain while his soul was splitting in two.

After knowing the truth, newmoon had spent most of his outside of the home using excuses as preparation for the exams and the remaining extra time pretending to act carefully while not getting interacting as well.


A minute later, Newmoon pulled up his chest as though he finally gathered the courage to do so!

Just when he was about to take the first step suddenly, his eyes got blinded by a strong figure.


It took him a few moments to return to his senses.

However, before it could complete, He heard the cunning voice from the front.

"I see you're all ready to go! Let's Go!"

Hearing the second last sentences Newmoon felt his legs get dragged down to the ground. A blank look in his eyes.

He quickly questioned to aid in a way if he misheard, "W-What?"

Thinking for a second, He laughed in a cold sweat waving his hand as if he wanted him to stop, "H-Haha! Common Hyung! You're a terrible liar. I caught you. Now you can stop. Hahaha!"

With trembling hands he grabbed the handle of the suitcase in twice, a forceful smile still showing on his face, "I appreciate your help but Hyung you don't have to send me off!"

Somewhere inside his mind, A little bit of fear began to arise the more he walked ahead as though he knows he was wrong But somehow still kept on denying the possibility of fear.

Turning a deaf ear to his words and turning a blind eye to his expression as well as getting up, he took his footsteps forward.

A grey suit with the same matching pants was enhancing more of Aiden's inner beauty. Newmoon didn't go much into detail about his outfit as something more important was going on.

Aiden, "…"

After a long pause of silence, Aiden broke out in laughter.

"Hahaha! No-No You got it wrong. It's not like that!"

As soon as he finished his sentences, the new moon halted. He confronts with an awkward smile, "Hyung, Is it what I'm thinking now?"

Brushing his hair down on his forehead, He nodded.

"I'm tagging along with you too!"

Newmoon, "…"

That's it. The truth about whom he wanted to run away from. His face turned extremely cold like iced water. Her awkward smile also vanished as well without a trace.

Seeing the disappointment in newmoon's eyes, Aiden wondered in a doubt, "By any chance, you don't want me to…?"

He lowered his tone as he drooped his long eyelashes, "Now I am hurt!"

Instantly a response reached newmoon's lips, "Hahh! Don't kid me. You are mistaken. It's me who should be hurt by your sudden decision."

He almost blurted it. Secretly he swallowed it all.

Newmoon was truly thankful for whatever Aiden had done for him all these days however letting him tag with him kinda sounds a bit…

Instead of falling on his pitiful weak side of Aiden, a small vein popped on his forehead.


Of course, he was dying to spend some time alone by himself and the rest with his family members. That was the main purpose for this entire return. And his decision shook the entire plan as well.

"I can't deny the fact he is the only good person here in the family but…this time I've had to decline for my selfish reasons."

He thought to himself.

Meanwhile, some movement happened from the other side.

Aiden approached near to newmoon and lifted his hands to show something from the phone.

He spoke slightly earlier than newmoon as though he knew what was he gonna blurted.

"Care to take a peek at it??"


Newmoon noticed it was the conversation chat between Aiden and his Jina noona.

"W-Why are you-?"

Raising his eyebrows newmoon asked.

Aiden poked his finger at the bottom of the mobile screen as if he was showing something else.

Newmoon looked down. From what he saw, all they had to communicate about was the trivial and normal things. He doesn't witness any abnormal or unexpected text shared between them..other than the last part.

Newmoon, "?"

It was the audio player.

Aiden clicked it on their behalf of him.