Chapter 3:Pray or Die

Again I heard a cry for help, which was followed by screams. It was coming from the nearby church. I wasn't sure what to do should I head to the town and look for my friends or go save this man? What would my brother do I thought to myself. He would look at me and scold me for how I'm a police officer now and that it was my duty to save people. With a deep breath, I pulled Becky's reigns towards the church with her resisting out of fear. I pulled again with her tugging against the reins. Eventually, she listened and took us to the church.

We entered through the gates of the church, I pulled Becky's reigns to make her Becky stop. I hopped off her and closed the large steel black gate which was the entrance to the church. In the middle of it was a golden cross symbol. I locked the gate to prevent any other of those zombies from entering. I held my shotgun checking if it was loaded at full capacity it was a Mossberg 590A1 going up to 10 rounds. I could probably survive with it for up to a month if there were a few zombies but if there were a lot more I would probably be dead. After saving this person we could work together to find a group. Shelter, food, and weapons would be our main priority then I thought to myself. I shook my head I needed to focus who knows what's in there I better save that person first.

I grabbed Becky's reign as we walked the dirt road leading to the church. It started to rain heavily, great what else could go wrong I thought to myself. We walked up the marble stairs of the church as I pushed open the wooden doors of the church. I pointed my shotgun through the door as I entered slowly. There were 2 zombies at the end of the hall near the pulpit. I brought Becky inside the church with Rover quickly locking the door behind me.

'Thud' the door lock went as I closed it. The zombies turned towards me I put my shotgun away and pulled out the dagger. The noise would only attract more zombies. The zombies ran towards me one was a zombie in a brown suit and red tie. Seemed like a man in his 50's he was almost bald with a few streaks of gray hair on top. I stabbed him in the head as I pushed him to the floor on the side. Following him was a lady wearing a light brown coat, a pearl necklace, and long blonde curly hair. looked like a wig mostly she grabbed me trying to bite me as I stabbed her from below the chin driving the dagger into her brain and killing her. As she fell the hair she was wearing also fell off. I grabbed Becky's reins and pulled her towards one of the corners of the church.

"Stay," I said to her while gently patting her.

I walked towards the backdoor of the church maybe the man was in the garden I thought. I opened the back door as I entered the garden behind the church.

The church's garden was only lit by one lamp coming from the church's outside lamp. I scanned the garden looking if there were any zombies nearby, but I found none at all. There was a stoned well at the corner where the Nun would collect water and serve it to people. I walked down the wooden steps as I closed the door behind Rover following me. I had left my shotgun inside the church as I thought I wouldn't need it which was a very dumb idea.

I moved forward scanning the area around me. Still no sign of anyone, I pulled out my flashlight and slowly walked toward the backyard to see if there was anyone there. I decided to go towards the graveyard which was a bit further. As I started getting further and further away from the church I noticed out of the corner of my eye slow movement a bit in the distance. Rover snarled at the thing that was there I knew it was not a human. I pulled out my dagger and pointed my flashlight towards it.

It was a zombie who was chewing on something, it looked up towards us with its mouth covered in blood. Its red eyes stared directly at me and it let out a loud screech. It quickly leaped at me knocking my dagger away. I quickly pulled out my pistol and shot it. I didn't get a good look at it but it was a man in his 30s with black hair wearing a black suit and black tie. I pushed him away grabbing my dagger. I knew it wouldn't be soon before other zombies arrived.

I ran towards the graveyard the graves finally appeared and there was a bit of fog so it was hard to see. I could hear the weird noises of those zombies tho. All of a sudden there was a gun firing as a man was yelling die.

I ran towards the noise hoping I could make it in time to help him. All of a sudden I felt something scaly and bony grab my ankle and pull me as I tripped. Now I was mad I turned around pointing my gun toward the zombie but there was no one there. I was confused I looked at Rover and he was sniffing the ground. That's strange I thought and all of a sudden a hand emerged grabbing Rover by the neck. Pulling out my dagger I tried cutting the flesh of the zombie only to be met with bones. There was no flesh at all and Rover was choking. I didn't know what to do if I used my gun Rover would get hurt as well. I kicked the boney hand as hard as I could as it broke off.

I could see something trying to rise through the dirt, a skeleton started to emerge and when I say skeleton I mean it. In front of me was a skeleton boney figure. No flesh just bones with these red eyes. Bones you would say growled at me and I didn't know what to do so I punched it in the face as its head fell. Well that was easy I thought to myself but I was wrong. Its body picked its head back up again reattaching itself. Well, that's even freakier compared to the zombies. these things are smart too, I pulled my pistol shooting it through the skull but it was still alive. I punched its head again knocking it off this time it was making weird noises and the skull propped itself up and started hopping towards Rover using its jaw. Quickly I stomped on its head crushing its skull. This stopped the body from standing as it fell to the ground. Well, that's how you kill these monsters weird.

"Come on Rover we got to find the other guy," I said as I ran towards the gunfire.

I could hear the gunfire getting louder and louder before I bumped into a zombie. Not hesitating I blew its head off as I saw more zombies look toward me. seems like there were a bunch of zombies circularly surrounding the man trying to topple over him.

Bang! Bang! My pistol went as I kept on firing into the zombies trying to make a path to the center of the group. I saw a man with a white lab coat and a rifle. I didn't have much time I used my right hand to grab the back of his collar and my left pushing zombie faces away. I pulled him hard almost making him trip, he didn't understand what was going on.

"You want to live or die" I yelled as I tried pulling him out.

He followed me quickly firing the zombies coming in the way, we got out of that group and I started running towards the church with Rover behind me and that man as well.

My legs were burning and I could barely breathe but I didn't care as I forced myself to run. The zombie herd was chasing us, I looked back and thought I saw some weird white glow behind them, I was probably seeing things I thought but then again expect the unexpected. We reached the Church's back door its light dimly lighting the area. I fired at the light so it would be hard for the zombies to find the door.

The man got ahead of me as he quickly ran up the stairs opening the door in a rush. Rover entered along with him and I grabbed for the handle but all of a sudden he slammed the door shut. Before he could lock it I tried forcing it open propping the door open a bit.

"Why are you doing this, let me in " I yelled.

The zombies were getting closer and closer this guy was going to get me killed. Rover bit him in the leg trying to pull him away.

"Oww, stupid dog" he screamed kicking Rover away.

I was about to die I only had one chance to get in I pulled my pistol and shot through the door shooting him. He fell to the ground as I opened the door quickly shutting it behind me.

"What the hell is wrong with you" I yelled at him as he lay on the floor blood spilling from his chest. His wound was fatal.

He looked at me smiling like some maniac now I was really mad. I punched him in the face and grabbed him by his coat. I could see he was a doctor from the badge he had, he was wearing these circular black glasses and had chocolate brown hair his front tooth was a bit misplaced. Some doctor he was tried to lose a life rather than save one.

"What's your name kid?" he asked.

"Daryl, what does it matter to you your dying anyways," I said angrily.

The doctor's weary eyes met mine for a short time, their intensity cutting through the heavy silence. "You know, you're stupid," he muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and resignation. "In this world, it's every man for himself. Don't waste your time relying on others or trying to save anyone. It's just you now, no one to lean on, no one to trust. Everyone's intent is to kill and survive at any cost. No one cares about each other anymore, not like they used to. Humanity? It's long gone. It's a cold, harsh reality out there, Daryl. It's either live or die, and no one else will make that choice for you."

His words rang in my ears, my eyes widened in disbelief, and I was etched with a mix of anger and disbelief. "You think I'm stupid?" I growled, my voice dripping with defiance. "Maybe you're right, the world's gone to hell, but that doesn't mean we gotta give up on each other. We gotta fight for somethin' more than just survival. There's still a flicker of humanity left, and I aim to protect it. So you can keep your bleak outlook, Doc, but I ain't gonna stop carin' or helpin'. 'Cause if we don't, what's the damn point of it all?" I said to him with a determined glare.

"Doc?" I said as he stopped moving, he was dead I couldn't believe it. I became the one thing I hated the most a murderer. His body started shaking as his skin started turning green, I pulled out my dagger stabbing him in the side of the head.

I fell to the ground feeling all alone, was this the end? I didn't have much time to think tho as the door behind me started banging. My shotgun wouldn't be that helpful in this type of situation. I grabbed the man's Rifle which was an AK 47 as I walked slowly away from the back door. Becky was panicking at the back as well screaming.

In a blink of an eye, a bunch of zombies were punching the door creating holes through it. The door gave in as a herd of zombies entered the church. These were like twenty to thirty zombies I could not take them all on. This was the end there was no hope, no escape I pointed my rifle and fired as I lost all hope of survival. It did not have much of an effect.

They started to spread out most of them heading towards me and a few walking towards Becky as she screamed. That bunch of zombies leaped on Becky as she screamed out of fear, Rover was cornered by a zombie as he growled at it, but deep down I knew he was afraid. A zombie leaped onto me knocking out my rifle. It was on me with its drool falling onto my face. Other zombies were rushing to grab a bite out of me as well. I pulled out my dagger putting some distance between the zombie and my beautiful face.

I stabbed it in the head pushing it aside as I kicked the other zombies away from me. I reached for the Rifle as I fired in the crowd getting up and running towards Becky. I fired on the zombies about to attack her killing them all. Rover was strong enough to take care of himself he pulled the leg of the zombie making it fall down as he bit the leg pulling it apart.

All of a sudden a white light emerged from the back door blinding me temporarily. As I gained my sight again all of the zombies had disappeared as if they were never there. I got up and ran to Rover.

"Rover hey you okay," I said as I patted him. He started whimpering looking towards a small white light floating in the air. Becky was shivering and fell fainting. Something wasn't normal at all. I grabbed the rifle pointing it towards the light. My skin started getting goosebumps as I started shivering it got cold all of a sudden.

A weird type of being appeared that was all white and glowing. It looked towards me and instantly I knew it was not an ally.

Its eyes were red my best guess was that it was a ghost. It had these weird large tentacles below it. In a flash, it flew towards me Knocking me off my feet. I started firing at it but it seemed as if the bullets had no effect and passed through it. It came towards me and passed through me I felt as if I was being choked. I couldn't breathe at all it was like I was drowning. Tears started flowing down my eyes I tried to breathe but couldn't. All of a sudden I fell to the floor gasping for air.

I was grasping for air as I saw it coming for me again. I jumped ducking behind one of the chairs as it penetrated the ground. My lungs all of a sudden tightened and I tried to breathe but I could not. It felt as if I was in a vacuum. The lights started to flicker more as my body started to get colder.

I dropped to the ground gripping my shirt as I tried to breathe for oxygen, I could feel my soul being sucked out. I did not understand what was happening. Rover looked at me freaking out as well as he started barking at the entity. I looked upwards as my vision started to go blur. I could see these red eyes staring at me with its mouth open sucking something that was red and blue.

I looked more closely and realized it was the ghost that was draining away my life, I grabbed the rifle and started to fire at it. It still had no effect and went straight through me. I was going to die this was the end for me. I guess this is where Daryl dies I thought, couldn't even find my brother yet, died in vain to a ghost. Out of my last final desperation and sheer will, I tried standing up and holding up my rifle. I shot upwards towards the chandeliers which were gas lit as they fell through the sky.

I rolled away as it came crashing down, not wanting my body to be crushed. To my surprise, as it fell on the ghost it screeched piercing mine and Rover's ears. Its whole body was lit on fire. It looked at me differently filled with full rage.

It flew outside of the church from the back door destroying everything in its path. The well that's where it probably went. Fire was its weakness its the only way to kill it. I grabbed a chair and smashed it into the floor breaking it. I grabbed a nice sharp stick as I walked towards the chandelier that was on fire and lit the long stick in my hand on fire. This was the only way to save myself.

The ghost came back again this time more angry.

"Run" I yelled to Rover.

It hurled itself towards me as I ducked for the chairs. Destroying all the chairs in its path.

It was just as I planned, I grabbed some more destroyed parts and tossed them toward the small fire that had formed in the center of the church. The ghost noticed this and again tried to attack me, only to be met with the small fire weapon that I had made. It screamed more in pain as it touched it. The fire started to grow more, the ghost was full of rage and backed up away from me. It flew towards the top of the church not wanting to be touched by the fire.

I pulled out my pistol, firing it to make it angry so it could attack me. This time it was not, I was going to die in vain if the dumb ghost did not come down. I looked towards the other chandelier and ran towards the left. If I fired from the right angle it should fall on the ghost. I fired my pistol towards it, and as planned it fell with the flames touching the ghost as it fell to the ground and the chandelier breaking.

The chandelier came crashing down on the ghost as it screamed more in pain. Again the ghost tried to attack me, I tried to dodge but fell. The heat was catching up to me. The ghost had pierced and torn off some of my skin. Again it was retreating upwards this time I was not going to let it escape. I threw the stick on fire I had in my hand across the church hitting its body. It screamed as it fell to the ground engulfed in fire.

The church started to collapse as the fire was spreading more and more. I quickly grabbed another stick, lit it on fire, and ran toward the ghost. It was already screaming in pain but I had to make sure it was gone for good.

I ran towards the fire pit my face full of sweat I started coughing due to the smoke. I ran towards the ghost and jabbed it through the body as it screamed, it started to glow even more white. In the blink of an eye, it started turning black as it evaporated into dust.

Rover tried to wake up Becky by barking but it wasn't working so he did the one thing Becky hated most. licked her face this woke her up as she stood on her feet.

I walked towards the doctor's body grabbing his ID, even though he tried to kill me I would remember him as I put his ID in my pocket.

"Come on Rover we have to get going before more zombies come or the fire gets us", I said as I ran towards them.

I grabbed my rifle and shotgun pulling my phone from my bag. Grabbing Becky reigns I got on her with Rover jumping on top. Walking towards the front door it was almost on fire so its infrastructure was pretty weak. I fired at the door with my shotgun blowing it away.

I looked at my phone's screen as I had a notification;

"Dear citizens of America,

We write to inform you of a critical situation unfolding across the globe—a deadly virus outbreak that is transforming individuals into monstrous beings. To safeguard your lives, we strongly urge you to immediately proceed to relief medical camps, where military personnel will be available to provide assistance and escort you to safety. If, by chance, you come face-to-face with these terrifying creatures, it is vital to prioritize your own safety above all else and swiftly retreat from their presence. May fortune smile upon us as we confront this unprecedented threat, and let us stand together in unwavering unity as we navigate these challenging times."

The relief camp was the next destination maybe my friends would also be there we could survive forever if we have each other.

I decided to also get some more ammo from the camp as well. Becky walked down the stairs as we walked towards the large gates, I don't think I could forget this day.

I opened the gates as Becky walked outside.

"Hya! Becky let's go to town," I said as she started to run. Our next destination was the town which also got me wondering was the town not on fire. where did that ghost come from and how many more weird creatures were there? Also what happened to my friends Jack and Leo and the sergeant I hoped they were okay. They must be in the town aiding the people I assumed, this was also another huge mistake I had made as questions started to form in my head.