chapter 4: NEW World

As the Sun rose and we were walking down the damp street into the town I looked up the sky seeing the mix of sky blue and orange in the sky. The town was getting closer and closer as we were travelling until we finally arrived. The town had alot of entrances and one main road going to San Francisco. The plan was to find any survivors and head to San Franciso to find people there. Maybe the military would be there since its a major city.I saw a 7 Eleven nearby and decided to stop over there to collect some food. The power was cut off so i grabbed the doors edge sliding it. I slowly entered with the rifle in my hand as I walked past the aisles seeing if the coast was clear. After sweeping the whole place and finding no zombies Rover and Becky entered. I grabbed some dog food, a packet of baby carrots as Rover loved the stuff placing them all in my bag. I walked towards the fridge to grab the water which was now warm as i drank it all. We had these cereal boxes here that came with bowls so I took out two of them pouring water into both of them giving it to Becky and Rover. Well looked like I was gonna have a pretty nicemarket breakfast that included those cheesy packaged crausants, chocolate cupcakes, lays sour and cream onions and a large cup of Slush. I grabbed a lighter and put it in my pocket just in case if I needed a source of fire. Even grabbed some chips, bubble gum and soda. I quickly gulped down a bottle of water and ate a packet of chips for some energy. I know not the best way to refresh myself but it is the end of the world I can't just sit at some place and cook myself some nice meal as zombies would come and attack me.

I also went to go use the bathroom and surprisingly it was clean. This was probably the first clean bathroom I found in a market. I quickly used the bathroom and got moving. I got on Becky and set my way towards the town again.

Becky was pretty tired from running so it took some while for us to get to the town. Our house was pretty far from the town so it would take some while to reach the town. We approached the city the fire had worn out and some of the buildings were burnt.

We kept on walking and had already entered the town, it was as if everyone disappeared. The town became a ghost town. I walked more into the city and at the center of the city was a blockade.

It was all covered by wooden fences, maybe these were the towns defense against the monsters. I tried to look for an opening but there was none. The fence stretched for over 2 miles. It was shaped like a square so I had to walk around all over it to look for an opening.

After walking around the whole blockade for about half an hour we finally found an opening the problem was Becky could not come with us. I ran to a nearby shop and took Becky there. I closed the doors to make sure no one find Becky. I quickly ran towards the entrance then with Rover. I promised myself I would not abandon Becky.

The entrance was very small, it was hidden behind a police car and a person would have to crawl through the car to get into the entrance. I looked up in the sky and noticed there were a lot of crows up there. This was strangely unusual, I opened the car door and let rover through first then I sat in and closed the door as a precaution.

To make sure no other zombie would follow us inside or chew off my legs. I opened the other door and rover went out first as I crawled my way out as well. There was a small tight cap rover easily passed through while it took me some effort. I finally passed through to see multiple tents set up.

These were most probably relief tents and medical tents. There was no one sight which was pretty strange. I pulled out my rifle as my arm started to hurt in pain due my injury. I walked more towards the camp, there were some children toys abandoned on the street and strollers. The closer I got towards the camp the more things I started to notice. Some of ground was smeared in blood trails and then ended all of a sudden which was pretty weird.

The crows kept flying over me keeping a watch over me, this kind of made Rover uncomfortable. I walked towards the medical camp with my rifle tightly gripped into my hand. I entered one of the tents however no one was there. One of the sides of the wall was covered in blood. The tent consisted of a small bed, a chair and a small table filled with medical supplies.

I sat on the chair and grabbed some Tranexamic acid, quickly and slowly I applied it on my bleeding arm. I then grabbed the bandages and wrapped it around my arm. Rover sat on the bed watching me as I was bandaging myself. He kept guard of the entrance making sure no intruder would enter. After treating my arm, I got up and grabbed my rifle that I had put beside me.

Slowly I walked out of the tent checking if there was any zombie in sight. The coast was clear, we got out and started looking around for any survivors. The camp was pretty big so it took some while for us to explore. All the tents were empty so I assumed they must have escaped but there were some trucks left which was pretty weird.

One thing I noticed though was that some tents had blood on the wall, yet there were still no signs of any zombies. That was pretty weird, it was as if all of them had disappeared in an instant. I kept on walking to the last area of the relief camp that had not been explored. I slowly walked towards there and as we approached I could sense something was wrong. Even Rover was slowly walking towards there.

We quickly entered towards the corner tent as I put down my bag and loaded my rifle. There was definitely something wrong I could smell it in the air. I walked towards the corner of the tent and sat down. I pulled the tents sheet up and took a little peek. I looked towards the right and saw nothing. Slowly I turned my head and looked towards the left and got shocked to the core. With utter horror I watched as these beasts feasted upon a child eating her and tearing her from limb to limb. I couldn't take it anymore.

This world was making me go crazy, at this rate there are probably no survivors left. I'm probably the last man left alive. I got up and found a diary on the chair. It was a small leather dairy filled some notes about a doctor and told what every day he had gone through. It seemed new as only four pages were filled. It had a pen attached to it so I decided to keep. I quickly wrote down everything that had happened to me to calm my nerves down. After writing everything down very quickly I sat down on the chair thinking what I was going to do next.

Rover was still whimpering I could tell something was wrong. He kept avoiding the medical bed. I grabbed my rifle and but the diary in my pocket. I bent down to look under the bed to see this weird slimy green thing feasting on a doctor's body. This was not a zombie; it was some type of giant worm that seemed like green jelly except it was slimy. It looked towards me, its face was hideous it had only one eye in the center and a pair of weird teeth. It screamed at me, I quickly fired at it as it exploded into slime.

I quickly ran out of the tent with Rover behind me. From the corner of my eye i noticed a bunch of figures emerging from the shadows. I could tell it was the zombies, quickly i ran towards the place we had entered from into the medical camp. I looked back to see a bunch of zombies and slime monsters chasing after me. I quickly turned around backwards running and fired randomly into the mob. At least a few zombies fell down and I was pretty sure I got a head shot. that was around 10 to 12 kills now. By the end of this day if I survived I'm pretty sure I'd have the most kills in the whole world.

I kept on running as fast as I could Rover ahead of me. The zombies still kept on chasing us screaming. We quickly approached the car we came through Rover went in first making it to the other side. I quickly threw my bag in the car and got in slamming and locking the door behind me. I could hear the zombies approach behind me as I was crawling my way through the car. They banged against the window as I was crawling. At this rate it would break and they would enter the vehicle. I turned around facing them firing straight through the window firing into them. At least I killed 6 of them.

I quickly came out through the other door grabbing my bag and slamming the door shut. It wouldn't be long before the zombies somehow manage to leave and chase them. I knew I could not run back to the market I left Becky in as there would not be that much time to escape. The best thing to do would be hide in another store.

I quickly kept running until I found a store that would be hard for the zombies to find. I found a dark green small store in front of a tall building. Quickly I grabbed rover and ran towards the store as fast as I could be closing the door and ducking towards the side where the zombies couldn't find me.

I waited for five minutes until I was sure the coast was clear and I was not in any danger. I then got up and put Rover down. The store was pretty huge and dark, I took out my flashlight and held my rifle tightly incase if there was any monster inside. I started to walk through the aisles shining my torch to see what they had. There were lots of Molotov cocktail bottles and bear traps. I think I had entered the hunting store. I walked more forward to see else they had, there were a bunch of rifles here AK 47, P 90's and some more. I then realized this was not a hunting store, this was one of the military weapon storage camps they had situated in our town. I quickly ran through the aisles seeing what else they had.

There were pistols, ammo a lot more rifles, dynamites, landmines and even a rocket launcher. I ran towards the end to see a metal crate box. It was dark green made out of steel and had a lock on it. I quickly pulled out my dagger and broke the lock. I quickly pulled aside the green cover for it to reveal some grenades. Underneath those was something I had dreamed of, it was an ultra-veteran rifle from world war 2. This baby could fire nine hundred bullets a minute and had at least 30 magazines.

I quickly pulled it out, it was really the real gun they used back then, these guns were super rare as it was hard to make them. The metal of this gun is hard enough to crack someone's head open on the first try with ease. It was pretty heavy in my hands, underneath this gun was all of its ammo beside it a katana and shurikens. I don't know why there was a katana and shurikens with it.

I quickly put down my bag and emptied everything out of it. I put all the ammo in the bag and put a few in my belt with shurikens and grenades as well. I pulled out my dagger and tossed it aside keeping the katana inside. I threw away my shotgun and other rifle as they were useless to me. I put my phone and food supplies in my bag with the dog muzzle as well. I got up to explore more with my new gun in my hands.

Rover was ahead of me looking at something, I walked towards him to see a stealth operation suit. It was black with ammo belts everywhere and pistol holders as well. I quickly took it and changed into it. Every side of it was bullet proof protecting me.

I quickly grabbed my bag and put it on as I started walking between the aisles. I picked up my pace as i started looking for dynamites and landmines if there were any here. I found them and quickly started taking them out. I went to go grab a crate and trolley and started loading the land mines and dynamite carefully in the crate. I had a big plan in my head of how I was going to get rid of all of these zombies.

I quickly started heading towards the exit of the store when something caught my eye. There was a big rocket launcher in an open crate. I quickly walked towards it taking it out and filling it with one rocket. I kept it with me just in case if my plan would backfire. I quickly grabbed some gasoline boxes as well and found a lighter. I also loaded some Molotov cocktail bottles and bear traps into the crate I had with me as well.

I slowly walked towards the exit of the building and checked through the windows if the coast was clear. There was no zombie in sight, I looked towards the tall building in front me, my plan was to plant dynamite in there and lay landmines on the road. I would lure the zombies and monsters here and blow up the building as they crumbled underneath it. Just to make sure they all die I would also light the whole collapsed building on fire to kill every one of them. The chances of this to succeed were one in a hundred but I was willing to take the risk.

I unlocked the door and quickly walked with the crate to the building ahead of me. Rover behind me following me quietly.

I quickly walked across the road, and went straight into the building. I opened the crate and took out all the dynamite I had put inside. I grabbed them in my arms with the rope and ran towards the second and third floor. It seems as if God was on my side as the whole building was empty. I went up to the second and third floor of the building and carefully planted the dynamite on each corner of the building and pillars so it would collapse. I connected the ropes together with each other and threw the end of it out the window. I then started pouring gasoline in the building near the dynamite and pillars. I walked outside the building then and poured gasoline all over the road and put the dynamite rope on top of it. I placed bear traps as well around the round that way it would slow down the zombies.

This way when I would lure the zombies here I would immediately light the gasoline on fire and so would the rope also catch on fire as well. I quickly grabbed my rifle and walked towards the camp area where the zombies were. I took a Molotov cocktail with me as well and carefully tucked it in my bag.

I grabbed my rifle tightly as I walked towards the camp, I was very careful and tried to walk as slowly as possible as I could to make sure no zombies would hear me. The plan was to enter the camp and start running around so all the zombies could follow me.

I found the entrance we had come through the car was on the side totally destroyed. This was not that surprising to me as there were a lot of zombies. I took a deep breath and quickly walked through the entrance to emerge towards the other side.

There were a few slime monsters that a I saw feeding on a dead body.

I quickly yelled "Hey slime balls come catch me if you can" as i started running. They turned towards me as they screamed and started moving like a snake chasing after me. I turned around while running and fired towards them killing them. Rover was ahead of me running it seemed as if he understood the mission.

He quickly ran forward and started barking as loud as he can catching the attention of the other zombies. They turned their heads toward us and started screaming. This caught the attention of the monsters and zombies all over the camp as they started screaming as well and started coming towards us. I quickly ran back towards the entrance we came from. There were a few zombies in front of us which I quickly shot down with my rifle as I started running towards the entrance.

Out of nowhere from the sky a black object darted my way and quickly tried to pierce my arm. I looked to see a bird with its talons piercing my armor, there was not much damage to it. Its feathers were all black with red eyes. I quickly hit it with my hand as it tried to bite me. I knocked it off and quickly fired at it.

Out of the sky more of them tried to catch me, I quickly ran dodging them as if there was a meteor strike going on or someone was firing at me. We made it through the entrance as I was about to head towards the I had laid my trap a bunch of zombies were blocking the way. There were also zombies coming from the entrance so I was forced to reroute and ran the other way.

As I was running I saw another huge zombie feasting on what looked at a police officer's body. I yelled at it "Hey ugly come catch me".

I really had to get rid of all these big zombies, it turned around looking at me and screamed. I almost stopped running if it was not rover who started barking at me. That huge zombie was sergeant. I started to run more as tears started to fill my eyes. Did everyone turn into a zombie, my friends, my family even my brother? Was everyone gone, was I the last person on this planet.

What was the point of living then I thought to myself, maybe I should just kill myself right here and turn into a zombie I thought to myself. I stopped running as Rover started to bark at me. I could feel the zombies and monsters getting closer.

Rover came running towards me trying to tug me and kept barking.

"Rover what's the point, just run on you survive let me die here" I said in tears.

Rover still kept on tugging me, his eyes looking at me with sadness I knew this was not a proper goodbye. What was I doing crying I shouldn't give up at least I should try to find another human. Maybe my friends were still alive I thought to myself I have not seen them yet as zombies.

I looked forward to see zombies coming from there as well, I noticed an Alleyway to the side as I ran there with Rover. I had to thank Rover for not giving up on useless person like me. My plan was to try the fire escape in the alleyway but something caught my eye. It was truly eye candy for me, the alley was pretty big and at the end there was a tank.

I was pretty sure I knew how to use one as my brother had taught me it. I quickly ran towards it picking up Rover. I started climbing on top of the tank opening the entrance and got in shutting the door. I sat at the driver seat and could not see outside at all so had to rely on my sense of direction. I could feel the tank going over things which were most probably zombies.

I took a left and started heading towards the trap I had laid, I took a right and heard a big thump on the tank. When I felt like I had arrived at the destination I quickly opened the lid of the tank and threw a grenade outside killing any zombies that were on the tank.

I quickly grabbed Rover and came out, to see a bunch of zombies surrounding the tank. I pulled out 3 grenades and tossed them into the mob but it barely had any affect. I then had a crazy idea, i pulled out the lighter in my pocket and then pulled a Molotov cocktail bottle from my bag as i lit it on fire.

I threw it towards the gasoline area as it all set on fire, a ring of fire surrounded the zombies as they screamed in pain. It turned out fire was pretty strong against them. Then a sudden explosion started to occur, I could feel the ground vibrate. I quickly grabbed Rover and jumped down stepping on a bunch of zombie faces. I quickly ran on top of them as the building started to collapse. In the nick of time I made it out barely surviving as the building collapsed. I quickly ran some more to make sure not to get hit by any debris.

When we were finally safe I stared at a destroyed building set on fire with a bunch of zombies screaming. I noticed something strange however there was a giant shadow figure emerging from the destruction. It was the surgeon I pulled my rifle and started firing at him but it had no effect on him. There was only one thing I could do.

I pulled out the rocket launcher, it was already loaded and aimed towards the sergeant. "Forgive me" I whispered under my breath as I fired. It hit him directly with an explosion as he screamed in pain.

I could not take any more risks so started running towards the market where we had left Becky. I pulled out my mobile to see it dead so that was pretty much useless now. I ran towards the market seeing that Becky was okay and was chewing on some cardboard. I quickly grabbed her reins and took her out the store. I had no idea where I was going to go, it then occurred to me that maybe I should get some medical supplies just in case.

I remembered I had the doctor's ID card so getting in the hospital wouldn't be a problem. Thing was I had to make sure there were no monsters in there and had to get out of there quickly. I quickly got on Becky, Rover hopping along and set way towards the hospital.

Meanwhile deep inside the hospital a young girl was sobbing as she watched a strange creature feasting on her parents only for her to be eaten next.