Chapter 5: The Mental Hospital

Becky kept on running as fast as she could away from the town. We got closer to the hospital, the hospital came between my town and the city of San Francisco. I forgot to mention that my town's name is Daly city near San Francisco. Now you might be asking why was i going to a hospital outside of town well maybe because the reason is I only have an access card to that hospital.

A part of me was hoping that I would find a survivor there. I was starting to get very lonely being alone with two animals. We got closer to the hospital and finally arrived. It was a huge building with a parking lot filled with cars, this meant we were not alone.

My heart started beating as I got nervous, and sweat formed on my forehead. I did not want to meet anyone I knew here who turned into a zombie. I tied Becky to the fence outside the parking lot, not very tight tho so if she was attacked he could easily run away. I took a deep breath as I headed to the parking lot. I held my rifle very tight and started scanning the whole area, looking for figures.

It was almost nighttime as we headed towards the hospital, the parking lot was barely lit well and I could tell tonight was going to be a full moon. I felt the chills as I approached the hospital, something did not feel right.

The sliding doors opened and as we entered, there was a small hall leading to two more corridors one on the right and one on the left. I crouched down and carefully approached the corridors my gun pointing out as I scanned the area. It seemed clear which was of huge relevance to me. I did not feel like killing any monsters anymore.

I walked through the right corridor checking every room, I found a supply of bandages in one of the rooms and a water bottle. I wrapped the areas of my body that had cuts. After wrapping myself I gulped the water in the bottle in one sip. I resumed exploring the hospital again. I was not the type of person who would visit the hospital that much as I had never gotten severely injured and my brother had taught me all the first aid procedures. I hope he was safe, we approached the end of the corridor which was a staircase.

I could hear some zombies groaning from above, it seemed that all the monsters were upstairs. Rover also detected this but this time instead of whimpering Rover seemed angry. I slowly walked up the stairs observing if there were any movements above. This hospital was pretty big and consisted of four floors.

We reached the second floor as the zombie's voices grew louder. Rover walked before me quickly turning towards the left hall. I chased after him making sure nothing would happen to him. He picked up his pace and sprinted as quietly as possible after him. The corridor took a turn to the left where Rover was.

He was walking around to what seemed like a giant vein from vecnas layer in stranger things. Fearing it might move if we touched it I walked carefully over it as Rover leaped over it. I started to observe its properties. It was the color of flesh torn out and fluids transported through it, leading towards underneath a door leading to another room.

As I was distracted Rover noticed something from the corner of his eyes. From the other side was a zombie approaching us. Rover started to growl as I turned to see what he was growling on. I nurse zombie was slowly walking toward us with both her arms missing. A little blood was spilling out from where her arms used to be. I didn't want to get more zombies attacking me so instead of using my gun I pulled out the katana I had.

The zombie did not seem to care as it lunged forward to attack me. I quickly dodged the zombie as it fell to the side. Not wasting any time I slashed its neck causing it to bleed. I thought it was dead however it didn't seem to affect it. It got right up with its head slightly tilting backward.

I slashed again this time half of its neck was cut off yet it still seemed like it had no effect. Keep in mind I had never used a sword before so my slashes were not that precise or hard. With all my full strength I cut off its head in one blow, I heard a plop! sound as its body fell to the floor.

Rover stared at the dead body and then looked toward me as I started to walk ahead. He followed me trying to sense more zombies ahead. We walked across two more halls until they lead to an ICU hall. The hall was filled with dead bodies on the bed. Whatever happened here for some strange reason they did not turn into zombies.

I walked forward to inspect them as a strong aroma of dead flesh hit me. For some strange reason their lips were missing and all of the body's digestive area had been opened with its organs missing. This made me nervous as I had never seen such a thing before, Rover started to tug at me. I looked toward him to see if something was disturbing him.

He looked towards the other side of the room where there were a bunch of zombies staring at us. The moment I looked at them they pushed themselves forward and started chasing after us.

"Shit!" I screamed as I and Rover were running for our lives. We quickly ran through where we came from and headed towards the stairs. As we approached the stairs 2 more zombies were emerging from them. I couldn't kill them with a sword in time and if I used my rifle it would attract all the other zombies.

I was honestly having enough of this end-of-world situation.

"Dear God if you listening and if this is a dream now would be a good time to wake me up" I muttered under my breath.

Having no idea what I was doing I ran out the stairs and rushed towards the other side of the corridor with Rover behind me. I looked back to see a large number of zombies chasing after me or as gamers would like to call it a zombie mob rush.

We were approaching the end of the hall when I opened a random door. I threw my gun into the room and pulled a grenade out launching it toward the zombie mob.

Quickly Rover and I ran into the room in those five seconds slamming and locking the door shut as we ducked down a table.

BOOM! Everything went outside as Rover was whimpering in my arms. Everything was quiet I could not hear any zombies. I slowly crept out from under the table observing the room. It was a normal Office. A table and a large bookshelf display a painting and a plant placed in the corner of the room. Next to the window was a skeleton model. I walked towards the center of the office grabbing my rifle from the floor.

I was about to open the door when I started to feel the building shake. I heard more zombies screaming as they got closer and closer. I started to feel like the face-palm emoji, I truly am dumb. This whole time I was trying to not gain the attention of zombies and now I had gained the attention of all the zombies within the building.

I opened the door thinking I could outrun them and as I did there was a zombie right outside the door. Nope, I said to myself as I slammed the door. The zombie started to bang on the door and screamed very loud calling the other zombies. In a matter of a minute, a bunch of zombies were banging on the door.

The only escape was jumping out the window or getting eaten by zombies. I ran towards the window opening it. I was prepared to break my leg if it meant a survival chance. Lucky for me the fire escape exit was connected to this window.

I quickly climbed out the window standing on the fire escape as Rover jumped through. I shut the window and decided to head downstairs. My instincts stopped me from doing so, if the zombies broke into the office and looked out the window they would see me. I did not want to be chased by a mob of zombies chasing me across the whole planet.

Instead, I ran upwards and decided I would escape from the stairs inside the building as all the zombies would be in this office. I headed towards the third floor expecting everything to be clear. I opened the window slowly and entered the room Rover following me. I closed the window behind me and pointed my rifle scanning the room. The lights were flicking crazily and everything was dark. These large dust particles were floating in the air and there were more of those veins.

The room was another office but this time in a mess. The table was destroyed and looked like it was burned by some acid from one side. The bookshelves were all destroyed with books lying on the floor ripped apart. I walked towards the entrance of the room where the door was missing. Something did not feel right. This wasn't the work of a zombie. It was something far worse.

I walked out into the hall the lights flickering barely illuminating the hall. I had to walk carefully avoiding the veins on the floor. I did not want to step on them and find out what would happen. I walked towards the stairs side of the hallway but when I reached there it was blocked by this weird-looking type of flesh bag. It kept on beating and looked like there was a man and woman in there.

The only way to get to the stairs was by taking a long route from the other side of the hallway. I started walking towards the operation theater which was a shortcut to get to the stairs. I opened the metal door as it slowly creaked, Rover hurried inside going through my legs.

I walked towards the side of the theater however out of the corner of my eye I saw something move in one of the operation rooms. I pointed my rifle toward that room and slowly walked in. The room was not lit at all and it was hard to see. I pulled out my flashlight from my bag and turned it on. Rover started whimpering as I could barely cling to my gun.

There were these weird green spider-legged creatures. They had no face but four legs. All they had was just one giant mouth. I dropped my flashlight as it rattled on the ground. They turned towards me and started screaming, then started making this weird type of gurgling noise. I felt like they were gonna spit something on me so quickly ran out of the room as a weird slimy green thing went flying out of the room. It landed on the wall and the wall started to burn. It was acid!

I quickly started running as they started chasing after us. We ran out of the theatre running towards the stairs. All of a sudden Rover started barking crazily, I looked backward as one of the veins wrapped itself around him and started to drag him.

"Rover" I yelled as I ran to chase after him.

I pulled out my Katana trying to cut off the vein but it was too thick. The monsters almost caught up to us and all of a sudden, BLIP!

Rover was quickly being dragged upstairs by the veins, the monsters had caught up and one of them made a pitching scream. The floor below started rumbling as I could see multiple zombies emerging from downstairs heading my way.

My heart started thumping very fast as my mind got very tense. I was going to die there was no way out of this, unless. I put my Katana back and ran towards one of the veins near the stairs leading up. I quickly opened fire shooting a few of the monsters and zombies. I stepped on the vein as hard as I could shooting it not knowing if my plan would work.

The vein started shaking violently as it wrapped around my leg and pulled me very hard. My face hit the floor and I blacked out. I could feel my body being dragged painfully across the stairs toward the upper floor.

I woke up after an hour or so shivering in some weird type of slimy goo. Everything was dark but there was a small source of light coming from the distance. I tried to walk towards it however felt something slimy blocking my way. I tried pushing it and it felt and looked like those flesh bags.

No way! I thought to myself, I was trapped in one of those flesh bags. I pulled out my Katana and pierced the flesh as hard as I could. I pierced through it and made a cut big enough for me to go through.

The gap gave way as I fell to the floor gasping for air, I tried to look for my gun but it wasn't there. I was in some big room with a table in front of me that looked like there was a human dissected. I looked towards the left and saw another flesh bag and saw a shadow of a dog-like figure.

Rover! I slashed through the flesh bag and pulled out Rover from it. He could barely breathe as well. He coughed out the slime that had entered the body. I took off the goo that was slightly covering my eyes and observed my surroundings. There was a shelf with my gun there, a sink, and some surgical tools which looked more like torture tools.

I walked towards the sink as I washed my face and hair taking off all the slime from there. I couldn't wash anything else because of the suit I was wearing. I grabbed Rover and took off his vest washing his body and taking off all the slime. I put him down as he dried himself then made him put on the vest again. I grabbed my super ultra-veteran rifle.

Rover walked towards the table and started sniffing the hand of the body. I walked towards it as well as a green sheet covered the body. I pulled it off to see a young girl around the age of four dead on the table. Her stomach was wide open as if a chainsaw had cut it. Blood was still flowing out which meant this was recent. Which sick person or thing would do this?

I heard the door open expecting to see a zombie I pointed my gun. It was a zombie but a very different type of one. It had two heads one of a man and the other of a nurse. It had those veins connected to its body and had a chainsaw for its hand. It groaned at me pointing its chainsaw toward me.

The other head lowered its mask and looked like it was about to spit out some of the acids. I dodged under the table avoiding a direct shot. Quickly with no hesitation I got up and started firing at it expecting it to die. After shooting 5 bullets I thought it would die but instead, all the bullets fell to the ground. I was dumbfounded and stared with a blank expression as I realized this monster was bulletproof.

It waved the chainsaw in the air and chased after me, I quickly ran around the table as it chased after me. I whistled to Rover as he understood the mission and ran out of the room. I followed him as well as he lead me through the hallway. I was down to my last grenade and looked toward the zombie. I told Rover to find a room as I ran toward the zombie which was very dumb.

The zombie was confused as well and stopped right in their footsteps. I screamed as loud as I could trying to gain the other zombies' attention as well. I was barely a few feet away from this monster as I grabbed my grenade. It was about to spit acid again as I ducked downwards the moment it fired. Not risking any chance I pulled the pin of the grenade and threw it into the monster's open mouth.

I ran for life screaming Rover as it barked from a room with a door. Quickly I locked it expecting a large bang but nothing happened. I looked around the room and it seemed like a mattress storage room.

I could hear the monster approaching our door and start banging it. I walked towards the window and saw how high we were then looked at the number of mattresses. There were at least eight of them, I quickly grabbed them and started throwing them out the window. The only way to escape was by jumping out the window. I hoped for them to stack onto each other as I threw them down. At least five of them did while the other two were next to it. Meanwhile, as I was doing this the monster turned on the chainsaw and started cutting through the door.

I was down to my last mattress when it broke the door, quickly i threw the mattress out the window as I grabbed my gun, and jumped out the window. Rover also took no hesitation and jumped out as well.

I could feel the strong force of gravity pulling me down as the wind hit my face. Poof! went the mattresses as I had kind of a normal landing. My back hurt from the impact of the land but I quickly got up. I helped Rover get to his feet and looked upwards to see the monster in rage.

It made the loudest scream I've ever heard as I felt the whole hospital shake, all of a sudden a bunch of zombies were jumping out the window falling. Rover and I quickly ran outside the parking lot towards Becky, thank god she was safe.

I untied her and got on her as Rover leaped on her as well, I saw the zombies getting up from the ground and chasing after us. Quickly I set a course for San Francisco as Becky started running being chased by a mob of angry zombies and monsters.