The Quest Order

After exiting the chat channel, Qin Feng continued to kill monsters.

He looked up ahead, and in front of him was an endless grassland.

At that moment, his three talents of sight, smell and hearing were fully opened, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards the depths of the grassland.

He had to find the new vicious beast as soon as possible.

Kill monsters and upgrade!

This lush green grassland was very suitable for vicious beasts, and there should be more vicious beasts than in the Buried Bone Wasteland.

This was also the reason why he left the Buried Bone Wilderness and rushed to this grassland.

Sure enough, a quarter of an hour later, he found the situation.

At this moment, he looked at the earthbag in front of him with a guarded expression.

With his superb hearing talent, he had already heard, from underneath that earthbag, an obscure rattling sound was coming.

There must be some kind of fierce beast hiding under there!

Thinking of this, he gripped the hilt of his sword in his hand.

In this crisis-ridden level 10 ferocious beast area, even ferocious beasts that exceeded level 10 would appear, who would predict what powerful monsters would appear next?

Therefore, he did not dare to be careless!

Only when this thought started, a sudden change occurred ahead.


An explosion!

The grass in front of him exploded and dust flew!

A rock giant, eight feet tall, with green grass on its head, broke out of the ground.

Its eyes were red, its body was made up of gray rocks, and its aura was extremely amazing.

At this moment, it stared coldly at Qin Feng, with contempt in the depths of its eyes.

In fact, it had already discovered Qin Feng and was waiting for this human to pass by the earthbag when it came to make a sneak attack.

But unexpectedly, this human was very alert and found it one step earlier.

[Monster]:Grassland Stone Giant (Mutation Level)

[Level]: Level 11

[Battle Power Evaluation]: 18 stars

[Characteristics]: Berserk, bloodthirsty, territory guardian.

[Talent]:Earth manipulation (D level)


[Explosive Rate]: 11%


It's a level 11 mutation level monster!

The skill is also untraceable!


The battle power is 18 stars!

That's a lot stronger than a 15-star Hell's Two-Headed Dog!

In addition, this monster has mastered D-rank talent.

D-rank talent, only a dozen humans in the entire novice village mastered it.

This was also the first time he had seen a monster with a D-rank talent.

The higher the talent, the stronger the strength!

Qin Feng took a deep breath and did not dare to be careless.

In this world full of killings, it is never wrong to be cautious.

After all, you only live once!


With a low roar, the stone giant was the first to strike.

As soon as it waved its hand, it threw out a round stone the size of a head, smashing directly at Qin Feng, like a cannonball, fast and fast.

Qin Feng hurriedly made a dodge and hurriedly avoided it.


A gust of wind whistled!

The round stone swept past Qin Feng's shoulder and smashed on the ground behind him.


A muffled sound!

The round stone smashed a big crater on the ground and burst open, suddenly the debris flew, the dust flew, the power was terrifying.

If you let it hit you, even a level 10 powerhouse would be injured.


This only level 7 human, reaction speed is so fast, unexpectedly avoided.

I'm afraid many level 10 humans can't match him!

The stone giant was slightly surprised.

Then, it waved its hand again, and with the other hand, it threw another round stone at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng dodged again.


The round stone once again flew past his body.

But not waiting for him to catch his breath, the stone giant threw another round stone .....

In this way, it kept waving its hands, one round stone after another, like a cannonball, bombarded Qin Feng wildly.


This monster is a long-range attack!

Swoosh~! Swoosh~! Swoosh~!

In the blink of an eye, the stone giant threw out a dozen round stones.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Qin Feng's figure flashed and dodged them one by one.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

At that moment, those round stones fell into the air, exploding the grass in the field to the sky and dust.

At this moment, Qin Feng was also secretly thankful.

Fortunately, he has shadow boots, movement speed has a bonus, otherwise there is really no way to avoid all of them.

But this is not the way to go on, he must get close to the stone giant in order to kill it, can not keep taking its attacks.

Otherwise, he will sooner or later make a mistake and be hit by it.

With this in mind, he flashed his figure and went towards the stone giant to kill it.

The two sides were more than ten meters apart, and with Qin Feng's speed, he was as fast as a ghost.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

He dashed to the stone giant in front of him with several consecutive folding dashes.

The distance between the two sides, only a meter away.


Also at this time, the stone giant stomped his foot and the earth shook.

Qin Feng instantly alert, super hearing, so he heard three feet below the ground, there are objects rushing up.

He hurriedly subconsciously to the side of a side shift.


An explosive sound!

A sharp and long stone thorn rushed out from his side and nearly stabbed him.

Damn it~!

This monster can still put the ground spike skill to sneak attack!

The Stone Giant was also surprised.

It also did not expect that Qin Feng could avoid it.

It was at this moment of shock that Qin Feng struck.


There was a flash of cold light!

He stabbed at the heart part of the stone giant.


A light sound of rocks exploding!


The slash went in deep!

Qin Feng let out a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, he realized that something was wrong.

Only to see that the stone giant not only did not fall down in response to the sound, but looked at him with a snicker.

Then, the palm wind started to rise!

The stone giant slapped down a palm with all its might, directly towards Qin Feng's head, with an aura that shocked the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, it had a smile hidden in its eyes, as if it could slap Qin Feng into pulp in the next second.


Qin Feng was shocked, 'swoosh' to draw a long knife, but no longer too late to avoid that palm.

In a desperate situation, he raised his sword across the block!

A palm and a sword instantly collided!


A loud and shocking sound!

The Stone Giant's immense force slapped Qin Feng out at once.

In the next second, Qin Feng landed steadily with a flip.


This human was actually fine!

The Stone Giant was greatly shocked!

With its huge strength, it could kill a level 10 human with a single slap, but the human in front of him had blocked it.

Qin Feng also looked at the stone giant with the same shock.

At this moment, he clearly saw that the wound on the heart part of the stone giant was healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, recovering as before in the blink of an eye.


It turned out that this stone giant's body came with its own repair function.

More importantly, its vital point was not the heart part at all.

That was the same as saying that his previous slash was completely useless.

That said, the stone giant in front of him was just a monster, not a flesh and blood body, only that it didn't even have a heart.

He used the characteristics of a living body to locate the weakness of this monster, which was wrong at the beginning.

Then how should he deal with this stone giant?

Qin Feng pondered in his heart.

The stone giant also looked at him with a stony expression.

This human strength is too terrifying, it is the only one it has seen in its life.

At that moment, Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he seemed to think of a way to deal with the stone giant.

At that moment, his figure flashed and he once again lunged towards the stone giant.


The Stone Giant roared and waved his hands repeatedly, one round stone shell after another, shooting towards him.

Swoosh~! Swoosh~! Swoosh~!

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Qin Feng's figure flashed and instantly rushed in front of the stone giant.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

In this instant, three ground thorns, broke through the earth.

Qin Feng was prepared and heard the sound and avoided all of them.


The stone giant's huge palm also slapped down wildly.

Qin Feng made a side turn and avoided that palm.


The palm was empty, causing the ground to explode and dust to fly.

Qin Feng took advantage of the opportunity to a dodge, a foot on its arm, using the force of a vertical, in one fell swoop to more than five feet high, to the chest of the giant stone man.

Before the monolithic man could react, he slashed horizontally!


A blade light lit up in the air and sliced through the giant's neck.


A crunching sound!

The giant's huge head rolled down from the neck.


The stone giant's body collapsed and turned into a pile of rubble.

It was finally beheaded!

As soon as Qin Feng landed on the ground, a dazzling white light flew away from the broken stones and flooded into his body, a warm feeling spread throughout his body ....

[Successfully killed level 11 Grassland Stone Giant (mutation level), obtained +1400 points of energy value.

[Successfully killed a level 11 Grassland Stone Giant (Mutant level), gaining +3 reputation points.


1400 energy points!

And 3 reputation points!

Qin Feng was ecstatic!

[Successfully killed level 11 Grassland Stone Giant (Mutant level), exploded C-level quest order.]


It exploded!

What's a quest order?

Qin Feng was so curious that he hurriedly went up to check it out.