Crack the Seal of Five Elements

Only to see the pile of rubble, floating up a black token.

Qin Feng hastily picked it up

[C-rank mission token: Activate this token to obtain an open-ended C-rank mission. When the mission is completed, you will receive an extremely generous reward, as well as a dark gold treasure chest.]


A dark gold treasure chest!

Qin Feng's eyes instantly glowed and his heart became excited.

Even if he took the first place in the village's novice test, he could only get a gold treasure chest.

But completing this C-level quest, you can actually get a dark gold treasure chest of a higher level!

In addition to that, it also some rewards, the words described were actually extremely generous.

This shows that these rewards are definitely not bad!


C-level missions are so powerful!

This time, Qin Feng was completely moved.

By the way, looking at the hint of this token, after activating it, what you will get is an open-ended C-rank.

Since it's open-ended, it's better to activate it now.

There was no time limit anyway, and even if it couldn't be completed, it could be put aside for a while.

Thinking of this, he moved his mind and started activating...


In the next second, the mission token lit up with a dazzling white light, and finally disappeared in thin air.

A prompt from Heaven's Path then rang in his mind.

"Announcement: Novice Qin Feng used the mission token for the first time and received 1 point of reputation reward!"


Another prestige reward!


Qin Feng was ecstatic.

Also at this instant, the entire players of Novice Village #911 heard this prompt, and one by one, they were stunned by it.

Without waiting for the crowd to think more, the prompt came from Heaven's Path again.

[Announcement: Congratulations to Novice Village No. 911, which has met the corresponding conditions and activated the Mission Channel].

[Reminder: Players can enter the quest channel to view the unfinished quests under their names.]


The mission channel is activated!

Qin Feng's heart twitched and he hurriedly opened the Heaven's Path light screen.

Sure enough, at the bottom right of the light screen, there was an additional quest channel option.

As soon as his heart moved, he clicked on the mission channel, which had two more options.

One was a personal quest option and the other was a public quest option.

When he tapped on the public mission option, it was empty and there was nothing in it.

He clicked on the personal quest option again, and in the column of uncompleted quests, there was indeed an additional C-level quest.

[C-level mission: Break the Five Element Seal (no expiration date).]

[Quest content: Collect the five King's Heart Cores of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, then go to the Absolute Dragon Slope, find the Five Elements Altar, and break the Boundary Seal of Novice Village #911].

[Task Tip: Once the boundary seal is broken, the players of Village #911 can enter a wider world where there are more abundant resources and more powerful fierce beasts and races, and the world will become even more exciting.]

[Task Tip: The 1000 novice villages in Zone 1, the world outside their boundaries is the same big world. The earlier you enter the novice village of the big world, the more resources you can get.]


So this is a map opening mission!

After breaking the boundary seal of the novice village, you will be able to enter the big world outside.

There will be level 10 or higher ferocious beasts outside, as well as level 20 or higher, or even level 30 or 40.

But the resources outside are also extremely rich!

And the task prompt is very clear, that novice village first into the big world, that novice village has the advantage.

This task must be done!

Unless, that novice village does not want to develop further.

No wonder this task does not have a deadline.

No deadline, that is, until the task is completed, is not the end!

Do it!

This mission must also be done!

Qin Feng's heart was incomparably excited.

He was now worried about where he should go after sweeping through the level 10 ferocious beast area.

Now, he had a direction.

That was to go to the big world outside.

At the same time, it also showed that a thousand people from the novice village would eventually meet up in the big world outside.

When the time comes, there will definitely be all kinds of melee.

After all, one thousand novice villages, from 197 countries and 33 regions around the world.

Many countries are already full of conflicts with each other.

Now, coming to this bloody killing world, without any more moral and regulatory constraints, there is no guarantee that a world war will not occur.

"Don't think about that much, I have to hurry up and finish this mission. The sooner this mission is completed, the better it will be for our Village 911!"

Qin Feng muttered in his heart and hurriedly continued to read on.

[Quest Prompt: The quester is advised to first go to the middle of the 'Off Fall Grassland', hunt the Mammoth King and obtain the Earth King Core. The coordinates of the Mammoth King's location are: 398, 872 in the Leaving Grassland].

[Reminder: The Mammoth King is the weakest among the five kings and the easiest to hunt. It is recommended to group twenty or more level 10 strong players as team members, the success rate of going hunting will reach more than 70%.]


No way?

The weakest mammoth king needs a team of twenty level 10 or more strong people to hunt, and the success rate is not 100%, but 70%.

That's very scary!

Then if he went alone, he was afraid that it would be in vain!

He wasn't arrogant enough to think that he could defeat twenty level 10 powerhouses by himself.

Qin Feng raised his head slightly and looked far ahead.

The location he was at now was the 'Leaving the Fallen Grassland'.

According to the coordinates given by the quest, the Mammoth King was in the middle of the Leaving Grassland, which should not be far from him.


Why don't we go take a look!

Even if he couldn't beat it, it would be good to know the situation first.