
- While Blood Lily was in Muspelheim -

Og'tharoz, with Fryft in his arms, stared at Belial with a serene expression. The tension on the battlefield was palpable.

"Can you stand?" Og'tharoz asked Fryft, but she immediately denied it with her head.

Surprise and, at the same time, recognition filled Belial's eyes. It was clear that Og'tharoz's presence would not go unnoticed by the most powerful demon in Muspelheim. The shadow of the past emerged in front of everyone, and the shock on Belial's face turned into an expression of fury.

Then Belial raised his left hand, engulfing it in flames, and his gaze fixed on Og'tharoz. A wrinkle of perplexity was stamped on his complexion, as if something within his memory had suddenly emerged. It was then that he uttered the words that echoed with a menacing tone.