Sea of Black Flames

Og'tharoz didn't know Fryft, but given her efforts to get Bloody Lily through the door, she was someone worth protecting. However, protecting her while fighting someone as strong as Belial was an extremely difficult task, because the demon who commands the first circle of hell is a wizard and not having much mobility in the face of such a powerful wizard is almost a death sentence.

Even so, Og'tharoz never thought of letting go of Fryft. 'If I promised to protect her, that's what I'll do. He thought.

For Belial, the agility with which Og'tharoz dodged his spells was irritating. He was so fast that it was as if he was dancing between the waves of energy Belial threw at him. Frustrated by Og'tharoz's resistance, Belial stepped up his offensive. He knew that the flames were useless against Og'tharoz for a reason, but making him absorb them was part of his strategy.