City of Tears 2.0

The persistent rain tinged the streets of the City of Tears with a soft sheen, and Kaizen's group ventured into the magical alleyways, looking for somewhere they could find the information they needed about what they wanted.

The sound of raindrops against the city's stone floor created a soft melody as they walked towards a tavern known to many magicians.

The City of Tears was one of the most unique locations in Rise Online, as the entire city was enveloped in a magical atmosphere that manifested itself in every street, alley and building. Wizards literally flew their brooms through the city sky. Built centuries ago, the city was a labyrinth of majestic towers and intricately carved buildings, all erected by skilled magicians but so crooked that they seemed about to fall down at any moment.

Each of these buildings housed private schools of magic, for the different social classes trapped in this city, or stores and houses.