Silver Moon Tavern

The Silver Moon Tavern resonated with the constant movement of the locals, while Kaizen and his group subtly infiltrated the social landscape of the magical city. 

The incessant rain outside provided a melancholy soundtrack, and the tavern's soft lights and warm atmosphere created a setting for lively conversations.

The members of Kaizen's group, acting as if they were experienced locals, spread out around the tavern, intertwining in the conversations of strangers without arousing suspicion. 

Alina, having a keen eye and even keener ears, found a table of mages discussing serious matters of local politics. With an expression of restrained interest, she joined them, choosing her words carefully so as not to arouse suspicion.

"This election to the Magic Council has generated a lot of tension between the districts. Do you feel that too?" asked Alina, having heard about this very council in this group.