Infiltration Plan

When Kaizen, Alina and the other members of the group gathered to exchange the information they had received, they were already at the back of the tavern, where there was just a pile of barrels.

"So, Andrew, how did it go there with those sorceresses?" asked Kaizen, smiling mischievously.

Andrew scratched his head, reddening slightly. "Well, they were interested in the politics of the Elder Tower, but I think they had other... personal interests."

The others laughed quietly, while Alina raised her eyebrows. "Personal politics?" She asked, innocently.

Her question only made the others laugh even more, and Xisrith whispered a few things in her ear, which made her blush like a tomato.

"Ah, so that's what it's about..." murmured Alina.

Kaizen was serious again. "But let's get down to business. Orin mentioned that there's a party going on in the noble district, a party that could be an opportunity for us."