First Circle, Limbo (Part 2)

They all advanced through the Gate of Courage, their footsteps echoing in the desolate vastness of Limbo. 

The castle before them was an imposing fortress, each stone brimming with an ancient and mysterious history. As they walked, a sense of awe and respect came over the group. Their mission was clear, but the journey had only just begun.

Kaizen, ever attentive, looked around, observing every detail of the architecture. The walls were adorned with detailed reliefs that told stories of ancient souls and their courageous deeds. 

Silence prevailed, interrupted only by the sound of his own footsteps.

Alina, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, approached one of the walls, running her fingers along the engravings. "It's amazing to think how many souls have passed through here before us," she commented, her voice whispering with admiration. "Those stories, those lessons... it's like the castle itself is alive."