First Circle, Limbo (Final Part)

The group studied the figures in front of them, each one representing an aspect of love and compassion. 

The mother with a child in her arms emanated an aura of protection and sacrifice; the man embracing the flag of a nation represented patriotic love and dedication to the greater good; the woman on her knees, embraced by a demonic figure, conveyed tragic love, full of pain and redemption.

Kaizen, with his attentive gaze, was the first to speak. 

"The mother with her child in her arms... This is pure, unconditional love. The sacrifice a mother is willing to make for her child is one of the most sincere forms of love there is."

Jayaa agreed, her eyes fixed on the scene. "I agree. A mother's love is universal. It's instinctive, protective. She deserves our compassion and respect."