Third Circle, Cerberus (Part 1)

Alina took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. She knew that deactivating the magical barrier would leave Jayaa, the weakest of the group, vulnerable, but she also understood that remaining there, fighting indefinitely, was not a viable option.

With one last look at Jayaa, Alina began to channel her energies in a different way, searching the depths of the mana that permeated his surroundings for a solution to stop this infernal cycle.

"I'm about to deactivate the barrier," Alina warned, her voice firm despite her fatigue. "Stay alert and together. We don't know what could happen."

Jayaa, with his bard's posture and eyes closed in concentration, nodded briefly. "I'm ready." he replied, his voice laden with a confidence forged in previous battles.