Third Circle, Cerberus (Part 2)

Kaizen stared at the horizon, where Cerberus' red eyes glowed like incandescent coals. 

The snow danced around, blown by the fierce wind that seemed to want to whisper ancient and terrifying secrets. He inhaled deeply, feeling the icy air burn in his lungs, and turned to the group.

"We need to move on anyway," he said, his voice firm but with a note of urgency. "There's no other way to get to the next circle."

Og'tharoz nodded slowly, his dark gaze fixed on the distant creature. "Cerberus is a formidable force, a creature that cannot be tamed even by demons, but I believe we can defeat it."

Bloody Lily looked around, her eyes assessing the terrain and the situation. "We need a plan," she said. "Something that will allow us to overcome her strength and ferocity."

"I agree," Kaizen replied. "We can't afford to be careless. Let's think of something while we walk."