Chapter 44: He Seemed So Nice

Yujin sat on the edge of the bed before continuing. “After you left, I was furious. I sent everyone away and started digging into videos from the security cameras on the jet. I don’t know why, it just felt like I had to see it for myself. Like maybe if I could see him making you happy, I could be okay with it. If that makes any sense.”

I stayed quiet, trying to process their words. They didn’t look me in the eye, but kept their gaze down at the stain on my shirt. After a moment, they continued, “And that’s when I saw his routine. Get on the jet, make you a drink, wait for you to pass out, and then…” I was glad to hear their voice trail off, now that things were starting to come together. “And tonight was no different, Frankie was on a video call with me when he entered. You were clearly passed out, and he was on top of you. That’s why Frankie attacked him.”