A Yandere Milf Mother

Noah Pov


Name- Noah

Age-19 (Unknown)

Species- Human(Abstract being)

Existence- Planetary Level

Spiritual Root- Divine

Talent- ♾

Physique- Divine Destruction Physique(High Level)

Racial Abilities: Existence out of time(Passive)


Existence and Non-Existence(Passive)

Time, Space, and Reality Manipulation(Locked)

Tectonic Manipulation(Locked)

Concept Manipulation(Locked)

Void Manipulation(Locked)



????(A few more)

Abilities: Intermediate QI Manipulation, Minor Destruction Qi Manipulation, Qi Sense, Divine Strength, Divine Speed, Divine Durability, Super Regeneration.

Power System: Cultivation

Cultivation Level: Peak Heavenly Realm

Cultivation technique: Heavenly Immortal Technique (Immortal King Ranked Technique).

Cultivation Spells: FireBall, Heavenly Strike, Earth Shield, Divine Palm,...(More)

After seeing my status I couldn't help but feel surprised after all I am Peak Heavenly or 9th Minor stage of Heavenly Realm at age of 19, which is a big deal since even in Immortal World many geniuses require tens of years to reach the same realm, just shows how much of broken character I am.

Ciel suddenly interrupted my thoughts," Obviously Dear unlike what talent original Noah was destined to have, you have a trillion times better, Or should I say infinitely? Hehe, your talent is even superior to the Son of Heavens!".

Hearing her words, I decided it best to recall everything I knew about this place.

Firstly Cultivation Realms are:

Cultivation realms(From lowest to highest)

Realms within Mortal Worlds

Qi Condensation- 9 Minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-250 years)

Body Foundation Establishment Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-500 Years)

Core Formation Realm- Sub realms: (Maximum Lifespan-1250 years at Gold Core)

False Core Formation

True Core Formation

Gold Core Formation

Nascent Soul Realm- Sub realms (Maximum Lifespan- 2000 years at Adult Soul realm)

Infant Soul

Child Soul

Adolescent Soul

Adult Soul

After this, every Realm has nine Minor realms.

Sky Realm (Maximum Lifespan-3500 years)

Heavenly Realm (Maximum Lifespan-5000 years)

Saint Realm (Maximum Lifespan-10,000 years)

King Realm (Maximum Lifespan-25,000 years)

Emperor Realm (Maximum Lifespan-50,000 years)

Overlord Realm (Maximum Lifespan- 100,000 years)

After this is Immortal Realms exclusive to the Only and one Immortal Realm.

Ascended Immortal Realm- 9 minor ealms(Maximum Lifespan-150,000 years)

Dao Formation Immortal Realm- 9 Minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-250,000 years)

Dao Tribulation Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-500,000 years)

Saintly Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 650,000 years)

King Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 750,000 years)

Emperor Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 800,000 years)

Overlord Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 1,000,000 years)

If I am right then the mortal realms before the immortal ones are also the major realms, 90% of the people in the Immortal Realm(World) are stuck in these realms.

Now you will think that the plane of existence is immortal but 90% of the cultivators are still in the mortal cultivation realm, that doesn't make sense right?

Well, every cultivator has already broken the shackles of mortality, so each can be no longer referred to as a mere 'Mortal', despite the lowest Cultivation Realm, also the only and major difference between Mortal Cultivation Realms and Immortal Cultivation Realms are the type Qi is used.

Anyone in the Immortal Cultivation realm is able to use Immortal Qi, which is so pure and powerful that even a stage 1 Ascended Immortal Can easily kill thousands of Overlord Cultivation Realm people like an insect, just shows how big the difference is, also Immortal Qi is only found in the Immortal Realm or Immortal World.

(Author's Note- I will refer to realms of cultivation as Cultivation realm, and world realms or simply type of world as Mortal or Immortal World)

The current universe might have millions of Mortal Worlds but only Immortal World, which just shows that simply being born in Immortal World is no less than a blessing.

A very few cultivators from Mortal worlds are able to ascend to the Immortal World, and even then their talent might already be exhausted so they are nothing more than mere soldiers for the Immortal Clans and sects like mine.

Now Immortal World is divided into Outer Area and Inner Area, sects, clans, and families mostly who are still in the Mortal Cultivation Realms reside in Outer Immortal World, while the sects, clans, and families in Immortal Cultivation reside in the inner Area, even so, the purity of Qi in Immortal World is still higher so even breaking through Mortal Cultivation Realms is still easier.

Now, there are physiques and Bloodlines, wait a minute why don't I have a bloodline?

Ciel responded," Master why do you need a bloodline anyway? Your talent is already Infinite, and even that doesn't depend on your physique".

After hearing her words, I understood and replied," Thank you, Ciel".

She then giggled and said," Yay! Daddy praised me".

Bruh, it seems she easily changed to her daughter mode, anyway let's continue.

So Physique are(Just see in the World Info)

As for Bloodlines, they are the talent Granted by a Higher Cultivation Realm Cultivator to Lower ones, simple they are an inferior version of talent of a Powerful Cultivation which he/she grants to a lower one, it increases the talent and might even give an inferior version of the physique, while bloodline is a big deal in Mortal Worlds, it is pretty useless in Immortal World since even an Immortal Emperors Bloodline can at most give someone talent to break through Immortal Ascended Realm, bruh, these Immortal World guys are seriously stupid and doesn't even bother with the fact that it depends on Blood purity so if the purity of blood is 100% he/she can reach same cultivation realm as the Originator.

It seems the people of Immortal World have lost the technique to make a pure bloodline, even at most 5% purity of bloodline can be made with the best methods available in the immortal world, also there isn't any method to make or transfer Bloodline in Mortal Worlds so I think it's alright.

Now lastly, is Spiritual roots, which define the talent of a person, or how fast he can absorb Qi.

It ranges from 1 to 10, then Earthly, Heavenly, Saintly, Immortal, and Divine.

I have Divine Spiritual Roots so I also have very fast Qi Absorption and High Talent.

Without a Spritual Root, no one can cultivate, also in Immortal World everyone possesses a Spiritual root no matter how bad it is, but in the mortal world, only 1 in 100 possesses a spiritual root, which just shows another difference between the worlds.

There are also other things like Ranks of weapons, and techniques,( Just see the world Info).

Anyway, it's everything I can recall for now.

Ciel said in mind," Master if you want to know anything later on just ask me!".

I replied," Okay, also I need to start my plans now".

I stood up from my place and walked out of the room, remembering that I can fly and have a teleportation Jade, I took it out and teleported near my mother.


In a Grand Hall, one can see a very beautiful woman, she had pure black colored hair, Purple eyes, E-sized breasts, perfect curvaceous and sexy body if anyone man sees her he will get hard in no time.

She had a cold face as she looked at the man below her.

Alise asked her husband coldly," Why are you here?".

James trembled and choose his words wisely so as not to anger her wife and replied," Alise, we have decided to re-held the selection test again, due to the lack of Disciples we got last time"

Selection tests are the tests in which Disciples are selected for the sect, In the immortal Heavenly sect it occurs every 10 years, but James wanted to reorganize it after just 2 years.

The woman glanced at him coldly and answered," So what? Just do what you want to do, in a week it is Noah's birthday if I don't prepare it well then he will get sad, and you have the balls to disturb me for such a dumb reason in the middle of my beloved son's most important event! hmph!", saying that she kicked the man, James crashed into the wall and puked a mouthful of blood, he looked at her wife in anger.

Alise who saw his face glanced coldly," Do you want to die? If not then leave with your stupid face!".

James quietly stood up and disappeared, it looked like teleported but he ran away at a speed faster than sound, as for why there wasn't any disturbance in the air, it is due to formations laid in the room and many other reasons.

After a few seconds James reached tens of kilometer far, he entered his room then sat in his chair quietly, he whimpered lightly and shouted," You are the one who made the minimum talent level from 6 to 8, not to mention you increased the difficulty of the test, yet you kicked me saying it's my mistake uwuuuuu", thankfully the room was soundproof with many privacy formations, also he was alone so no one heard his cries.

Just like that James continued crying for an hour before, he touched the area of his chest where she kicked him and said," Hehe at least she touched with me her divine legs!", it seems he is not only a crying baby, but a masochistic and pervert as well, also he has random mood swings.

(Author's Note: Just think of it as him being switched from his crying mode to masochostic mode)


Back at Hall after a few minutes, James left, Alise was chatting with elders, about how to organize her son's birthday party.

Suddenly a maid entered, seeing on her intruding them they got angry but knew she might have a good reason to do so.

Maid meekly said," Master, your son wants to meet you".

Hearing that her beloved son wants to meet her, Alise's attitude changed 180 and she ordered," You all get out! Leave me with my son alone, also call him to come inside!".

Maid nodded and quickly ran out, while the other elders simply inserted Immortal QI in teleportation Jade and teleported from there.

Soon Noah entered and saw her smiling mother who came near him and quickly put him in a tight hug while making him feel breathless due to her huge breasts.

Noah tried to break out of the hug but failed, thankfully he was a cultivator and can hold his breath for a few days, after she broke her hug she asked him cheerfully," Kya! My son has become so big now! Tomorrow you will be at coming age!".

Noah looked at her Yandere mother and sighed while thinking,' How the hell she became like this?', for him, Alise was different compared to how she was to the original Noah, obviously, it had a reason for this.

To be continued....