Plans for Lin Ruoxi

(Author's Note: Guys hope ya all enjoy )


3rd Pov

Noah tried to break out of the hug but failed, thankfully he was a cultivator and can hold his breath for a few days, after she broke her hug she asked him cheerfully," Kya! My son has become so big now! Tomorrow you will be at coming age!".

Noah looked at her Yandere mother and sighed while thinking,' How the hell she became like this?', for him, Alise was different compared to how she was to the original Noah, obviously, it had a reason for this.

If Ciel hadn't reincarnated him or transmigrated as Noah, then his by now Yandere Milf Mother would have given him the same treatment as his father, reason?

In Original, Noah was born with an Immortal Ranked physique, which will be a huge deal and was a disappointment for Alise.

Alise gave her virginity to James, for a chance of getting a powerful Child, so as to groom him as her husband. While she could have made herself pregnant with James seeds without losing her virginity with other methods, it would have lowered the chances of the unborn child getting a better talent.

So she used a Dual Cultivation Method which would not only increase the chances of her unborn child having a greater talent but will make sure that the child is male, while the latter is guaranteed the chances of having great talent is still lower.

For Alise, her virginity was a divine offering for her future husband, whom she will recognize as a master of her body and heart, but she didn't find anyone else other than James who while being weaker than her was still the biggest Male genius in the previous tens of thousands of years.

So while gritting her teeth she Dual Cultivatitated with James for 10 minutes, after which when her egg was fertilized, she smashed James's both Balls, made him a eunuch temporarily, and forbade him to touch her ever again.

James being in Immortal Realm had high regeneration but his balls were smashed by Alise who had great control over dao, so he suffered in pain for a while before his passive regeneration kicked in, after that she gave birth to Original Noah but was disappointed that he had only Immortal ranked physique and Spiritual Roots, she hated the fact that she gave something as precious as her virginity only to met with a disappointment.

In the end, after feeding Noah for Nine months she left him with his dad with him he grew up, Original Noah, hated her mother and disliked his father for being a beta so he hated women, so when he came off coming age he assaulted a genius girl from an outer Heaven area, and r*ped her for a few days before discarding her, the sect from which the girl belonged couldn't do anything and on the orders of Noah the whole sect was destroyed and he captured several important women and then r*ped them.

In the end, he became an sc*m and loved torturing women due to his experiences in childhood with his mother.

But when Ciel reincarnated him, she made Noah's original talent Divine and even greater than Alise, so Alise who had an obsession with finding a stronger or more talented spouse was delighted by his birth.

She became obsessed with him and slowly started falling in love with him as well. For a woman who hadn't loved anyone, when she got in love, she mixed it with both familial and romantical and now she has decided to make him her man, shortly after his coming age which is 20.


Noah Pov

I looked at my new mother, I know how her character is, she is a demon-like woman who will abandon even her own son and loves none except her chosen husband, which makes her seem like an sc*m, but depends on how you view it, as a wife she is the best woman one can ask for, beautiful, powerful, rich, and extremely submissive to her man.

As a person and mother of Og Noah she is just a disappointment, because of her original Noah became like how he was supposed to be, thinking of Og Noah, is she just obsessed with me or really loves me?

Ciel responded in my head,' Dear while it's true, she is obsessed but living with you and opening herself to you she had already fallen in love with you'.

Hearing her words I couldn't help but think,' It seems the logic has suicided him or herself".

Ciel corrected me,' Dear different world, different laws, different morals, and so different logic'.

'I see ', I came out of my thoughts and looked at my mother and said," Mother I want to take a woman as my spouse is it okay?".

She became a bit shocked and asked," Whom?".

I replied," Lin Ruoxi".

(Author's Note- Just read about her in world info)

Lin Ruoxi is destined to be one of the most powerful beings in this Universe, she will be one of the four Main harem members of Ye Chen, even so, she is nothing more than trash for Heavenly Immortal Sect now.

I decided to make her my second woman because of her terrifying loyalty and the fact she is already in love with me, even when the Og Noah became an sc*m she kept loving him, but she was nothing more than trash for him, so he discarded her only to be founded by Ye Chen who made her fall in love with him.

Alise who have heard the name I spoke, started searching in memories of who she was and then spoke," That trash? What do you want to make her your woman for? If you want I will get some geniuses in the sect to be your concubine or dual cauldron if you want".

Hearing her words I couldn't help but think she is really vicious, but in Immortal World or even the whole Cultivation world it is normal, only the powerful decide what's wrong or right, weak can only bow and submit. Most of the people in the cultivation world are like this.

99.99% of the Cultivation Physique possessors awake their physique at their birth as for the rest 0.01% awaken their physique later on their even so it doesn't mean that their physique will even at Heavenly Rank, it's even worse, in entire recorded History only one person had an awakened Physqique of Heavenly Rank, as above it none.

Not to mention Lin Ruoxi's Spirit Roots are also only level 3, which is low ranked as h*ll in Immortal world.

Now when I think about it carefully, Lin Ruoxi's template isn't like a female protagonist?

Ciel said in my mind," Dear Lin Ruoxi has the most luck and fate on her side making her the biggest Daughter of luck, even though her luck is lower than Ye Chen's only by 10%, compared to the second daughter of heaven who has 45% less luck than Ye Chen, she would have a Female Protagonist of not for Universe's Will giving Ye Chen most luck, also master once she becomes your woman I will bind her fate with you as an anchor rather than this Universe, so she will remain daughter of Luck, but will be unbound from the clutches of this Universe"

I asked her," Woah, then does this mean you can do the same with every other woman I will conquer?"

Ciel replied," Yes".

Thanking her I came out of my thoughts since I am a cultivator I can think very fast so it's not hard for me to converse with Ciel, between my real-life conversations.

I said to my mother," Mother, I like her, unlike others she truly loves me and I can see that, so I decided to make her my woman,".

After hearing my reply she answered unbothered," Whatever, if you want to make her your spouse then do it, also do you want to start dual Cultivation or do you have any other woman to make your spouse in your mind?"

I said," None, except Lin Ruoxi, others don't deserve to be my woman they just want to become my woman so they can climb up in the position"

After hearing that she replied," Okay, While I don't understand what you see in the trash like her, I am fine if you want to make her your woman, anyway son, Momma wants to show you something!".

Saying that she hugged me tightly making me trapped in her huge assets while teleporting us somewhere else.


3rd Pov

In front of Heavenly Immortal Sect Private Treasure Vault, two people appeared, they were Noah and Alise.

Noah breaks off from Alise's grasp and stares at the Vault and asked," Mother why are we here?".

Alise replied smilingly," Son as you know, this is the private vault of our Sect where all the most important treasures are kept, I have decided as a celebration of your coming age, to gift you with a Saint Immortal Ranked Equipments!".

Noah became a bit surprised and asked," Mother why didn't you wait to gift them at my coming age celebration?".

Alise pouted and answered," I can't wait for my baby's coming age day, to give those treasures and does it really matters when I give them, but don't worry if you think you won't get a gift on your coming age then don't be sad! I have decided to gift you something else on that day for now let me give you this equipment so I don't have to fear about your safety!".

Understanding Noah agreed suddenly an old man appeared in front of the vault.

Alise's expression changed cold at seeing him, but she bowed respectfully and said," Alise greets the Ancestor!".

Noah looked at the Old man and thought,' So he is the strongest person in Heavenly Immortal Sect and an Immortal King Ranked Cultivator! ', he quickly too bowed and greeted him.

The old man nodded at their manners and asked," Alise are you here for the equipment?".

Alise said emotionlessly," Yes Ancestor".

The old man sighed hearing Alise's voice, he then looked at Noah and thought,' I guess at least being a mother changed her a bit, not to mention her that side that she shows mainly when she is with her son '.

He gave her a medallion and said, "This is the key for the vault, return it after using it".

Alise nodded and thanked him, after that the Old man teleported without a Teleporting Jade.

Alise then looked at her son and her attitude changed 180 again as she said," Let's Go, son! Mother can't wait to see you equipping on those armors! Just thinking about how cute and handsome you will look makes me drool! Kyaa!".

She took Noah by her hand and quickly dragged him.

After a few hours,

Noah Pov

Thankfully I am free from my mother now, she is one problematic woman, anyway Ciel can you tell me the function of the Armour?

Ciel replied happily," Okie-Dokie dear!"



Name- Heavenly Golden Helmet

Type- Helmet

Grade- Saint Immortal Rank


Attack Nullification: Nullifies all attacks and harm below Immortal Ascended Realm and lowers the damage of attacks above it.

Repair- Can Repair itself using Immortal Qi.

Mind Boost- Boosts all aspects of the mind by 60%.

Bond- Can't be wielded by anyone else other than its owner and the owner can feel its location and summon it.

Type- Chestpiece

Name- Heavenly Golden Chestpiece

Grade- Saint Immortal Rank


Attack Nullification: Nullifies all attacks and harm below Immortal Ascended Realm and lowers the damage of attacks above it.

Repair- Can Repair itself using Immortal Qi.

Physical Boost: Boost all physical aspects by 75%.

Reverse Force attack: Can absorb attacks and release them.

Bond- Can't be wielded by anyone else other than its owner and the owner can feel its location and summon it.

Type- Leg piece

Name- Heavenly Golden Leg Piece

Grade- Saint Immortal Rank


Attack Nullification: Nullifies all attacks and harm below Immortal Ascended Realm and lowers the damage of attacks above it.

Repair- Can Repair itself using Immortal Qi.

Reverse Force attack: Can absorb attacks and release them.

Bond- Can't be wielded by anyone else other than its owner and the owner can feel its location and summon it.

Physical boost: Boost all physical aspects by 25%.

Type: Boots

Name: Heavenly Golden Boots

Grade- Saint Immortal Rank


Attack Nullification: Nullifies all attacks and harm below Immortal Ascended Realm and lowers the damage of attacks above it.

Repair- Can Repair itself using Immortal Qi.

Reverse Force attack: Can absorb attacks and release them.

Bond- Can't be wielded by anyone else other than its owner and the owner can feel its location and summon it.

Speed Boost- Boosts the user's speed by 1000%.

Type: Sword

Name: Heavenly Space Cutter Sword

Grade: Saint Immortal Rank


Repair- Can Repair itself using Immortal Qi.

Dao Cutter: Can cut through various Daos at the cost of appropriate Qi.

Space Dividing: Can cut through Dao of Space like butter, 1000% more damage against targets possessing Space Dao.

Bond- Can't be wielded by anyone else other than its owner and the owner can feel its location and summon it.

Seeing the status of the equipment I am satisfied, while the armor might seem weak, like Attack Nullification but it completely nullifies any attack below Ascended Immortal Cultivation rank, and still lowers the damage of others above Ranks.

It also has many other functions which are quite useful.

It seems my mother Alise really adores me, the equipment that she gave me is the dream of even Core disciples, and Inner sect elders.

While I was thinking about her, I suddenly felt something wrong about her and asked Ciel,' Ciel, Alise is obsessed with me and loves me as well, so while she might be okay with me having a different woman, how she is fine with me having Lin Ruoxi as my Wife?'.

Ciel replied,' Dear Alise must be thinking you will take Ruoxi as your concubine rather than a wife, I can sense that she wants to be your first wife, well bad for her 1st and even 2nd positions are already been taken! HEhe'.

Hearing her words I understood why Alise didn't bother with me having Lin Ruoxi as my woman, it seems Alise will cause me headaches when she knows I am taking Lin Ruoxi as a wife rather than a concubine and her position will be higher in my Harem.

Ciel replied,' Hehe Daddy, don't worry your obedient daughter is here to help you! Hehe'.

Hearing her giggles I thanked my luck for me having Ciel.

Ciel suddenly interrupted in my mind,' Master you are fateless, so it isn't luck'.


To be continued...