The Coming Age ceremony

(Author's Note: I hope ya all enjoy the chapter)


Immortal Heavenly Sect

One can see thousands of Cultivators going in and out of the Majestic Sect, In the Great Hall thousands of Immortals were chatting while eating and drinking.

Today is the coming Age of Noah, and for this Alise has arranged a very big party, the money she emptied in this Celebration is alone ten times what an Intermediate Immortal Sect would ever have.

Important people from all over the Immortal Realm have come to this event, many people want to make connections with the Immortal Heavenly Sect, and for this many want their daughters, disciples, and granddaughters to be chosen as Noah's concubine in his Harem.

Many servants are even wishing to become personal Maids of Noah, while they will be just s*x partners to please him, even this position will be greater than what core disciples of Lower and Intermediate Sects have.

There are a few reasons for this, firstly the current Patriarch of the sect James does not have any Harem, and he can't do so due to the current Matriarch Alise, which will make the position of Noah's women greater as much more resources will be allocated to them.

Although no one knows how Noah will arrange the standing of his women, they know the standing will be Wives>Concubines>Maids>S*x slaves. Since this is the main standing followed in Immortal Realm, there is also a standing above Wives that is Dao Companion but in this, the female needs to be equal standing to the man, and the fact 99.9999999% of the society follows Polygamy, this practice is rarer than getting an Immortal bloodline though the relationship of James and Alise is a quite an excellent example of this.

To be the Wife of someone as high standing as Noah, the person would not only need Great background but excellent talent and beauty as well. Only the Matriach candidates or Core disciples of the Great Eight Immortal Sects are Qualified for this.

Thus many people want their daughters to become at least concubines, since being a concubine of someone as high standing as Noah means getting the same resources as the prime disciple of an Intermediate sect, not to mention the protection and another benefit it offers.

As for the position of Maid, it's mostly desired by the servants and low-ranking strata of people, since while Maid will mean she won't be able to enjoy much access to the resources of the sect, she still will get resources equivalent to the Prime Disciple of a Low Ranking Sect, and even dual-cultivating with Noah will bring many other benefits.

Thus even though this position is envied by many, as for s*x slaves they are nothing for dual cauldrons which Noah will choose to boost up his cultivation or to pent up his desires.

Though they don't know how Noah is since this System of Polygamy is the most followed, even by the Heavenly Immortal Sect, for them this is their idea of how he will arrange the position of his women.


In the wide Hall, one can see, several female servants dressing up in sexy and revealing clothes, they want to be chosen as Noah's Maids or even best as a Concubine if he takes a liking to them.

The female servants were discussing this topic.

Female Servant 1: I wish Young Master took a liking to me and take me as his concubine! Just thinking about serving him fills me with joy!

Female Servant 2: Indeed if he takes us as his maids or concubines not only our status will be lifted to a whole new level, but the fact we will make love with such a person of great standing will make our life better!

Female Servant 3: If I get to bear the child of such a great man, I will gladly use the Karma of my next thousand lives for this.

Just like thousands of female servants were chatting with each other, they already have arranged the whole event and thus they are free to enjoy the lower services of the event.

They were hoping to get chosen by Noah, become his woman, and bear his child, for a woman to bear a child of someone with great standing in the Cultivation world, signifying that her standing has lifted in the cultivation world as well.

There were many other reasons such as women showing servient to their men by doing this and this was also the most important reason.

While many would say that Cultivation society is dominated by men but this is not true, the only rule in the Cultivation world is strong prey over weak, as if a woman wants a reverse Harem she can do so but she should be stronger than all her male partners, not to mention many Female Dual Cultivators took male harem in the same order as male take.

Though not all females do this, since the thought of serving a stronger man is better than keeping some boy toys, and mostly the Dual Female Cultivators society follow this.

Thus 30% of the total female population follows reverse Harem and there are several reports of Female Dual Cultivators r*ping men and sucking them dry.

Thus it depends on who is superior, if a male is strong then he can marry the woman inferior to him, and the women have to serve him and please him, and if a woman is strong then she can decide whether to go Reverse Harem or search for even a stronger man.

There is also a third way and Alise the matriarch of the Heavenly Immortal Sect follows this way, which is monogamy.


In thousands of female servants, one can see a beautiful servant, wearing quite revealing clothes, her name is Bouqing, and she is one of the most beautiful female servants, just like everyone she wants to become Noah's maid or concubine, and she is quite confident about that.

For, She will get chosen unless Noah is the same as his father, or he has some other plans.

While she was walking she saw a beautiful young woman, and seeing her jealousy strikes her heart, she looked at the woman who had, gey shade eyes and long black hair.

She walked towards her and sneered," My, My? Isn't it Lin Rouxi, why trash like you is here? Don't tell me you want to choose as Maid or concubine of Young master Noah?! Hmph! In your dreams, he will not choose you even as his lowly s*x slave! Trash like you don't belong here!"

Turning towards the voice, Lin Ruoxi saw Buoqing and fidgeted a bit,' Why this demon is here? Don't tell me she will want to insult me in front of me, so Master Noah ignores me thinking I am not worthy of him?! '.

Lin Ruoxi is a daughter of an elder of the inner sect, while this status is big in Immortal Sect, she doesn't have the luxury to enjoy this status, her mother is only a concubine of the elder, and when they found her spirit root talent is just 3 while she doesn't possess any physique either they abandoned her.

She is now just a mere servant, after getting abandoned at the tender age of 5 she understood the cruelty of the World, the mother who doted on her now looks at her with disgust and says she is her disgrace.

As for her father, he never loved her since her birth so his words didn't matter to her, but seeing all her siblings who doted on her before started ignoring her as a plague hit her hard, and due to this she experienced a lot and matured early.

But like all other girls she wants to become Noah's woman, not because of the benefits but due to the fact she loves him, when she was 12 she went out on a mission for a herb in which she almost died due to a beast but Noah saved her and from then became her prince charming.

Although Noah just saved and healed her seeing she is a servant of his sect and the fact he was just a kid at the time, he didn't shy away from helping someone in need.

Even the original Noah was the same, it was later in his teens that he started changing.

Lin Ruoxi looked at Buoqing and replied," Hmph! I may be weak and trash but I am not a b*tch like you! You c*cked your boyfriend who loves you so much just because you wanted some resources and slept with an old man, not to mention you also slapped him a few days ago when he was crying because you broke your relationship and spat out some vicious words!"

Hearing that Buoqing said," So what? I slept with that elder of the outer sect for the resources because that mine boyfriend d*ckhead couldn't provide me with the resources not to mention if I am getting the chance of becoming Noah's woman why would I bother with a low life like him?".

This time even Lin Ruoxi didn't know how to refute, not because offering yourself to the stronger is right but because Buoqing did say right, if she had a chance to become Young Master Noah's woman, why should she bother with someone else?

Whenever Noah came into any topic she always became hesitant, but after some time, she said," How do you even dream of becoming Young Master Noah's woman when you sold your body for profits and even betrayed your boyfriend? Unlike you, If I become Young Master's woman I will serve only him for eternity!".

She said in a voice full of conviction and determination, for her even Noah's slaves should be not touched by someone else and have a character since sleeping with someone else if they are about to become his woman is blasphemy!

It seems whenever the topic of Noah came, her all morals get broken, and for her only serving Noah and being loyal to him is the truth of the world.

They were to fight further but then they heard that Noah, have entered the Hall, seeing that he is in the hall they stopped their fight and just moved away while ignoring them, since they knew it isn't the time to fight.


Noah's Pov

I entered the Hall, which was quite big, maybe a few square kilometers, though it can be said small in the cultivation world for a party for me, but the fact that only the important people are invited and the only lower strata of people here are Heavenly Immortal's sect own servants.

I spread my senses looking at Lin Rouxi and saw that she is beautiful even while not being a Cultivator, I guess perks of being a Daughter of Heaven, also I heard all her talks and from my memories, I get how much she is in love with me, I am going to strike when Iron is hot, and subdue her and make her loyal to me, I have learned from Ciel there is quite sometime before the plot starts maybe a few years, so it's better to collect all the important heroines before even the protagonist gets his chance to take off.

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head," Hehe, Papa praise me! If not for me, you wouldn't have got this privilege of subduing the Heroines before even the plot starts !".

I replied to her," Indeed if it's not for my dear Ciel, I wouldn't have the chance to live like this".

Ciel giggled hearing my praise and said," Yay! Daddy praise me".

I understood that she is quite childish, and not minding her childish behavior I made my way near to the stage. I looked at the crowd and soon found another heroine.

I looked at the beautiful woman, with Blonde hair and Blonde eyes, her name is Sabrina and she is the Prime Disciple of the 4th strongest sect, the Immortal Sword Sect. If I am not wrong the OG Noah and she became fiancees after Noah gets infatuated with her beauty and decides to f*ck her.

By the time this happened, the world already knew what type of person Og Noah was, but the Immortal Sword Sect couldn't go against the Heavenly Immortal Sect so they choose to sacrifice Sabrina, and while she may be a genius it doesn't mean that they won't find a genius again with their long lifespan.

When I looked at her, she looked at me back and understood that I am looking at her, and blushed a bit, hmm, it seems the fact that the new Noah controlled by Ciel wasn't scum does wonder.

I soon saw my yandere Milf mother, arriving near me and putting me in a deep hug.


Sabrina Pov

I saw how Noah looked at me, and blushed, although I don't know much about him, doesn't change the fact he is the biggest male genius of the whole millennia, and the only other genius comparable to him is his mother.

He looked at me quietly intently, it seems he had decided to make me his woman, which is a good thing honestly if it happens.

I have decided to not have a reverse Harem, and like all other young women I desire to marry a strong and Handsome man, so marrying a person who will be the peak of Immortal World, will be best for me, not to mention with my current standing, I am sure to become his one of the wives, or even first wife if he chooses me to be his first wife only if he doesn't have already pre-planned spouses.

While the fact it does makes me happy, that If I can become a woman of someone stronger than feels me with happiness, doesn't mean I am some loose woman, if it would have been anyone weaker than me or scum, I would have died rather than becoming his woman.

As for Noah while I am not sure about his character, he fits the criteria of being strong, not to mention as long as he is good with his wive and concubines, I am okay with being his woman, since it's the norm for people to use maids and s*x slaves as s*x toys, so it doesn't bother me.

In cultivation, only strength matters, which I have learned early thankfully due to the teachings of my parents.

I soon heard a coughing voice and looked at my Cultivation Master, he looked at me and said," It seems there is a high chance that Noah, has decided to make you his woman, though I am not sure, him looking at you intently, hinted me that, I will be honest if he decides to do something then our sect will not be able to refuse him".

I nodded in understanding, I looked back at the stage and saw how he got hugged by his mother and the look she made while talking with him, made not only me surprised but the whole Hall, after all, everyone knows what kind of person Lady Alise is!


(To be continued...)