Olivia's acceptance

(Author's Note: Guys I know you are not liking lemons related chapters repeatedly but please bear for a while after lemon with Olivia there won't be any frequent lemons for a while, even though I have more problems writing lemons than writing normal chapters I need to do it, after all, I don't want to drag the relationships that can be done easily for so much time)


3rd Pov

While Noah and Sabrina were fucking each other, Olivia nervously looked at Alise who smiled at her and said," I have a very important thing to talk about with you".

Olivia's heart almost stop beating hearing it, she calmed herself and without showing her nervousness she asked, "Lady Alise what is that important thing?", inside her mind, she kept praying that it is not something detrimental to her, she can't afford the wrath of Alise.

She fears Alise very much, after all, she knows the strength of Alise which is invincible in the same realm and her past massacres of Trillions. She knows that Alise destroyed thousands of Mortal Worlds just so she can cultivate her Dao of Blood. She is very cold and won't care life of anyone if it benefits her.

Alise looked at Olivia and thought,'~Just need to do what my Dear son said, hehe, I will make sure to get a reward~', if Olivia knew her thoughts and her behavior towards her son, she would have been shocked beyond anything else.

Alise said," Indeed, what I am going to talk about is very important and it is related to you", her words made Olivia feel dreadful she was getting scared for no reason and even others would find her behavior crazy, getting scared just in presence of a Woman?

Well no one can blame her after all Alise is the only thing she fears, so much that she would rather want to be R*ped than to become an enemy of this woman, after all, she knows how dangerous this woman is and she also has a trauma related to this.

She kept quiet and Alise continued," Miss Olivia, I am here to propose my son's marriage to you", her words stunned her and she said, "Eh?!", after realizing she let out a voice she tried calming herself and then asked," Lady Alise what do you mean by that?".

Alise frowned hearing her and said," What do you think? I am joking?!", Olivia panicked hearing her words and apologized," No I didn't mean that! Please forgive me for saying those misunderstanding words".

Alise snorted and said," Hmph! Very I will forgive you since you are my son's bride, now let me explain it, I have found my son learning healing arts under you, and then I found he likes you, so I want you to be his bride, it's easy to understand right?".

Alise's tone was very arrogant, anyone can see how insane her words were, at first her tone was soft but now she is saying Olivia to become his son's bride. As for Olivia's choice? She doesn't care, Olivia has to accept it no matter what and Olivia understood it.

Olivia bit her lips,' So this how I get married?*Sigh* At least the person I am marrying is someone I like and is the perfect Husband one can hope for ', after thinking that she replied," I agree".

No matter what she had to agree, although she saved her chasity for thousands of years for the man she will love, she knows that she can't refuse Alise's request even if it sounded more like an Order. Though she wasn't dissatisfied, after teaching Nova for some time she found him kind and easy to talk to a person.

She was even doubting if he was Alise's son, but then again he was just 20 years old and hadn't seen the world yet, thus she knew he would become more selfish later on, and she didn't care about it, after all, she is selfish too and to survive in the cultivation world one needs to be one.

She also became friends with Noah despite their Master Desciple Status, well it was mostly due to in her mind Noah's status being only second to Alise's. After all, she knows how much Alise dotes on Noah.

She came to like Noah and even joked with him several times, she also made sure to fully concentrate on teaching him, wait, Suddenly Olivia realized that when she was teaching Noah their bodies were uncomfortably close to each, and often her boobs would touch his back or hand.

That time she didn't care about it since she was fully focused on teaching him, now when she thinks of it doesn't it look like she seduced Noah?' What the hell I did do?! I understand it now by mistake I seduced that poor boy ', thought Olivia.

Olivia while being selfish is like a saint in the cultivation world and often tries to put herself in others' perspective to understand their problems and the reasons behind their actions. So when she knew she had to dedicate herself to Noah and didn't get any chance to say her opinion about it.

She thought why a kind kid like Noah would try to take her wife forcefully, thus she can to the conclusion that she seduced Noah by mistake, and the fact she is aware of her beauty made her strongly believe that was the case.

She felt bad for doing so, and thought this is her Karma and fully accepted it, if Noah knew her thoughts he would be very speechless and would wonder if this woman has a brain problem.

Olivia who was deep in her thoughts suddenly realized Alise is still in front of her, and said," Lady Alise sorry for not saying anything for a long time".

Alise shook her head and said," It is not a problem after all your thoughts might be in a chaos knowing you will Marry Noah, anyway I will be leaving now, later on when my son meets you, make sure to finalize your relationship".

After that Alise teleported leaving Olivia alone, who by now was shocked," Sh-She spoke nicely?", Olivia.exe stopped working.

It seems the terror of Alise was very deeply rooted in her mind.

To be continued...