Olivia R18 Part 1

(Author's Note: These will be the last two chapters on the R18 man can't help but cry, I am bored of writing this kinda chapter but I don't want to just say they had s*x and boom heroine captured after all you guys need the details right?)


3rd Pov

Olivia didn't know what to do, a few days ago she was doing her job of being a Sect Master peacefully, cultivating and teaching her new disciple Noah, everything was going fine until her biggest fear Alise came to meet her.

She just became the Daughter-in-Law of the person she fears the most, and wife to the person whom she was just teaching a few days ago. At first, she was very scared, and nervous, and she is still scared and nervous but not as much as she was before.

It did seem a bit weird for her to be the daughter-in-law of a person who is 2000 years younger than her, but then again in the cultivation world, especially in the Immortal world age doesn't matter.

A sigh escaped from her mouth thinking about all that has transpired, she also concluded that she seduced Noah by mistake, she is aware of her beauty and figure and she would have been already forced to marry by now if not for the fact that being the best Healer who can even resurrect people in the whole Immortal world and being under the direct protection of Heavenly Immortal Sect.

Well, she would have been forced to marry James if not for him following Monogamy, thus saving her and after that having no one else who can forcefully take her till now, she had decided to remain single and wait for her fated one.

Now, she has seemed to find her fated one who is Noah, she likes him, to her, he is a very kind person which is quite rare in the Immortal world. Naturally, a person of his stature would have been like other Young masters, r*ping women and spouting arrogant words, and enjoying bootlicking of others.

Yet, he wasn't like them, not to mention he was Alise's child for fuck's sake! She expected him to be very arrogant like her mother and uncaring of others, but the result was different. He was also the only person that Alise adored, as for her husband, they seem to have a strained relationship yet the fact that he managed to make Alise his woman makes him at least a dangerous person on her terms.

She sighed waiting for Noah, now that she had seduced that boy by mistake, after all how can be it the mistake of that cute poor boy? He is just 20 and very kind, he is also that age so it's normal to be attracted to the opposite sex, and then she had just to make intimate touches with him.

Soon, she felt a disturbance in Space and a handsome young man appeared before her, he smiled and cheerfully said," Hi Olivia! Also, I guess you have met my mother by now right?".

She became nervous remembering about Alise and nodded and said," Ye-Yes I have met Lady Alise and well she explained to me about our marriage".

Noah then seriously said," Well Olivia I guess you already know that I see you differently, and I love you, Olivia!", Olivia's heart started beating up faster hearing his confession and she blushed.

Noah while seeing this thought,' As expected this heroine likes most straightforward and Romantic answers ', he then held her hand and lightly kissed it, Olivia quickly withdrew her hand after that and blushed and said," No-Noah I also like you".

Indeed Noah became the closest male to her other than her father just in a few months, it might seem impossible but then again she was Heroine chosen by the world, and to insure their purity World Spirit makes sure that they never have a strong relationship with the Opposite sex other than destined Main Character.

Thus, in a way as long a person can get in their comfort zone, he will be able to win over them quite easily. As such Olivia didn't have any problems with being their Spouse of Noah, she liked him, Noah is the biggest genius, he has great background and power, and he is destined to stand on the top of the world in the future, not to mention avoiding the wrath of Alise by becoming her Daughter-in-Law seemed too good to her.

Even if she could have resisted she would never do it, Noah smiled and came near her and kissed her, and she closed her eyes, after all, a kiss she never had should be okay as Noah is her future husband.

Noah invaded with his tongue in her mouth, little by little with the battle of their tongues Noah started making Olivia light-headed and Horny. He grabbed her ass and started molding them.

Olivia wanted to show resistance but soon she sunk into the pleasure she was receiving. As a healer, she knew she was getting Horny, and for Noah to make her like this by kiss alone he was an extremely capable man, after the power of Dual Cultivation's pleasure skills mainly depend on the unique talent of the man in this area which Noah had infinite.

He then grabbed her breast and started playing with them, by now Olivia have abandoned any resistance, because she was feeling extreme pleasure and as a virgin who never experienced it properly wanted more of it very badly, secondly losing her virginity to Noah, her future husband can be considered a trivial thing to her.

Afterall Noah is the man she will be serving for the rest of her life, and thirdly she wanted to simply lose her virginity since even by standards of the Immortal World she had been a virgin for quite a long time, and many times her fellow Elders, teased her about this.

She stopped thinking any further and fully focused on the kiss.


They exchanged their saliva as they kissed each other erotically, after kissing for a few more minutes they broke their kiss, a thin line of saliva forming between their tongue.

Noah looked at the puddle of her love juices formed down, she released a few liters of her love juices, even Noah was surprised by this,' I even haven't started yet she released this much?! '.

Ciel answered him[ Daddy, she has been a virgin for a long time and has been enduring it till now, coupled with the extreme pleasure and weak resistance to your techniques she became like this].

'Oh, thank you Ciel ', replied Noah.

[Fufu, Hubby enjoy your time and fuck her brains out! Show her who is the master, Till then Bye~Bye~], said Ciel.

Noah felt happy having such a wife and then looked at Olivia whose face was looking very sultry now. He moved near her ear and whispered," To think my innocent Olivia would be this horny look just how much you have released!".

She sensed the puddle formed below her and became ashamed,' I can't help it this felt just that much good! ', she thought and leaned towards Noah's chest, by now all her strength was gone and she was just a rabbit waiting to be eaten by big bad wolf now.

Noah smirked and nibbled on her ears making her feel a jolt of pleasure throughout her body and orgasm.

While he was ready to make Olivia his woman, on Blue Star Ye Chen puked a mouthful of blood on his teacher's face.

To be continued...