Feng Mian getting in a Peak Sect

(Author's Note: Guys I have uploaded the Mortal World's details in Auxiliary Volume, it has minor spoilers though, still it will help you a lot understand the world strutting so please do read it unless you hate spoilers, even the small ones)


Neo Pov

Me and Feng Mian have reached a sect disciple selection Area, this is a Major one on top of that, and I am pretty sure Ye Chen is here, considering the fact the cliche Fiancee breaking off the engagement act is done, which Ciel told me, anyway as this is a Major one elder from each of the peak sects will be here, searching for talented Disciples.

Also to get inside or participate in the selection one needs to pay an amount, the mortals who want to try their luck will need to pay a few low-quality Qi stones which amount to some hundred thousand Gold coins and candidates from the Cultivator family had to spend a few hundred Qi stones, it's must costlier for them because they already belong to a cultivation faction unlike commoners who will solely be Sect's resources or cultivators, and it's the cost of them getting affiliated with a Sect one can say that.

Feng Mian and I are walking on the bustling road, many people, many commoners are waiting for their turn to come or some are just trying to get in by spending all they can, most of them are definitely Town or City heads including rich merchants, only a few poor peasants are there. Feng Mian beside me is curiously looking around everything in wonder since it's her first time coming here.

A few days have passed since her first killing, and by now she has gotten over that fact, she is still a 3rd Qi condensation disciple, looking around, I used my sense to map the area and found the entrance of the Selection Area, I turned around to look at Feng Mian, we are invisible from the senses of Mortals and cultivators alike due to using me a Talisman.

Seeing me looking at her she became nervous and said," Master is this where we part?", her eyes became teary, I rubbed her head and said," I will stay with you till you get selected, and after that, we will part, also do as I said previously okay?", she sniffed and nodded her head, I gave her special Equipment, something similar to the Miniature tower, but it is hella downgraded, essentially it connects to the soul of a person and remains hidden from even senses of a Saint Realm Cultivators.

It has spatial storage, it is filled with Millions of High and Thousands of Peak Qi stones, which act as its energy source since Feng Mian doesn't have enough Qi to use it properly, also she can use the pure Qi from those stones to cultivate rather than using the impure one in the atmosphere, it can also absorb Qi from the atmosphere and condense into pure Qi stones that can be found only in Immortal World.

Using this trick, without arousing anyone's suspicion she can easily cultivate, as for her cultivation technique, I haven't given her any, she managed to get 3rd Qi condensation realm without cultivating as she assimilated Sabrina's blood completely and got the remaining effects so her cultivation got directly at 3rd QI condensation realm and as it's from Sabrina who has Cultivated in very Qi her strength is equal to those 6th or 7th Qi condensation Cultivators of the mortal world.

She will be using the Cultivation Technique by the sect, but she would cultivate Qi from the Qi stones I gave her which would make her as strong as a Cultivator in Immortal World, later on, I would give her a suitable Cultivation Technique but for now, it will do the job, and yup I didn't forget to give her pills and Talismans.

So now, I am sure it will be enough for her safety and proper growth, and well even if she were to die, the Equipment I gave her will store her soul and teleport to me, and I will be able to resurrect her later on.

Ciel commented,[ Just like your mother, you overdid Dear]

I replied[ I know that Ciel, but I don't want to lose her, she is loyal and lovely, not to mention I have started to like her, and comparing what I gave her it is not even 0.001 percent of what Alise gave me]

Ciel said[ I see, anyway I can sense Ye Chen! He is near]

My eyebrows perked hearing that, and Feng Mian whose head I was still rubbing to calm her down said," Okay Master I will do as you said!". I smiled and then made her visible while remaining invisible, she looked around as people noticed her, but in the bustle, they ignored her, which made her a bit nervous, I chuckled seeing that, the same girl that beheaded bandits a few days ago is now just getting afraid of the crowd.

I said in her mind,' Feng Mian don't be nervous, I am still here ', she became relaxed hearing that, and then she started walking as I gave her directions, reaching the entrance, the guards looked at her for a bit and then said," Pay the Fees", she nodded and with a calm look she handed some few hundred Low Qi stones, obviously I didn't want her to get in as a commoner but neither as from a big cultivation family which doesn't exist.

I already have thought of a background for her, it's like this her father was a cultivator but her mother was mortal, they fell in love and then decided to marry, then they had a child which was she, but after that her mother and father died by the hands of beasts from a beast tide, leaving her alone and then she was taken care by her grandfather,

They had left some Qi stones for her, which she is using for Sect Selection Fees, it's cliche but then again the cultivation world is full of that and others will easily believe her, this will also provide a reason how someone from a commoner background had these much Qi stones. There is also the story that I met her and then she fell in love with me.

She gave her body to me, and after that, she wanted to be with me but as I am a genius from a Central continent sent here for my Prime Disciple selection test by the sect, I denied her but stated if she can become strong I will accept her, this story will provide the reason why she has a relationship with me when I will reveal it to others in future.

Anyway, I followed Feng Mian as she went inside the Selection Area, there was a huge open area surrounded by seats like in a stadium, and there were Elders of various sects on those seats, several elders will select the disciple they are interested in, then it will up to disciples to choose the sect. A good system if you ask me.

There were several mortals without Qi, waiting for their number, the candidates from the Cultivation family were in a corner, their own allocated place since they found it disgusting to stand with mortals. My eyes fell on a particular man and I asked Ciel,' Is he the one? '.

Ciel replied[ Yes Dear, he is Ye Chen the world's chosen one]

I smirked hearing that, he suddenly moved his head in my direction but then frowned in confusion, ' As expected of a protagonist he can sense me somewhat due to my identity as a Villain ', I thought, yes despite the fact I am not destined to be his opponent due to me lacking any fate, he is destined to be my opponent due to my identity as Noah, one of the main Villains.

Soon it came the turn of a girl, she was quite beautiful, and seeing Ye Chen's angry expression I knew who she was, it was Ming Yuan, a genius, and Ye Chen's Fiancee. She came on the stage and kept her hand on the root detection ball, it glowed and the brightness showed that her talent is Peak Level, which is quite something knowing she is from a 2nd Rate Cultivation Family.

Many sect elders from High Ranking Sect and even Peak Ranking sect elders became interested in her, she smirked and looked at Ye Chen, who gritted his teeth, then she selected the Heavenly Sword Sect, the strongest sect whose minimum requirement was High-Level Cultivation Root. Then some time passed as Ye Chen's turn came.


Ye Chen Pov

I looked hatefully at the Ming Yuan who gave me a condensing look, this bitch! So what if she got selected by a peak sect?! I Ye Chen will show her how wrong she is! and how better I am! Soon my turn came and I walked outside the crowd, towards the Equipment that showed Cultivation talent, I put my hand on it as I glowed brightly.

' Damn my talent currently is just High Level, if I want to increase it I would need to do trials that beauty told me ', I thought, one my talent got announced, many elders High Ranking and even 3 of the Peak Rankings Sect came forward, I looked at Ming Yuan as she sneered at me, veins appeared on my head. Then taking a deep breath I walked towards the sect that I choose.

It was Red Lotus Sect, while not the strongest they still are one of the Peak sects, I decide to choose a peak sect rather than the High sect despite the act I will be treated better in the High Ranking sect due to its lower requirements than my talent can qualify as quite good, but in peak sects, the minimum talent even for selection is High Ranking Sect, so I will be treated worse there but then again I will get more powerful due to my cheat or this ring.

My talent will increase as well, so it's better for me to join a Peak Sect, I moved towards the Elder of Red Lotus Sect and bowed," Desciple greets the Master", he gave me a nod and signaled me to stand behind, which I did so, then I continued looking at the disciple selection to see if anything interesting happens.

Some time passed and nothing interesting happened, the highest talent that appeared till now is only a Peak Root Level, then a handsome man came on the stage, seeing the clothes I instantly recognized him, he was someone from the 4 Main families, Meng Family, he kept his hand on the Ball as it glowed brightly.

The Cultivator who was testing gasped in shock and announced," A Genius Level Cultivator!", many people started muttering and chatting while I looked at the man, his arrogant expression as he was looking like everything was beneath us, he gave a smirk, which irked me, what good about being talented?! It depends on how hard you work!

If you don't work hard enough, even great talent is useless! That's something I believe! I will show people like them their place in the future, I continued watching as he choose the Heavenly Sword Sect, the same sect that Bitch Ming Yuan choose, by now I am pretty sure it was filled up with that arrogant bastard.

After that, a few more people came, but they were all mortals, they had low talent, and only Mid and Low Ranking sects accepted them, it continued as I got bored and yawned, then I noticed something interesting as a Woman came, her hair was long and shiny black, she had black eyes, a white skin, and curvaceous body and beautiful face.

Overall she was just a bit worse than Ming Yuan, and I could sense her 3rd Qi Condensation realm looking at her plain clothes, I thought,' Not bad for a mortal, but then again her beauty means nothing if she isn't talented enough '.

She put her hand on the ball, and something shocking happened, the ball turned black like it was absorbing light, then extremely bright light flashed blinding me even! I closed my eyes and then opened my eyes once the light dimmed, the Root Grade Determining Ball had cracks on it!

The Tester came forward and looked at the woman, he frowned and said"Did you do something?!", his voice had a bit of threat, the girl without any nervousness denied something which confused me, I mean how can she remain calm in front of a Foundation Establishment Cultivator, the cultivator again took out a Root Grade Determining Ball, but it was bigger, she put her hands on it and the same thing happened.

People started chatting and muttering, they looked at the woman, whose face was calm, then to everyone's shock a cultivator stepping on air like its steps came beside her, his clothes depicted he was from Heavenly Sword Sect, but the most surprising thing was he was the main Elder!

Yes, the elder in the open areas is the assistant to the ones who are seated above, that's why it was shocking! He then looked at the woman and said," Young Lady would you like to join Heavenly Sword Sect I promise that you will directly become a Core disciple if you decide to!".

It stunned everyone, then under everyone's shocked eyes, all the other Peak elders seated above came personally to invite her! They even promised to make her a Core Disciple! Even the geniuses are selected as Inner Disciples something like that is ridiculous an the fact they are bantering over is even more so!

3rd Pov

Feng Mian was confused about which sect to choose, she heard her master's voice,' Select Heavenly Sword Sect, they are the strongest Sect and cultivation faction in the whole continent ', she understood and following his commands said," Sorry to all Elders, But I have made my decision!", all elders stopped bantering.

Then nervously waiting for her reply, she walked towards the Heavenly Peak Sect's Elder and bowed," Feng Mian greets the Elder!", the man smiled hearing that while others gritted their teeth, he laughed and said," Haha! Good choice after all Heavenly Sword sect is the strongest sect!", he boasted shamelessly but no one tried to deny it.

Then he looked at her and said," Come with me, I will personally escort you to the sect and take care of your safety till then!", everyone looked at her jealously, but she didn't mind and said inside his mind,' I guess it's the time we part to master, I promise to be strong and become worthy of you! '. She heard a light laugh and Noah replied,' Don't worry silly girl, just do your best '.

She smiled and then followed after the elder, as he took her where she is seated, many people were looking at this scene, and one of them was the same Handsome man who had Genius Root Grade,' She is a commoner, right? Tsk, to think she will get into Heavenly Sword Sect, I will see If I can use her for my benefits ', he thought unknown of the fact that his time is short.

Ming Yuan thought,' I guess there is still a mountain above the mountain same as my Father said, but then again just like I would never be able to surpass her, Ye Chen won't be able to surpass me either! ', and on the other hand, Ye Chen clenched his fists and swore,' I will show all of them who I am '.

Noah looked at Ye Chen and smirked,' Say, Ciel, how long till his meeting with Qing Yi happens? ', he asked her, she replied,' Roughly one or two months till he meets her ', hearing that he said,' He is indeed protagonist, he will meet injured Qing Yi the greatest talent of Frost flower sect and then will get with acquainted her, he will be shameless and do all that cringy talk which somehow will create slight feelings for him in her '.

Then smirking he said,' But with me here, nothing like that will happen, Instead I will meet her, and unlike Ye Chen becoming a licking dog saving the beauty while she keeps giving him cold stares and warning Don't touch me inappropriately or I will kill you, I will make her the one running after me, I wonder how it will feel the Ice beauty running after me rather the other way around '.

Ciel replied[ Agreed Dear]

Ye Chen suddenly frowned as he felt a bad omen, and Noah left the place.

To be continued...