Saving Qing Yi Part 1

(Author's Note: Enjoy it, Love it, Comment on it, and Give Power Stones for it ヾ(≧▽≦*)o)


3rd Pov

Two Months Later,

Ye Chen opened his eyes, and released a breathe, then standing up he clenched his fists, and said," Nice! I have reached the 6th Qi Condensation realm just in two months!", he smiled and thought,' My talent while Good is still not enough for this fast improvement I guess it's because of the Cultivation Technique now I am actually really curious how powerful the complete technique will be! '.

It was indeed due to the Technique that his cultivation was this fast, but the main reason for his fast advancement is simply because he is the Heaven's Chosen One, he got plot armor which while broken due to Noah N'tring him, is still quite strong in Mortal World, as long as he manages to get the main Heroines in Mortal World he would have little problem in Immortal World, alas instead of getting jade beauties he was going to get Ntr'd rather.

Then with confidence, he said," If my speed remains like this, I should be able to apply for Inner Sect soon", yes he is just an Outer Disciple Now, but he knows with his talent he will definitely become Inner or even a Core Disciple! Then coming out of his room, he started walking towards the Mission Hall.

' My Qi stones are pretty much over, I should do some missions to earn some Qi stones ', he thought, and entering the Hall he walked towards the reception, a Young Lady was there, and seeing that his robes were the ones worn by Outer Disciple, she calmly asked," What do you need Junior Brother?".

He nodded and said," Senior Sister, I need some tasks that can earn me some Qi stones", hearing his words she asked," You can do Hunting of White Horned Wolves or Two Toothed Boars which is the recommended mission for Outer Discipled, the former will get you 50 Low Qi Stones and second one 35 Low Qi Stones".

Hearing that he thought,' Damn, just low-quality QI stones, the ones I have been using are Mid Qi stones given to me by my grandfather, they are pretty much finished, hmm, let's see if there is a higher paying Job ', he then asked," Senior Sister is there is any higher paying Job?", her eyebrows piqued hearing that, and then sighing in disappointment she said," Indeed there is", she took out a scroll, and then opening it she said," If you get this herb called Eleven Veined Flower, it will get you 25 Mid Qi Stones".

His expression became surprised, and then he said," If that's the case then I will take this one, also where can I find them?", she replied," You can find them in the Yellen Forest, but it is a bit dangerous as the beasts of Foundation Establishment and even Golden Core roam there", he frowned hearing that and said," Then why it is an Outer Disciple task?!".

She frowned hearing his tone and coldly said," It is both an Outer and Inner Disciple task, if you are lucky you can find them in the outskirts of the forest, now if you don't want to take it don't waste my time any longer", hearing that he calmed himself down and said," I will take it".

She sneered and thought,' He is too overconfident, hmph! He will bear the cost of it soon! ', then she gave him the general location of the Herb, and other information, after which Ye Chen left.


Noah Pov

I slashed towards the dummy, dividing it in half, stopping I looked around seeing dozens of training dummies lying broken on the ground, I stored my Heavenly Space Cutter Sword in the spatial storage this miniature tower had for Swords, in fact, the dummies that I was training with are more used as Puppet Bodyguards or sacrifices, yet I am using them for practice and destroying them, it just shows how my mother overdid.

I mean there is specific Spatial storage for every type of weapon, and weapons of many ranks are just lying there, damn I am just too rich.

Ciel said,[ Dear if you are done with going over the fact of how rich you are again, then relax and refill your Qi, I have seen that Ye Chen has gone for the quest and Qing Yi is running from a Golden Core Beast, she has already lost her Spatial ring, so it won't be long before their meeting happens].

Hearing her words I smiled and said," Thank you Ciel", she giggled and replied,[UmU], I chuckled hearing that, then teleporting myself to the cultivation room, I started refilling my Qi.

After 30 minutes I was done with refilling and I opened my eyes, teleporting outside of the Spatial tower, I returned back to my Inn, then taking out my Teleporting Jade, I said," Do it Ciel", she replied[Yup].

My surrounding changed as I appeared in a Forest, then I muttered," What was the name of the forest again?", Ciel replied,[ Yellen Forest], hearing her I nodded, though I must say it is a weird name in a Cultivation World but then again unlike in Novels, where only Chinese rules supreme it's not the case here, and Western and other Asian named people came to be found here, I mean my name is Noah and my mother's Alise.

Anyway, I quickly Spread my Qi Sense to hundreds of Kilometres, as I started my search for them, soon I found them, a beautiful Blue colored hair woman running from a Realm 1 Golden Core Beast and Ye Chen searching for the herb. Then smirking, I selected a few foundation establishment beasts, and then forcing my will on them I made them chase Ye Chen.

Soon Ye Chen started running for his dear life as they chased after him.


Ye Chen Pov

I ran using Qi in my legs, as some Foundation Etsablisment Beasts were chasing me, Damn I am just in Outer Area how can I meet them, all I can say is my luck is bad and I am pretty sure that Bitch knew! I will get my revenge for this, but for now.

*Roar* *Stab*

A Horned Grey Wolf, stabbed on butt making me scream, I quickly jumped and directly used Wind Steps, as Qi Wings appeared behind me and I started flying away, there was just only one thing in my mind and that is, " I wanna Fly!".


Noah Pov

I laughed seeing Ye Chen getting stabbed in the butt, seriously he looks like a joke now, anyway, I focused on Qing Yi who had managed to escape from that Beast somehow, she is hiding in a small cave, and there is a big wound on her waist, and she was bleeding from all over her body, there were many scratches all over the body.

I quickly teleported outside the cave, to do Hero saves the beauty but in my style.


3rd Pov

Qing Yi breathed heavily, blood was leaking out of the big wound on her waist, and she had scratches all over her body, blood seeped out of them, and she gritted her teeth feeling the pain,' Damn! How unlucky I am to meet a Golden Core Beast just in Inner Area! I have lost my ring and all the treasure that I had, I don't have a healing pill nor a teleporting talisman nor something that I can inform my Master with '.

(Author's Note: Master here refers to the teacher or the Elder that is teaching her, if you guys have a better word for it, which suits a cultivation world then please do tell me)

' To think I Saintness of the Frost Flower Sect will end up in such a state ', her face became bitter, she had a Physique from her birth, Ice Phoenix Physique, a Phyisue of the strongest level, and she was a Heavenly Genius of the 7th Grade Root, she is currently a 3rd Foundation Establishment Cultivator at the age of 23.

Due to her physique, she always remains aloof and has a cold expression, coupled with her talent she doesn't have any friends except one, not that it matters to her, since she doesn't want to get things such as friendship or in a relationship with a man, she thinks it is a waste of time and rather would focus on Cultivation.

If any man tried to court her, she would give him a cold shoulder and look, and if he tries to go further, then she would beat him or make him a cripple, and due to her position of being the daughter of the Qing Family's Patriarch and Saintness of Frost Flower Sect, she can do so without caring who the man is.

Even the Crown Prince doesn't dare to force her, she is quite proud full as well, but not arrogant, just a few days ago she decided to take a mission of hunting some Foundation Establishment beasts to get fighting experience and denied all the protection that her Sect was offering like someone who will Guard her as she considered it to be useless since only a person in a true life and death battle can become stronger according to her.

But she wasn't stupid, so she did take dozens of Telelporting Talismans, Healing Pills, and some Talismans on which tearing the sect will get notified that she is in danger, she also decided to go to a different place so no people can realize her identity, and she choose the forest near Red Lotus Sect, she also had worn clothes which didn't depict she is the saintness of her sect.

One can say it was stupid of her, and she normally wouldn't have done it if not for the fact, that it was her fate and once the beast attacked her and she tried using the ring it fell off from her finger, and to her despair, she had no choice but to run for her dear life. Although she managed to escape from the Beast in the process she got extremely injured and if not treated on time she would die.

Her face became bitter, and she muttered," Is this how I die? To think I will die this pathetically", she tried standing up but had little to no strength left, she stood a bit and then fell on the floor, the pain ran through her body making her cry a bit, she started breathing slowly, suddenly she heard the sound of steps and got wary.

Taking her sword she was ready to use the remaining Qi inside her to throw it at the target, she saw a shadow and was ready to throw her sword, when she heard a voice," Hmm, What do we have here?", it was masculine, and this made her guard more up. Then before her eyes, a Male appeared, the most handsome one she had ever seen, but it didn't cause any ripples in her heart.

Instead, she angrily said," Don't dare come near me! I will kill you!", Noah chuckled inside seeing her acting all tough despite being unable to even stand, Ye Chen would have come near her despite her warnings and have fed up a pill forcefully, but Noah had no idea to do that instead, he sneered, and said," I see, just a person who doesn't understand her situation".

Then turned around and started leaving much to her shock, she was sure he would have tried attacking her, or even r*ping her, she well knew her beauty which was able to move any man but remembering how handsome he is she thought he must be surrounded by women so he didn't care much about her or it's just she is too injured, but then again he could have attacked her to steal if she has something, for example, the sword.

She sighed in relief, but then coughed blood, her eyelashes trembled and she thought,' Isn't it my chance to live? Should I ask him to save me? ', she bit her lips, her situation was getting worse by the second and that man was the key to her survival, if he didn't help her then she would definitely die, thinking that putting the shame in her back, she asked," Please! Save me!".

She again yelled," Please! Save me!", she waited for him if he was gonna come, then hearing footsteps she smiled, Noah came in front of her and coldly asked," Save you? Very well I can save you but seeing your injuries I will need to use expensive pills, what will I get in return?". For a moment she became dumb, it was the first time someone was looking at her this coldly and stating a condition, especially a male who always was licking dogs around her.

It was new for her, but unlike the second-generation Mistresses, she didn't mind it and even preferred it instead, and said," I am Saintness of Frost Flower Sect, as long as you help me! I can promise you to reward handsomely!", Noah, then said," I don't need some items or treasure", her face became cold hearing that,' Does he wants my body like every male?! '.

She gripped tightly on her sword to kill herself, she would rather die than be humiliated but his next words calmed himself," I want to live as a guest in your sect for some time, that's my condition", she became calm hearing that, for others it would be a difficult task, letting an unknown outsider inside the sect but as Saintness she can do it easily.

" Okay, I will do that, now save me", she said, Noah nodded and took out some pills, and a balm, then using Qi he threw them in front of her, she became speechless, but then without waiting any longer, she tried taking the pill, but failed as her hands were not responding, she gritted her teeth, and then asked him," Can you feed them to me?".

Noah snorted and said," I can, but the duration of my stay will be longer", she nodded and the Noah came before her and fed the pill, she quickly munched it down, as it melted and the medicine started taking its effect, her body glowed lightly and her scratches started healing, soon all the scratches disappeared but the wound on her stomach remained.

She saw that helplessly,' I guess pills aren't enough to heal that quickly, and my muscles are torn out from there, though If I apply the balm ', she looked at the balm, and took it, she opened it as a nice aroma spread outside, she then took a bit of it and tried applying on her waist and a huge pain struck her.

"Ahh!", she cried, her hand becoming numb as the bam fell out of her hand, then she gritted her teeth as the pain intensified,' The pills are doing their job and it will heal in a few days, but the pain ', she gritted her teeth as the pain intensified, then looking at the balm she thought,' If I can apply it not only my pain will lessen but the wound will also heal faster, but I am too weak to do that '.

She then looked at Noah who was ignoring her and meditating, ' Should I ask him? But no male has touched me there before, sigh, what I am even thinking? He has already fed me pills! Something that no male had done before! As long as he doesn't do something Inappropriate I think it will be fine '.

Then she looked at Noah and asked," Hey! Can you apply the balm to my wound? I promise to make the reward better! ", Noah opened his eyes and looked at her, then taking the balm, he came near her, he tore the cloth around her waist, and at first Qing, Yi wanted to stop him instinctively but thinking that he can apply the balm more properly if he tears the clothes, she didn't stop him.

Noah just tore the clothes near her wound, then he took the balm and looked at her," I will use a technique to lessen the pain", he said, and touching her waist he rubbed his hand,"~Ahh!", Qing Yi moaned and then blushed, looking at him angrily, she asked," What are you using?!", Noah looked at her and coldly said," I was being nice by lessening your pain by using a technique and here you have the courage to say that to me?! Your savior?", he stood up and left the balm.

" Apply it on your own", he coldly said and walked outside, Qing Yi started regretting that.

To be continued...