Saving Qing Yi Part 2

(Author's Note: Do Guys want a guaranteed Chapter Tomorrow? Give me 250+ Powerstones and I promise you a chapter)


Noah Pov

To be honest, Qing Yi is a bit annoying, if not for her identity as a heroine she isn't even worth a single second of mine, her talent while best in this continent is only in Grade 7, even Feng Mian's talent is 9 and she is willing to serve me with all her heart. The only reason I am even bothered with Qing Yi is due to the fact she is a Goudere and in the future, she will be the Ice Phoenix Queen.

Though only if she chooses me as his husband, otherwise she is fated to remain in the mortal world, as for her being with Ye Chen like hell I will let that bastard have her, anyway, I am being colder to her than like she is to anyone else, one can say I am playing hard, but then again I am just acting as I would to any unimportant person to in heaven if they don't get in my eyes.

Let's leave that, the cold beauty is definitely regretting it,[She is Daddy, now that she is a bit stronger and is trying to apply the balm, it is hurting her a lot], Ciel said, hearing that I decided to wait till she will call me. She didn't at least for a few hours, in the meantime, I started cultivating. It is always good cultivating, the feeling is exhilarating.


3rd Pov

Qing Yi stood at the entrance and looked at the man who had saved her, he is cultivating what she is seeing, though she can feel that no Qi in the atmosphere is drained and instantly made her think that he is cultivating by using Qi from Qi stones, then looking at her wound which has gotten worse and swelled up a bit, she bit her lips,' Damn, the best claws contained poison and with it's Qi it is destroying my body from inside ', she thought.

She was in quite a pain, if it was anyone else even Ye Chen he would have cried loud out from the immense pain, it took all her will power to not cry and become unconscious, she looked at the man and then walked towards him a bit tremblingly, Noah opened his eyes, and when his eyes fell on him she trembled a bit, but then calming herself, with a cold look she asked," Can you please apply an antidote on my wound with the balm?".

If it was another case then she would have never asked him to do this, but she knew even if her wound were to heal, the damage will remain to weaken her forever, while there are some medicines that can even reverse its effects, and her sect has it, with her status of a Saintness she won't get it, despite having the best talent in the sect, she isn't the Prime Disciple yet, in fact only if she were to reach the Golden Core Rank faster than other disciples she would become the Prime Disciple.

And even if she will get the medicine to undo the negative effects, it will take her a lot of time to get it and in the meantime, other disciples may surpass her cutting off her chances of becoming the Prime Disciple. Thus, after thinking for a bit she decided to let Noah touch her, she already consider him different from other males who are always after her body.

Noah gave her a cold look and said," Is that how you ask? Also shouldn't you apologize first?", she gritted her teeth hearing that and bowing a bit she said," I am sorry for earlier events! Please forgive me!", he snorted and then standing up, he moved towards her and said," Very well, I will apply the balm and antidote but you will increase the benefits, okay?".

She gave him a nod, and then quickly gave him the balm, by now she had the strength to apply it herself, but the pain was too much, and whenever she touched the wound her body became paralyzed on top of that excruciating pain hit her,' Damn these circumstances are readymade for Ye Chen to woo her if he hadn't started on being a simp his progress with her would have been better, whatever I will take all his chances from now on '.

Then he said," Lay down", she nodded and moved towards the cave, she lay on the harsh floor while her back supported by the wall, Noah moved towards her, and then getting on her level, she took balm in his one hand, and with his other hand he touched her belly, he looked at her and said," I will try to lessen the pain, Okay?", she gave him a nod, and then Noah started rubbing her belly and waist.

A jolt of pleasure ran through Qing Yi's body, she tried her best to not moan, but failed spectacularly,"~Ahhh!~", she moaned quite loudly, and then blushed in embarrassment, if it was earlier she would have glared at him but now learned her lesson, she didn't said to anything and let him do as long as he didn't try to do anything inappropriate.

Noah also rubbed only her belly, her skin was extremely soft, and yet it was a bit cold, Noah continued increasing the pressure,"~Ann!~", Qing Yi again moaned, then repeatedly let out small muffled moans, her hand was on her mouth, her mind started becoming cloudy and she thought,' It is so nice, his hands are so warm ', then she released a moan again only to stop in the middle as she stopped feeling the pleasure.

Then she heard a voice," Done, I have applied the balm and antidote", she looked at his wound and was surprised that it had already started healing rapidly,' When did he do that? I didn't feel even a slight pain! ', she thought as her eyes twinkled, she looked at him, and he backed away, and told her," We will be leaving the forest tomorrow morning so for now rest".

Her heart warmed up a bit, and she looked at him with gratitude and said," Thank you For Helping me", Noah just gave her a look and then left her, she didn't feel annoyed at all by this, she understood he had no obligation to keep her company like a friend, also the main reason she even felt gratitude towards him was that he didn't take advantage of her, otherwise all the progress of Noah would have evaporated.

' He isn't like the other males, I guess, I will try to repay this debt once I get back at sect ', she thought, and then moved a bit inside the cave, she lay on the ground, closing her eyes for sleep, she was mentally tired and needed a proper sleep. Soon she fell asleep and awakened the next morning.


Next morning,

She woke up and checked on her wound, to her joy it was already healed, and no injury, even a scar could be found on her skin, it was smooth, soft, and white. She went out of the cave to check on Noah, and she found him cultivating, ' He is hardworking ', she thought, it increased Noah's image in her eyes though only by a bit.

Noah opened his eyes and looking at her asked," Ready to leave" She, nodded, and then he stood up, " We should leave now", he said, then after some time they started running out their way of the forest, Qing Yi was following Noah and was finding it a bit difficult to keep her speed up to him. While healed she was still a bit weak, and hasn't eaten anything yet.

(Author's Note: Yes Weaker Realm cultivators need to eat as it's a necessity for their survival, though in later stages it is not needed as they can simply survive on Qi, they still eat just to get a taste or eat Beast meat and herbs as cultivation assistant)

She can go without food for a few days easily, it will be similar to not eating for a few hours to her, but to replenish her energy a bit she needed to eat, unlike later stages of cultivation she can't just absorb Qi, and simply get fully charged like a battery, they continued running for a few minutes when they encountered a beast.

"Roar!", the Golden Core Beast roared.

Seeing the beast Qing Yi sweated, it was the same beast that hurt her! She quickly came in front of Noah and holding her sword said," I will distract it! Run away!", she wasn't doing it because she loved Noah or sorts of, she simply did it as she felt gratitude to Noah who saved her and didn't try anything bad to her.

He didn't look at him lustfully like others males tend to do on seeing her, so she fully considered him as his savior, and didn't want her savior to get hurt or die because of her! She knew he had chances to escape with his speed, how? she had seen him running faster than her without breaking a sweat, so she understood he wasn't running at his full speed.

' With this, I should be able to pay my debts to him ', she thought, she was ready to give her life to save the person who had saved her life, this was her character! ' I guess this is what I like about her ', Noah thought,[ Hehe, agreed Daddy! She is a Goudere on top of that after all], said Ciel, Noah knew about Qing Yi's character.

Once she is helped by someone, and if she considers he or she had helped him without any ulterior motives, she will make sure to repay the debts no matter the price! On top of that, once she had accepted someone as her man, she will devote herself completely to him, going to great lengths for him.

Qing Yi sweated looking at the beast, ready to charge and then distract it, it was foolish and she knew she would die, but she had accepted it, if it was the price to repay her debt to this man, then shall be it! ' Why isn't it attacking?! ', she thought in confusion. She sweated seeing the Beast still trembling.

She heard Noah's laugh," Haha! You sure are funny and dumb", she wanted him to take back it when she felt his Aura, her eyes wide opened feeling his presence which was similar to a golden Core yet more stronger and tyrannical. Noah quickly attacked the beast with the sword, the beast roared and tried to run away only to be sliced into pieces by him.

' Beautiful ', she thought as she looked at his perfect slicing of Beast which looked satisfying to her for some reason, the Beast died in an anti-climatic way, she soon came out of her daze and then became embarrassed, she was just ready to sacrifice herself for him, and while in other conditions it would have looked quite emotional, but thinking how Noah is a Golden Core Cultivator, she looked dumb.

She gave him a snort and asked," Why didn't you tell me about your cultivation?!", hearing her tone, he gave her a cold look and replied," Why should I tell you about it?", she became silent hearing him,' Yes why should he tell me? Why I am being so unreasonable? ', she thought. Yes, Noah had no right to tell her about his cultivation.

In fact, no cultivator has the right to know the other party's cultivation if they just had known each other for a while, Qing Yi gulped and again said," I am sorry for my outburst", all she heard was his angry voice," You better behave yourself, otherwise next time I won't be as soft as I am now ", she just hung her head down.

If she was replaced with a Young Mistress type of Heroine, she would have yelled how he was being unreasonable and he wasn't soft at all! Alas, Qing Yi wasn't like that, and she understood her mistakes. For the rest of the journey, she quietly followed Noah, if any other male who knew her to see the scene he would have been greatly shocked.

To others, the scene would seem like Qing Yi obediently following a male like his lover, soon they arrived in a city, it was ruled by one of the branch sects of the Frost flower sect. It took them two days to reach and in the meantime, they ate the meat, which Noah provided, Qing Yi ate it quite hurriedly and made sure to eat it all, after all, it isn't every day she eats the meat of a Golden Core Beast.

Looking at the entrance of the sect, she looked at Noah and then giving him a slight bow she said," Thank you for saving me, and accompanying me till here, once I message my Master, and it comes time to return to my sect, I will make sure to fulfill your demands", Noah just nodded her making her bit her lips,' Why can't he be nicer to me? ', she thought a bit dissatisfied.

Unknown, to her, she had started falling into a trap, from which she won't be able to return forever.

To be continued...