Heroine's Pov(Bonus Chapter)

(Author's Note: In this Chapter, the pov of the Heroines are there)


Lin Ruoxi Pov

I opened my eyes, and the fiery energy around me disappeared, I have finished my cultivation session and have managed to reach almost the 2nd Golden Core Realm, I am pretty sure that I will reach it by the next cultivation session. I came outside of the cultivating room to see two maids standing.

"Miss is there anything you need us to do?", they asked me, I replied," Get me some food and tea", they nodded and gave a bow left, I sat near the chair waiting for the food, as I was waiting my Dear's face came in my mind.' I am wondering how he is doing in the mortal world ', I thought.

He had to leave for such a lowly place, all because of that world's chosen one or whatever, to be honest, I want to kill that person and even destroy his soul so he can't reincarnate, maybe it was not his fault for being World's chosen one, but, then again I don't care about that, as long as anything threatens my Dear's life it has to die.

I clenched my fist, I felt extremely pathetic, If only I wasn't weak then I could have helped him on his quest, then I would have killed that World's chosen one! I am pretty sure that Dear would have been pretty happy with me after that, alas it was just my wishful imagination. I came out of my thoughts as the maid came with food and served it to me.

I took the tea and sipped it lightly, as soon as I did I felt extremely pure Fire Qi in my body, and my physique automatically absorbed it, I sighed, this tea, this food, I knew it would have cost more than 100,000 Peak Qi Stones, it's an amount that previous me would not even dare to think of, yet now it's a trivial thing to me now. Something that I can get any time If I desire.

I chuckled a bit as I sipped it again,' This is all because of a single person ', I thought, my expression softened as I thought of my Dear, I was just a normal Servant in the Heavenly Immortal Sect, but now I am the Prime Disciple of the Immortal Phoenix Sect, given all the resources that even a genius cultivator can only dream of.

This is just because of Dear, h-he gave me everything, power, status, money and most importantly love, his love for something which I will go to any length, it doesn't matter to me if the person in front of me is an innocent as long as he goes against my dear then he has to die. I have already sworn that I won't let any harm come to my Dear, I will use all this position, power, and status that he has given me to get strong.

So strong that I can trample anyone who wants to go against him, who annoys him, Hehe, I WilL KiLl aLl tHoSe inSEcts whO dAre tO GO AgaInst HiM!

My eyes darkened as the intense desire to kill everyone who is against dear rose in me, a picture of him ruling the Heavens as I stood beside him came into my mind, I started giggling, and then seeing that Tea has been finished, I decided to start eating the food.

I will get strong for you Dear, just wait, your Lin Ruoxi will become strong for you. Hehe, anyway," Let's dig in!", I said as I started eating the food.

(Author's Note: All I have to say, R.I.P Ye Chen lol)


Alise Pov

I frowned looking at the man who is officially my Husband, for me, he is just an insect daring to claim something that belongs to someone else, I would have already killed him if not for the backslash that I will receive from the Supreme Elders and Ancestor, sure they won't kill me but they will give me a heavy punishment, Something I don't want when a person who is destined to kill my Beloved son, it roaming freely.

I am waiting to get strong enough, as strong as Ancestor so that I can get rid of this idiot, and show the world who truly my man is, and whom I belong to, thinking that I sipped the tea as the idiot went on talking about new Disciples and their potential.

" Alise, so where is Noah? I have heard he had gone to secluded Cultivation. I don't think he needs to do that with his talent", he said, I snorted and looking at him replied," He doesn't need to but he doesn't want to become a pathetic man like his father so he went to secluded training".

He gritted his teeth hearing me, and started laughing," Haha! I- A pathetic man? You do know that I am the strongest male cultivator of our generation right?", I nodded hearing him, and said," That's why you are able to sit in my presence, insect". He lowered his head taking all that insult like the pathetic man he is.

Someone like him doesn't even deserve to even touch me, only my Dear son, Noah, deserves me, the way he dominated me, the way he made it straight that who is stronger in our relationship, is what makes me slightly submissive to him, in fact, I believe the weak are just born to serve strong, that's the way of Heavens.

" I see, sorry If I offended you, please forgive me, Alise, I know you are angry with me and I will try my best to make up with you", he looked at me with a determination that wanted me to laugh at him, idiot doesn't even know that the woman he is so crazy for, is already someone's else. I just snorted at his pathetic display, hearing which he stood up, gave a bow, apologized again left me alone.

(Author's Note: Oh man even I am feeling bad for him, as for those whom Alise seems unreasonable, let me make you remember it guys, she is both villain and heroine, it's like a psycho being Heroine)

Now that he had gone and left me alone, I started to think the ways to increase my power, the first and easiest way that came to my mind is to increase my Dao of Blood and Decay by killing off a few quadrillion mortals, all I have to do is to descend to the mortal world and destroy some hundreds of planets, and if they had dragons on them as well it will increase my Dragonic Dao.

It was a crude way of increasing my power, something I had done several times in the past, normally to any other Cultivator it will cause many negative impacts but my Evil Dragon God Physique Nullified its bad effects which included tribulation from the heavens, otherwise, there had been millions of Immortals running around destroying planets.

I amusedly remembered the last massacre I had done, the pathetic cries of those being as they begged for mercy, in my life, there are only two things that I have given importance to, that is me, myself, and my beloved son Noah, other than this only his harem which I give little importance to only because I don't want them to die and make my Noah sad, I don't consider anything important for me.

I had never told how I really am, the fact that I only love him and myself, simply because I fear, what if he doesn't like me anymore? Though he must know that by now, from his Daughter who is above heavens itself. I don't know how to feel about that, I don't give a damn about anyone else and how they feel but if it's Noah then-.

*Sigh* Why I am pathetically having self-doubts? He knows the true me despite not telling him and had accepted me, for me nothing else matters. To be honest, this situation is funny, I am like a little maiden in love fearing his lover's rejection, something only the weak normally do, strong take what they desire and in this world, I desire nothing more than Noah.

Yet, I don't want to force him to love me, I don't want to mind control him into loving me, that's only what pathetic people do, I, Alise am not like that, I wanted my son, Noah, to love me for my qualities out of his own will, not because I forced him, and I am content with his love.

I snickered remembering about the world's chosen one, I wanted to kill that pathetic insect for even threatening my Love's life, if only Heaven isn't protecting it and I and Noah would have received a huge backslash probably it had led to our death, that insect would have been long erased from the existence. Once, the chance comes I will make sure to make that Chosen one regret ever being born.

Whatever, I should finish the remaining jobs and descent into the mortal world for the massacre.

(Author's Note: I want to say something, Alise is an extremely selfish woman, but she loves Noah more than her selfishness, I have decided to reveal some points of her past which will at least explain why she is like that, also guys, those who are saying she is simply with Noah because of her strength, you all aren't completely wrong about that, but that's just tip of the iceberg, the obsession and commitment she has to Noah is simply insane that will make the previous point kinda Invalid, I will explain and show it later on the story)


Olivia Pov

"Say b*tch do you like this? Being my personal cumdump?", said Noah with a smirk as he pistoned me, his words gave me a weird sense of pleasure, and I desired nothing more than to be his slave, his cumdump,"~Yesh Masta! I love being Masta's cumdump!~", I replied panting, while he thrusted his cock in my womb.

He smirked and gave my butt a spank, he said," Take my Seeds!", he released his hot load making me have a euphoria of pleasure!

*Splurt* *Splurrrt*

I opened my eyes as the memory ended, I panted looking at the small pool of liquids formed below me, it has been hard for me to live without Master's love and affection, I tried masturbating but I failed as it didn't give me enough pleasure and due's to Master's countless pounding my tolerance has increased a lot, so it didn't help me either.

But being the Greatest Goddess of Healing in the heavens, it was an easy task to solve it, all I did was go through my memories of making love with Master which provided enough stimulation to release my pent-up frustration, I feel pathetic that I can't live a single month without his love, I knew as cultivator there might be a time when we would be separated for thousands of years.

Something which made me shudder, though I had ways to cope up with them, one of which I was using, recalling the memories perfectly, and seeing them like a recorded video. There were other ways too, one being just nullifying my sex drive, but it felt bad to do that, It felt like I was going against Master's desires.

If I just suppressed my sex drive, won't that make Master mad at me? He said he liked seeing me and making love with him after a long time felt extremely special to me, and I didn't want to ruin it.

I sighed and using a spell, I cleaned the room and myself, I teleported to my chair, and started looking at the new requests for my healing, and congratulating letters send to me for me and Noah becoming Fiancee and Fiance, I smiled a little knowing that our relationship has already reached of a Husband and concubine.

I sighed again after reading all of them, I am missing Master so much, his smell, his touch, the way he fondled my breasts, my ass, damn! I got h*rny again! I grunted in frustration, quickly maximizing the defenses and activating the Private mode of the formation, I again started masturbating while reviewing my memory of the time Master when master for first time fucked me in my ass.

(Author's Note: Damn she is too horny! Lol, guys donate Anti-horny medicines to help the poor Olivia🤣🤣)

To be continued...