Heroine's Pov Part 2(Bonus Chapter)

(Author's Note: Enjoy the second Part!)


Sara Pov

I took out one of the Talents boosting pills that Dear has given me, I decided to give them to my mother, she has just 500 years left if she doesn't make any breakthrough any sooner, her current cultivation realm is False Core Formation Realm and she has almost stopped cultivating due to the fact having low cultivation talent, according to her it would only waste resources which can be used by me.

Just remembering how much she has struggled to raise me all these years from my birth makes my eyes moist, I was the product of my bastard Father r*ping my mother, she was just a mere maid and in the end, my bastard Father is an inner sect Elder, he just got l*sty seeing my mother, and demanded her to serve him.

My mother had no option had to do it, refusing him would have meant getting brutally r*ped by him and then killed, later on, thus she saved her life at the price of her body, from what I know my Bastard father took my mother as his maid so he can play with her later on whenever he had, something that enraged me a lot in past.

I started cultivating at the age of 5 the moment when my talent was revealed to be higher than any of my step-siblings, for the first time I met my father, he smiled at me and showed his affection by taking me in his arms and praising, the naive little me that time became close to him hoping that we can live as a happy family, alas that was just his fake expression used to make me close to him so he can enjoy benefits If I manage to become strong one day.

He gave me the bare minimum of resources and remembering all those taunts and mockings I received from my step-siblings made my blood boil, they beat me, taunted me, and did all horrible things except r*ping me, that one can imagine, though I got my revenge later on by killing them all, the current me is no more naive. I know how the world works.

Thus after getting my revenge I simply broke all the relationships with my Bastard Father of mine, trying to kill him was idiotic, he was stronger and had many connections and allies, but by becoming a disciple of Core Elder he would never even dream of trying anything funny, thus it was deadlock with me being unable to do anything to him and him being same.

That brings me to my recent parting with Noah, my dear, I can't describe how embarrassed I was when I gave him the sword which I spent all my savings, being just a normal item for him while his other women, with his own mother, the Famous Goddess of Terror, Calamity, Time and Space and Lady Olivia, The Goddess of Healing and Blessing gave him such expensive gifts!

Heck, even Sabrina and Lin Ruoxi gave her precious things, It was the first time I felt so inferior, so ashamed, and embarrassed, I thought he will dislike me or stop liking me seeing such a gift, but no! H- He hugged me! With his loving gaze, he told me that he doesn't care about what is my gift, he loved me and- Oh! How fortunate I am to have his love!! I would do my best to kill that world's chosen one once I am strong enough.

It is not just the world's chosen one, but every InSecT tHat WOulD dARe tO StAnD iN HIs WaY!!! My eyes darkened as I thought of killing all pests that displease him and then him giving him his love for my excellent work,~Hehe, his kisses, his touch, his-" Sara what are you doing standing at the door?".

Oops, it seems I went too deep in my thoughts, I turned to my mother who looked at me weirdly, I awkwardly replied," Ah! Mother about that!", I took out the pill of the Space ring, then opened its container, as soon as I did that a medical fragrance filled up the room and I handed it to over her.

"Sara this", my mother said looking at me, hesitation can be seen on her face, I smiled and said," Mother it's a gift from Young Master Noah", realization came on her face, yes my mother knows about my relationship with Noah, after spending my first night with Noah I told her about what I did, she was angry for me selling my body for resources but after hearing my reasons and knowing it is Noah she accepted it.

She also found something was wrong with me but because of me being silent about it she didn't speak anything about it, yes it was the time when I spent my entire days remembering Noah, and the thought of him leaving me haunted me day and night. After Noah accepted me as his concubine I told to my mother who was beyond shocked by that.

Becoming just Maid of Young Master Noah was something that all the women of the lower strata of the sect wished, yet her daughter aka me managed to become his concubine, it was even better than being a side concubine! That meant I would get resources and his love as well! Even though my position in his harem was lower than his official wives just being his first position in Concubines that even many Women only dreamt of and my mother wasn't unknown of these facts.

My mother still hesitated as I frowned and said," Mother, Young Master Noah gave it as a gift to you his mother-in-law, he also apologized for being unable to meet you before he went into seclusion", my words shocked her, and she trembled and then said with a bitter smile," It's better for you to take it, daughter it will be more helpful to you than me".

Hearing her I pouted! Damn how stubborn she is! I snorted and said in an angry tone," Mother how would Young Master Noah feel when he would know that his Mother-in-law didn't accept his gift?", it seems I needed to threaten her, and as I predicted she became nervous, and then said," Okay, Okay I will take it, also when Young Master Noah is returning?".

I relaxed hearing the first half of her sentence and became a bit sad hearing the latter half, she found the change in my mood and became silent," Unfortunately due to some reasons Young Master Noah will be in seclusion for a long time fortunately he promised to meet me in once a while between his seclusion", I said.

She sighed hearing that, and then said," Okay tell me when he comes, I need to thank him", I nodded and then enthusiastically said," Mother it's best to take it now! I don't want to hear anything take it now!", seeing my determination she nodded and then went inside the cultivation room to take the pill and cleanse her meridians.

I smiled seeing that! With this, my mother can be for a longer time with me! I can't help but get emotional thinking that, my mother did so much for this, yet she never got true happiness, the feeling of being loved by a man- Wait?! What I am thinking? Sarah take these thoughts out of your mind!

But, she never did feel love, knowing how great it feels to be loved by Noah I want my mother to feel it too, her love life was ruined by her meeting my Abusive father, sigh what to do? Should I request Noah to take him as his woman as well?! Yes, that plan is perfect with this both of us will be happy being loved by the same man and my mother will get true happiness.

"Hehe", I giggled as I made the mischievous plan in mind, I just need to make Dear agree with me somehow, even if he agrees then good if he is not then well let's think about it later! For now Sara you have to make an extremely good image of him for your mother let him know how perfect husband material his son-in-law is!

(Author's Note: I just wanna say one thing, I am fucking jealous of him!!!).


Sabrina Pov

I swung my sword for the final time, and the area before me is filled with big holes and scratches, I sighed and stored my sword in my storage ring, then I moved towards a suitable place and sitting down, I got in meditation position and closing my eyes I started replenishing my Qi. After twenty minutes I finished replenishing my Qi which in return made me refresh.

Standing up I decided to meet Elder for pointers in my Swordsmanship, remembering how easily dear was able to defeat me I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, maybe I am overthinking this as Dear already had said he is reincarnation so he definitely must be a Good Swordsman in his previous life, his sword skills were simply an art something which I can continue to look for day or even months without any boredom.

I am delighted and satisfied to be his woman, he had everything that I desired of my dream Husband, also his addicting touch and pats, and the way he dominated me, hehe I can't help but yearn for more of them while thinking all of this someone called me," Senior Sister Sabrina!".

I stopped and moved back facing the young man who called me, he was none other than my Junior brother, we both are taught by the same Elder thus making him my Junior brother, I said," Yes? Min Li?", he blushed a bit and I could sense him gazing at my boobs for a second before he averted, tsk, If not for him being my Junior brother I would already have made him blind.

" Uh- Elder Sister, Miss Yan Li is challenging you for a sword fight", he said, I gave him a cold look and replied," Okay, no go and tell her to meet at the Arena", he nodded and seeing my cold look without trying anything else funny he left, he disgusts me, I have often seen him looking at me wrongly, but I keep ignoring since almost every male looks me like that, and secondly he is my Junior brother.

I just hope he doesn't try to cross any line, otherwise, my eyes became extremely cold as intently I let out an intense killing intent," Hmph! I just hope this junior brother of mine knows his place, anyway let's see what that bitch Yan Li is up to", I said to myself and flew to the arena.


3rd Pov

' Damn it seemed her impression of mine became worse', thought Min Li depressedly, he loved his Elder sister and had a huge crush for the last hundred years, he can't help after all Sabrina is simply too beautiful and hot, he can't help but feel piercing pain in his heart remembering that scene, once he came randomly to check on her and talk to her when he heard the sounds of Moan and flesh slapping.

For some reason, the formation that blocks sound was Off, and he was able to hear the sound of Noah's and Sabrina's passionate lovemaking, his heart dropped and he fell on the ground while tears dripped from his eyes continuously as he tried to deny it but the reality was in front of him, the person he loved, admired and cared for most was making love with another man.

He thought it might be a simple sound spell as someone pranked him, but using his sense he found it was definitely her voice, although he was unable to penetrate through the formation to see what was happening inside he could know the truth of the situation, that time he simply ran away with tears in his eyes not knowing Noah did it deliberately after finding out that he had a crush on her.

He kept denying the situation until it was announced that Sabrina was engaged to Noah, his heart broke and extreme anger took over him, if not for his Master's guidance he would have lost his self-control, he knew that he could never get Sabrina, and day by day her attitude towards him got worse, he just thought she didn't like him which was true as she felt disgusted by anyone else that Noah seeing her body or even glimpsing at her pervertedly.

' I just hope Young Master Noah treats you well Senior sister ', thought Min Li as his heart pained.


Sabrina Pov

Arriving at the arena I glanced at Yan Li, she is one of the next candidates for the Prime Disciple with me, although I am already the Prime disciple for a sect that values result and hard work more than talent, me being a Prime Disciple was a changeable thing until I became Dear's Fiancee, being the Fiancee of the No.1 genius in whole heavens is a very big thing.

She looked at me and snorted," So where are you bitch! You felt your position was threatened so you sold yourself to Noah?!", my eyes became extremely cold hearing that and I said in a threatening voice," Call his name honorably or else you will have to bear the consequences", she snorted and said," Oh?! Does it hurts you me calling the name of your fiancee without any honor, Then let me say it! I don't care whether he is the biggest genius of the era or what!".

This fucking bitch, I glared at her and again said in an extremely threatening voice," Ask for forgiveness now and never dare to say his name likes this otherwise", she snickered and said," Otherwise what? You sold yourself to him for resources and position! Doing something like that by our sect's standard is already an extremely shameful thing! And do you think I will respect a little white face? He is just 20 years old and most of his cultivation is from using Pills and medicines that were served on a plate for him, other than that he is nothing but an-".


I ruthlessly punched her face with my fist using the greatest force that I could muster, she crashed several kilometers far from here, arriving where she fell in a few seconds I kicked her stomach, and a gush of blood came from her mouth, and all the disciples nearby became startled but ignoring all of them I got top of this bitch and continued punching her face.

*Baam* *Baam* *Baam* *Baam*

Her face was disfigured beyond any measure with nothing resembling her previous beauty, smirking I smashed her left breast as it burst like a watermelon with flesh spilling off, "AghhhhhhHhhh!!!!", she left a bone-chilling cry of pain, other disciples became shocked seeing such a scene, without waiting any further I punched on her mouth and all her teeth broke off, her tongue got separated as it came out and laid on the floor.

I again raised my fist to punch her other breast when an extremely powerful pressure paralyzed my body, the whole place shook as a Powerful Aura suppressed me, and all the disciples quickly went away and watched from afar, I tried my best to break through the suppression and managed to punch Yan Li's face once more after which a sword pierced through my stomach.


I coughed blood as the pain hit me, I moved my face and saw the Vice Sect Elder, he looked at me angrily and said," You dare disrespect your elders!! You unfilial disciple!!", he used his Aura again but before full power of his suppression could reach me I took a talisman and broke, it nullified his pressure and taking out another talisman which created a barrier around me.

He became angrier and attacked me with his sword Aura but it simply vanished on coming into contact with the barrier, he was about to attack me again when another person came," Marche! What are you doing?!! Why are you attacking the Prime Disciple?!", he was none other than Sect Master, he released his Aura on him and suppressed him vice sect master bowed and said," Sect Master Sabrina attacked Yan Li and like a Brute continuously punched her!!!".

Sect Master looked at the bloodied scene, half-dead Yan Li and the on me and gazed at my wound, I didn't make any guilty or weak expression, I just looked at him with the arrogance I always had with respect, he sighed and said," Sabrina come in the Hall, we will discuss this matter there, Marche you too and you there take Yan Li to a healing ward and make sure she is healed".

Vice Sect Master reluctantly nodded, then Sect Master glanced at him, I gave him a bow after which he nodded and left, the elder whom Sect Master has ordered took the bloodied body of Yan Li to the healing ward, I clicked my tongue seeing that Bitch going away, then I looked at the sword in my stomach and grabbing it I took it out enduring the pain, this much pain wasn't much considering I had been through worse.

Still, it left a distaste in my mouth, deciding that I will take my revenge on Vice Sect Master later on, I took out a pill and ate it, as soon as it went in my mouth it melted and its medicinal properties took place healing the wound not leaving even a single scar, after that, I departed for the Hall.


"So tell me what happened", said the Sect master who is sitting on the throne and looking at us, beside his throne there sat Vice Master, and other most core important elders, Yan Li who by now was all healed gave me a glare and then bowing to sect Master she said," Sect Master I invited Sabrina for a Private Spar and then she started bragging about her position as Young Master Noah's wife and then mocked me, after that without any warning she punched on my face sending me flying and the rest you all know".

She said with tears in her eyes, I rolled my eyes seeing her spouting nonsense, Sect Master nodded and then looked at me," Sect Master she is lying, she did invite me for a private Spar and on me arriving there she started insulting my Fiancee unable to bear it I just showed her place", I said and gave him a small bow. He rubbed his beard in deep thought.

The Vice Sect Master snorted in anger and said," Let me ask you Sabrina Let's say what are you saying is truth, yet attacking someone before spar starts and so with your bare hands! Tell me where is your modesty as a Swordswoman?!", he questioned me in a threatening tone, I just gave him a look and said," A lowlife like her doesn't even deserve to get beaten by me using my sword".

Every elder gasped and Sect Master started laughing then looking at me with a fierce expression he said," Sabrina aren't you getting too arrogant? Disrespecting your elders in front of me". I bowed and said," I am just telling the truth Sect Master, also what do you think Lady Alise will do when she gets to know about this situation?".

His face froze, and everyone became stunned, I knew that getting out of this situation wasn't easy no matter what she said, I was at the fault too so it will end up with us both getting light punishments, but I didn't want that, I wanted that bitch to get reduced to garbage for insulting my beloved Noah.

Sect Master looked at me with a threatening glare," Sabrina don't overstep your boundaries!!!", he used his Aura on Me, and before I knew I fell on the floor, a few drops of blood dripped from the corner of my mouth and then giving him a look I bowed and said," I am ready for whatever punishment Sect Master gives me but I hope Yan Li gets abolished for slandering my Fiancee".

He stopped using his aura and then looking at me clicked his tongue, then looked at Yan Li who was trembling he ruthlessly said," Yan Li your cultivation will be abolished and your status will be reduced to a mere Servant", her face became pale and she fell on the floor, her legs trembled and she said," Sect Master please! Anything but that!", he sighed and then gave him a glare," Shut up! It's your own mistake!".

Yan Li pissed as the puddle of her urine formed below he I snickered and said," Disgusting", she turned at me and then looking at me with hatred in her eyes she shouted," It's because of you bitch!!! You fucki-", she was unable to speak any longer as she became unconscious due to Sect Master using a Qi Spell.

Then he looked at me and said," Sabrina your resources will be cut off by 90% for the next hundred years and half of your privileges will be taken away from you for the next 500 years!", I bowed and nodded to the other elders seeing this just sighed, my Master also shook his head and sighed, then I bowed and taking his permission I left the palace.


3rd Pov

Yan Li gritted her teeth, her eyes were bloodshot, from a core Disciple she was reduced to a mere servant all her cultivation was abolished and she had no choice but to start cultivation again from the Qi condensation stage, the only thing she was glad for that they didn't seal her cultivation otherwise she would have been reduced as a Servant for the rest of her life.

She still has a chance to make comeback but all her resources were taken away, remembering Sabrina she gritted her teeth,' I don't care how many years it takes and what I need to do but I will make sure to kill you!! ', she thought and determination appeared in her eyes, then she looked at the door, and knocked it gently.

Soon it opened and before she stood a man, he was none other than Min Li who looked at her with a smirk, and then without hiding his intentions he looked at her cleavage and ogled her body, Yan Li trembled knowing what will happen, she was made a servant of Min Li and seeing him looking at her she knew he was going to defile her.

She didn't have any strength to retaliate against him and even if she did, it would make her situation only worse, she bit her lips, and Min Li ordered her," Come inside", keeping her head down she obeyed and came inside, then closing the door he groped her boobs and said," It will be fun defiling you!".

Tears appeared in her eyes but she let him have his way with her,' Sabrina I will definitely kill you!! ', she swore inside, after a bit, he groped her ass and then forced himself on her. Her screams of pain, anguish and weak moans filled the room as Min Li defiled her, after he was finished she dropped down and fell asleep.

Yan Li looked at his sleeping face with hatred, her clothes were torn, a white fluid was dripping out of her pussy, and there were red marks all over her body,' I will use you to get my revenge on Sabrina ', she thought, her experience and Sword Skills were still with her, she just has lost her cultivation and status which she can regain.

She also knew that Min Li loved Sabrina, thinking of that a cruel smile appeared on her face,' Just wait for me Sabrina I will kill you the worst way possible ', she thought.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Guys I had a bad day, I was reading a fanfic called Mushoku Tensei Moving forward, I was completely immersed in it when some scenes where this bastard called Paul groped Lilia and that bitch didn't resist, apparently the Mc of the fic was someone reborn as Rudeus and he had a crush on Lilia and they had a nice romance going on between them with Rudeus pursuing her.

Although Legally it isn't Ntr after reading several chapters of Rudeus pursuing Lilia it was emotionally an Ntr, my mood got soiled and on asking Author he replied he is just doing what makes the most sense, so yay due to the birth of Aisha and other factors, Mc will be ntr'd by Paul, although chapter hadn't come out it is pretty sure by now that it will happen and by the way, the story is going on.

Man you don't know how much it hurt when that scene even appeared just the slight Ntr made my blood boil, I know it might sound rude or even hypocritical of me, but hey! I have read several Mushoku fanfic with Paul making out with Lilia like the original and it didn't matter to me, but when the Mc is pursuing Lilia for years and has an obvious crush it becomes an Ntr. The emotional one.

Guys in my other fanfic Paul will indeed sleep with Aisha but only once, and there is no relationship between Arthur and her up to this point, I already have been told once Mc sleeps or interacts with some female character and shows interest in her, then that girl will never sleep again with any other man. This thing is only not followed in one-night stands which haven't occurred till now.

I am going to make the life of Paul in my fic a hell, Hahaha, I will make this bastard for making me unable to sleep by cucking his wife in front of him!! Be warned for heavy R18 and gore scenes, my anger has reached its limit, btw that chapter will be released in the far future after my exams lol. Still, I hope it is worth the wait.