Qing Yi's Master

(Author's Note: What is with you guys getting bored with the character's past? That thing is to not only explain each character in detail and Alise's Past will do some World Building for the Immortal World which broadens the horizon for the Lower Heavens, don't you guys know the most favorite thing for an Author is to widen the lore he or she is writing just take Fate and Magical Index for example)


3rd Pov

Noah is sitting in a room sipping Coffee waiting for the Qing Yi's master to arrive, as far as Noah knows she is Vice-Sect Master being a Sky Realm Cultivator, obviously, she can be considered a side-Heroine as well since Ye Chen takes her in his harem after developing a relationship with Qing Yi, the funny fact he made her his woman earlier than Qing Yi itself.

As for the Frost Flower's Sect Master, she is an Old woman who dies early during the Sect War between the Heavenly Sword sect and the Frost Flower sect getting killed by the Heavenly Sword's Sect Master, well that happened in the original and it was also convenient for Ye Chen who considered Heavenly Sword and it's Saint are his enemy.

As Noah was thinking, he sensed the sound of footsteps, and soon the door opened Qing Yi came inside and said," My master wants to meet you", she looked at Noah who gave a nod and stood up and replied," Show me the way", she nodded and showed him the way to another room, she stopped at the door and said," Master wanted to meet you alone and don't worry I have explained everything including my Promise".

Noah just gave her a nod and went in without waiting further, Qing Yi seeing this felt a small dissatisfaction in her heart but ignoring it she went back to the temporary cultivation room she was assigned to. Meanwhile, as Noah went inside he saw a beautiful and Mature woman who screamed the word Milf though he knew she was a Virgin.

[Guys your poor author needs help finding a picture,

As for how she looks, Black or White hair with a milf body]

Noah just gave her a small bow while introducing himself as a courtesy," I am Noah", she nodded and then looking at him said," I would like to thank you for saving my reckless disciple", he just replied," I just found her by chance on the verge of death and after making a deal I saved her", she smiled hearing that and stood," That's good no sugarcoated words and I like your honesty though I would like to know what your real motive is".

As she said the atmosphere in the room became serious while she applied her Aura on Noah who while didn't fall on his knees acted like he tried his best to fight the area which catches her eyes, smiling dangerously she summons her sword out of her spatial ring and then pointing it to his neck she said," My disciple somehow loses her Spatial ring which itself a very rare thing considering she does such silly mistakes and then meets you who was a Golden Core cultivator and asks to stay in Frost Flower Sect for saving her, pretty convenient situation and very great coincident isn't it?".

Noah smiles coldly looking at her and said," So this is how you treat the person who saved your Disciple's life?", her eyes didn't flinch seeing his expression and she replied," Indeed you did save my Disciple's life but you might have put her life on danger in the first place, so tell me the truth, who you are and what are your intentions?".

Noah sighs hearing her while Ciel replies,[ Ungrateful bitch! Sorry, Master, I forgot that Ye Chen's Protagonist Aura makes people dumber around him and it also increases trust in him so it created a problem for you], to think he will do such a rookie mistake,' It makes it more interesting don't worry Ciel ', he replies and then looking at the Qing Yi's master aka Mei Ying and replied," My intentions were simple, I found your disciple injured and helped her to get something in return".

She arrogantly looked at him further strengthening her Aura and said," I don't have time for your useless lies, better spit out the truth or die", I quickly used a talisman forming a barrier around me which blocked her Aura, and her expression turned colder as she used her Qi to attack the barrier but it easily nullified it.

She snorted arrogantly wanting to attack again only to be intercepted by Qing Yi," Master!! What are you doing?!", Mei Ying stopped and looking at her disciples replied," He is suspicious so I am just interrogating him to know his true motives", Qing Yi understood her Master's words but stills stood in front of her Master and said," I can't let you do that to my savior!".

Mei Ying felt angry seeing her disciple supporting Noah and asked," Qing Yi?! What are you doing?! I am doing this for your sake!", Noah sighed and Qing Yi replied, "Master I know that but he saved me and I don't feel any evil intentions behind him helping me and thus I can't let my savior suffer because of me!".

Mei Ying looked at Qing Yi and pressurized her but she didn't falter, Mei Ying finally sighed and took back her Aura, giving Noah a cold and arrogant look and said," Okay you can stay in the Frost Flower Sect as long as you want but you won't be allowed to enter in the core area and if I find any suspicious activity from you then I will make sure to give you a painful death".

Noah's face was emotionless no one could tell what he was feeling and he replied," Fine just don't send spies after me", Mei Ying snorted and said," Don't worry I am not that pathetic to send spies after a mere Golden Core Cultivator", then she looked at Qing Yi and said," Meet me alone after a few hours", then she left.

Qing Yi felt relaxed as her Master left and then turned to Noah who had an emotionless look she bit her lips and then doing a 90-degree bow said," I apologize! You saved me yet my master treated you like that", she felt ashamed of herself and when Noah replied her," Don't worry, after staying for a bit I will leave your sect, I just needed a temporary residence".

Qing Yi couldn't help but felt guilty hearing his words, she wanted to say more but words didn't come out of her mouth, she felt Noah leaving and then straightening herself she didn't see him, and her heart was disturbed as she felt a crushing feeling in her heart, shame, guilt, all such emotions were troubling her.


Noah sat in his room while using a talisman to create a barrier, then he asked Ciel,' Tell me Ciel what exactly will happen if I kill Ye Chen? ', his question startled Ciel a bit but she quickly replied,[ Daddy killing the Mc will make the Heaven choose a new one from any of the countless worlds, maybe it will promote a suitable World Protagonist to Heaven's Protagonist, the luck of the new protagonist will be weaker than previous one considering Heavenly luck won't be able to recover from master's raiding Ye Chen's destined women.

But the new plot, new sub-heroines, and everything will be different and it will prove a lot more difficult for me to find the new protagonist I don't have any strong powers to see through fate yet and I am not able to control my all powers yet]

Noah became silent as he heard her, his face was emotionless and no one could tell what was going on inside his mind,[ I am sorry Daddy, because of my incompetence and inability to use my powers properly you have to go through all this! If only I had perfect control then I could have taken over this Universe silently without any problem]

Noah replied to her,' No need to apologize it isn't your mistake, you are doing your best to help me, and because of you my destiny has already changed a lot ', Ciel felt relieved hearing that her father wasn't angry or disappointed with her, but soon a very powerful destructive Aura broke through his body, it disintegrates everything near him to dust.

The Barrier around him prevented him from the Aura leaking, he said angrily," That b*tch thinks she can push me however she wants? Thinking of herself as some bigshot? I could have killed her with a single attack while not even using 5% of my real power, I have never felt so angry,*sigh* Calm yourself Noah", he calmed himself as the Aura stopped leaking around him.

He looked to find everything inside the Barrier disintegrated, not even a speck of dust remained, it was the result of him using his Destruction Qi special to his physique, it was one the strongest types of attribute Qi alongside Creation Qi even Chaos Qi was weaker than it, not to mention Time and Space Qi which looked 3rd Rate compared to it.

" I have decided to be calm for now, it would be useless to get angry now and kill her when I did my best to not kill her and bore her insults, my actions would have been meaningless if I were t destroy my plans now, but if she were to step out of her boundary again then", he said and then a cruel smile came on his face," Then I would trap her, kill her brutally and then put the blame on Red Lotus Sect master", he finished his words.

[Okay Dear! Then your wife and daughter will do their best to help you!] said Ciel, Noah nodded and then took out another talisman and broke it but nothing happened, frowning he said, "Ciel, This time reversal talisman is not working", Ciel replied[ Wait a minute Daddy, they are too weak to reverse the effect of your Destruction Qi... Here we go! I have made another Time Reversing Talisman of Dao Immortal Rank, it should work now].

A Talisman appeared on Noah's hand, he broke it and then the area that was disintegrated by his Destruction Qi reappeared like it was before, he nodded after all living even a bit of suspicious clue is not his style.


In Heavenly Sword Sect.

A swirl of Qi was surrounding a woman, her eyes were closed, she had a very voluptuous figure, her black hair was long reaching her waist, and her robes were tight and exposed her cleavage lightly, overall they just highlighted her figure, suddenly she opened her black eyes, looking the old man in front of him she stood up and greeted him," Sect Master".

The man nodded and smiled," You have reached Qi Condensation 9th Realm from 3rd Realm just in two months, your talent is simply heavenly! Now, Feng Mian I am here to inform you that Ancestor himself has pressurized the whole sect and me to make you Prime Disciple Directly!", he said shocking Feng Mian.

She understands what the position of the Prime Disciple means! Even core elders have to bow before her! Sect Master, Supreme Elders and sometimes even Ancestor will directly teach her! She will also be the next Sect Master, taking over the whole sect in the future!!

She asked a bit curiously," What about the Holy son? Won't he be angry about this?", Sect Master snorted and said," Don't worry about him, if he and Vice Sect Master dare to cross their boundaries or try to harm you anyway then they would be killed!", Feng Mian gasped hearing that.

"Why surprised?", the Sect master asked her seeing her expression, she nodded and then he said," Feng Mian you must understand that you have Legendary grade Spiritual Roots! Something that is only written in legends! Even we don't have any record of a person having them only brief information about it! You have the talent and potential to become the strongest in the Continent, with you leading the Sect our sect will become ever stronger and have an unshakable foundation!".

Feng Mian nodded in understanding,' I still underestimated Master's grace! ', she thought, in her heart, there was only one desire! To stay by Noah's side for the rest of her life and serve him. But she knew only by being strong she would be worthy of even being his maid, thus her current goal so to get as strong as possible quickly to assist him.

Sect Master stroked his beard thinking,' Damn all Supreme Elders and Ancestors are very crazy about her safety, they have already told me if something were to happen to her then I would be punished heavily, they also have told me to kill anyone who dares to have malicious intent towards her even if the person is from our sect ', then he suddenly remembered something.

He looked at Feng Mian and asked," Feng Mian, I have heard about how that boy from Meng Family who joined recently has been pestering you?", hearing that Feng Mian admitted without any hesitation," Yes Sect Master, he had been pestering my last two weeks, going as far as to invite me to make me his concubine, when I rejected him he threatened me", she replied.

Sect Master's face became cold," That damn weakling thinks of making our Prime Disciple his Concubine?! Does he thinks his Meng Family is omnipotent?! Hah! His family is a fart in front of our sect, if I want I could destroy his whole family in one night! Hmph! That's it, you don't need to worry about him anymore, I will tell someone to deliver his head tomorrow to Meng Family!", he said.

Feng Mian became happy hearing that, for that man who perversely looked at her with wrong intentions, she didn't have any goodwill towards him, she felt extremely disgusted by him when he dared to even look at her body! In her heart, she belongs to her, Noah! If some other men were to dare try to claim her, they should be killed!

"Thank you Sect master", she said bowing to Sect Master who laughed and said," Don't worry! You are Prime Disciple no one dares to have any ill intent towards you! If they do, then they will be killed and that boy should be made an example to let others who have such intentions give up, and if they don't then they will have the same fate.

Anyway, Feng Mian once you break through Foundation Establishment Realm, I will start teaching you some Sword Techniques or another technique you desire after that, we will go outside training while a powerful Core Elder will ensure your safety!".

The treatment of the Sect towards Feng Mian was simply heavenly! Even Prime Disciples of other sects couldn't compare it to!

The next day, the man from the Meng family didn't even get a chance to show his 3rd Rate Villainous performance in front of Ye Chen or Noah and was directly executed! His severed head was given to Meng Family with a warning which caused an uproar in the entire Kingdom.


Ye Chen Pov

"Damn, my butt was pierced thrice by that Horned Grey Wolf!", said Ye Chen in pain as he somehow applied balm on his butt, suddenly he felt pain in his heart and he clutched it while falling on the ground, after a few minutes he recovered, his whole body was covered in sweat, he gasped for air heavily and then muttered," Wh-What was that?".

He then quickly entered into meditation and started cultivating to recover himself, after tens of minutes he opened his eyes and said," I have been getting such sudden pains from my last life, is there any reason for this?", he started pondering about it and then fearfully said," Am I cursed?".

After thinking for a bit he found that the possibility of him being cursed was very high, his face became pale as he thought about an unknown curse inflicting him, then he clenched his fists and muttered," It doesn't matters! I still have the Emperor's heritage, this ring! As long as I get strong and manage to get more of the Emperor's heritage I can nullify this curse and then...".

He stopped for a bit and then finished his sentence with Venom in his voice," Kill and get back on the person or entity who cursed me". His eyes shone as the desire of getting stronger burned in his heart, unknown to Noah, Ye Chen's progress is gonna skyrocket.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Guys give me reviews!)