Feng Mian the delusional girl

(Author's Note: Give me all the power stones!!)


3rd pov

Feng Mian stopped cultivating, feeling fresh, she needed to do some training as well so there was only limited time she could cultivate, unlike others due to her cultivation literally skyrocketing she didn't have much time to get used to her strength, which could be pretty problematic at later stages when her power would be enough to blow mountains with single punches.

Thus she decided to focus more on training, she decided to train with the only friend she had made in the sect, none other than Ming Yuan, back during selection she and Ming Yuan became acquaintances, since they were going in the same sect and it was uncharted territory so Ming Yuan decided to try and befriend other female disciples, she succeeded in befriending Feng Mian while others denied her.

After they came into the sect Feng Mian became a core disciple and Ming Yuan an Outer disciple, though due to the fact that Feng Mian didn't look down on Ming Yuan due to her lower status compared to her and acted the same as before their friendship became deeper, by now, they were already sort of besties.

Feng Mian soon found her and Ming Yuan greeted," I greet Senior sister", Feng Mian chuckled and said," I told you there is no need for that right?", Ming Yuan shook her head and said," Senior Sister you are a Prime Disciple now if previously I somehow called you by your name now I won't even dare to do it publicly".

Feng Mian sighed and then said," Anyway, Yuan'er can you be my spar partner?", Ming Yuan didn't deny and accepted while other Outer disciples looked at her in envy, while Male disciples drooled seeing Feng Mian, they didn't dare to do anything knowing she was Prime Disciple, while several female disciples regretted their decision of not befriending them earlier when they had a chance.

They left the Outer Disciple Training Hall together for Feng Mian's private training Hall, on reaching Ming Yuan sighed and said," Senior Sister, to think you would become the Prime Disciple", she never thought in her dreams that she would have a chance of being a friend of the Prime Disciple, not to mention the Prime Disciple of the Strongest Sect on the Continent.

Feng Mian nodded a bit proud and said," Indeed with my talent being Prime Disciple is only natural! ", Ming Yuan chuckled hearing her boasting, she knew that she was just joking and acting like that to make the mood lighter, she appreciated that and by now she really thought of Feng Mian as a close friend.

Ming Yuan then replied," Thanks for making the mood lighter still I would say I don't think I would be much helpful to you considering that I am only 8th !Qi Condensation Stage", Feng Mian hooked her head and said," Not at all, sparring with you will hone my battle skills and senses, considering you have trained sword for years and have more practical skills than me".

Ming Yuan just smiled hearing that,' Senior Sister you are so good to me, you are so honest and kind, though you are a bit naive as well, don't worry I will protect you from others taking advantage of you! ', she thought looking at Feng Mian, then they began their spar.

*Skip No Justsu*

(Author's Note: Tell me if you need me to show the spar and training next time, I usually skip most of these parts, even the weak-level fights)

After a few hours, Ming Yuan lay on the floor gasping heavily for air, she was tired and her clothes all wet from sweating, in the end, due to sweat her figure became more glorified as her clothes stuck to her skin, her beautiful cleavage showing their full glory as her nipples stuck out of her dress, Feng Mian gave her hand so that Ming Yuan can stand.

Ming Yuan took her hand and stood up, Feng Mian frowned looking at the current state of Ming Yuan, and said," Yuan'er you look very indecent as of now", Ming Yuan checked herself seeing that and seeing her state she blushed heavily but then sighed in relief as only Feng Mian has seen her like that," It seems I need to wear less revealing clothes next time, and ones which are thicker and have enchantments preventing them from getting like this", she said.

Feng Mian nodded and then looked at herself, seeing that there was not even a bit of sweat on her body, and her clothes still looked good as new," Senior Sister, although I can understand due to the quality of your clothes are way above my league so they look still good as new, but how haven't you sweated a single drop of sweat?!", she asked confused and surprised.

She knew that Feng Mian was only one stage higher than her so for her to be not even tired when she was tired as hell greatly shocked her, every minor Qi Condensation stage doubles the power of the cultivator so even if Feng Mian is a genius having purer Qi she still should be a bit tired! Ming Yuan smiled bitterly,' It seems there are some mountains that one can really cross ', she thought.

Feng Mian didn't reply as she knew the reason for her being not tired, heck even now she had only used 2/10th of her energy reserves, in the end, she decided to go with the fact she is a genius," Ming Yuan it must be something with me being more powerful than average cultivator", Ming Yuan was no idiot and she could see that Feng Mian didn't want to tell her, she didn't pursue it either.

To her, it seemed like it was related to some special technique or treasure Feng Mian had received from the sect and that's why she didn't tell her, she decided to not fret about it and they both came into the private quarters of Feng Mian, who offered Ming Yuan to stay and relax for a bit, they both sat down and started sipping tea.

Ming Yuan decided to bring up a topic," Senior Sister, I am curious is there any person you like?", she asked Feng Mian hearing that became stunned, the image of Noah came into her mind but she decided to lie to her,' I don't trust you enough to tell you about Master ', she thought and was to reply when she recalled how Noah ordered her to let her tell others about her relationship to other cultivators in the sect.

Finally a bit hesitant she decided to tell Ming Yuan,' I need to start somewhere and if I did some mistake then Master will be disappointed with me, I can't let it happen, I just wish that everything goes alright ', she thought and then replied," In fact, there is someone I do love", Ming Yuan spitted out the tea she was drinking hearing that, "Fttttt-".

Then she quickly cleaned the room using a Qi spell and looked at Feng Mian embarrassedly," I am sorry Senior Sister for showing such behavior", Feng Mian replied," It's fine", Ming Yuan sighed in relief and asked," Can I know who is the lucky person Senior Sister?", she was really curious who was the man that made someone as talented as her senior sister fall in love.

"You know about my past right ?", she said making Ming Yuan nod her head in reply, she then said," Actually I wasn't even going to appear for the Sect Selection test, but when a Handsome Cultivator who was passing my Village decided to stay, my grandfather invited him to stay, I- I fell in love and gave myself to him", she blushed thinking about her 3rd-Rate embarrassing seducing tactics which made her look like a slut in front of her Master,' Gosh! That was so embarrassing thankfully all went well in the end ', she thought.

Ming Yuan meanwhile frowned and thought angrily,' Did a Random Cultivator just take her virginity after fooling her?!! ', she quickly asked her," So Senior Sister what happened next?", Feng Mian with a smile said," He said that he was an heir of powerful power, but had a test before he could inherit the position so we had to part, but he checked my Cultivation Talent and said I have a good talent for cultivation and then taught me some basic Cultivation for a few days and said to go for Sect Selection Test, we have promised to meet each other after getting strong and position."

"Oh", said Ming Yuan finally a bit relieved, she didn't want her sister to give her precious virginity to some fraud or pathetic weakling like Ye Chen,' He should belong to a secret family or a Royal Family then! Only they have such kinds of tests, well I guess it's alright as long as he isn't a pathetic twerp like Ye Chen and loves her it should be fine ', she thought and then replied," I see Senior Sister! I guess he is a fine man then".

Feng Mian nodded with a dreamy look much to the displeasure of Ming Yuan,' Hmph! I hope you keep your promise with Elder Sister, otherwise, once I meet you and find you not worthy of her, then don't blame me for being cruel ', she thought, in fact, she wanted the best for her best friend and letting her have a weak partner will be detrimental for her in future which was somewhat true.

Obviously, she didn't know about the fact of who her Senior Sister's Mysterious Lover was and how great his position and formidable his strength is otherwise she would have thought of how lucky Feng Mian is, would have been jealous of her, and would have courted after Noah.

On the other hand, Feng Mian happily thought of her Master rewarding her,' Fufu, now I just need to prepare for the Realm Exploration happening next month and then I will get rewarded for being a good Maid! ', she thought delightedly thinking her plan is working fine while she failed miserably.

(Author's Note: Please remember that women are very delusional and the EQ of a woman in love is almost Zero when it comes to her love, So Stay Safe, Stay Healthy from such dangerous women)


Feng Mian's secret bodyguard quickly reported the matter of her being in love with a mysterious man quickly to the Sect Master.

"So she is in love with a Cultivator who is possibly an heir to a mysterious family?", he asked, the guard nodded and replied," Yes Sect Master, this is definitely what I have heard", the Sect Master pondered for a bit and then replied," Leave it, it is not a big deal".

"Eh? But Sect Master, The Prime Disciple being in love is a very serious Matter!", he said while taking his mask off, the Sect Master grumbled and said," Listen, my friend, I gave you the job of guarding her because I trust you and know your loyalty, you just need to do that don't fret over such small Matters".

The Guard sighed and said," But-", the Sect Master said," No Buts, Let me tell you what will probably happen if the man fails to become the Heir then he will disappoint Feng Mian and she will leave him, even if he does becomes Heir then depending on situation either Feng Mian will leave him due to lower status or if their relationship works out then we will have one more ally, even if there can be bad outcomes they aren't serious".

The Guard nodded and looked at him in admiration and said," As expected of my Friend and Sect Master you have thought this far already", the Sect Master laughed loudly hearing that and said," No need to flatter me, even if your position is lower than me, you are my closest friend, Anyway wanna take a sip of this Three Leaved Golden Tea? This tastes delicious!", the Guard nodded and then became a bit more carefree and replied," Sure".

Just by this, it can be seen how good their relationship is, and thankfully luck favored Feng Miian otherwise poor Noah would have scolded her for making the Strongest Sect Leader unfriendly towards him.


3rd Pov

A handsome man looked at his Master and asked," So I am no longer eligible for even competing for the Prime Disciple position?", the Vice-Sect Master nodded and said sadly," Haitao unfortunately that's the truth, and every Supreme Elder and even Ancestor are supporting her, you have got no chance and if we try something funny then only death awaits us".

The man hearing that gritted his teeth," I worked so hard till now, doing my best, and even became the Holy Son till now pursuing my dream of becoming the leader of the greatest sect in the world and now a commoner girl comes out of nowhere and trashes my dreams?!", he said angrily and the next moment he fell on the floor as Vice-Sect Master pressured him using a bit of his True Aura," Haitao I am warning you to don't have an ill intention towards her otherwise because of you I will be implicated as well".

Haitao gritted his teeth as heard his teacher, his dreams were all shattered and for the first time in his life he felt inferior, he was used to ordering others, doing whatever he wants, and going away without any consequence but now he felt inferior as the teacher he relied on the most is going against him simply because of a talented girl!

To his pride it was a big blow, thankfully this Universe had weaker restrictions on the Conscience of a person otherwise Haitao's Dao Heart which doesn't exist in this Universe would have cracked, and he would have coughed a mouthful of blood, and died. Suddenly he felt the pressure on him lift and looked at his teacher who had a calm expression," Don't worry Haitao, you still have a way to become this Sect's Leader!".

Hearing that Haitao had a grateful expression on his face, all his dissatisfaction vanished and he thought,' Sure enough, Teacher won't ever abandon me! ', he asked him," What way Teacher?!", the old man coughed and said," While in a way this is very bad for you, but it's an opportunity as well! Think of it this way! You have finally a woman worthy enough to be equal to you! If you manage to make her fall in love with you then you will get more benefits than before what we intended!".

Haitao hearing this became Gobsmacked, till now he only sees women as a way to vent his frustration and even Frost Flower Sect's Hoy Daughter is just an s*x toy target for him so he felt stupid realizing that he have to make a woman fall in love with him, Vice-Sect Master realized what he was thinking and slapped his head," Ouch! Teacher", Haitao cast a pitiful look at him.

"Haitao! I know you think of women as things below you but know that this woman is destined to make us strongest and soar us to the heavens if she is properly nurtured! Even you can't do that! So by making her fall in love with you not only you will get a woman worthy to rule this sect with you, you will get a powerhouse before you and a wife at the same time!", explained Vice-Sect Master.

He looked at Haitao who looked as if he hit a realization and said," That's wonderful Teacher! How that I didn't think of this before?!", Vice-sect Master laughed hearing that and stroking his long white beard he said," Obviously No matter how smart you are, I am your Teacher!", Haitao nodded and said," Indeed! No one can compare you to Teacher!".

They both laughed for a while, till Haitao asked," How do I make her fall in love with her?", Vice-Sect Master stopped laughing and then looked at his disciple with an extremely red face as if looking at an Idiot,' What's with that scary look Master is giving me ', thought Haitao sweating in fear, then he got slapped in the face making him roll in the air and then fall on the ground.

"Haitao! You are an idiot! It is up to you to think about how to do that! I have better things to do than give my disciple advice on how to make an underage woman fall with him! Hmph!", Vice-Sect Master said angrily and Haitao nodded like a chicken," Don't worry Teacher I will think of it!!", Vice-Sect Master finally nodded satisfied, and said," Any way you will get a lot of opportunities during the realm Exploartaion next month, and she is still weak so that is your chance!".

Haitao stood on his feet with swollen cheeks and nodded gratefully, then Vice-Sect Master shooed him away, finally, alone Haitao took a pill to heal his cheek and took out a communication Jade to order his underlings, but finding they are not picking it up he knew what they were up to," Those l*sty dogs! Even I do know to keep it in moderation! Because of this, they will be nothing but f*cking dispatchable dogs for their entire lives!", he said angrily.

He decided to go to their place as he didn't want to wait any longer and saw the scene he expected to, a Maid was covered in white s*men as the liquids dripped from her pussy and mouth, and her body had red scars showing she was abused, there were even cuts as who r*ped her love torturing women.

"Damn, what a nice p*ssy she had", a Core Disciple said as the other six nodded, they were wearing back their clothes after venting their lust on the poor maid, suddenly they froze feeling a familiar Aura, they turned to see a person looking at them angrily, they quickly knelt and said," We great the Master", Haitao snorted and giving an emotionless glance at the abused maid he said," You f*cking H*rny dogs! Why didn't you reply to my message?".

Their faces paled hearing that, they trembled as suddenly one said," Master, it is this maid's fault she was resisting too much!", the other six nodded as Haitao quickly threw a Qi Dagger killing the maid," Now, whose mistake it is I am not interested to listen to that okay? You all are my dogs who know nothing b*t to r*pe women using my influence, so if you want to continue enjoying that then reply to my orders and do it as a loyal dog get it?".

They nodded hurriedly, Haitao finally asked," I will think of all of your punishment later on, but let me ask you all, How I can make a woman fall in love with me?", they became stupefied hearing that and looked at Haitao wondering if they heard right," You dogs! Tell me how to make a woman fall in love with me! Don't tell me you useless piece of sh*ts don't even know that?!".

They trembled in disbelief, after all even if Haitao their Master didn't go as m*ch f*cking girls around as they did due to being picky, he was crueler to the girls who were unfortunate to get in their list, he would roughly r*pe them, and then beat them and then treat like a thing, he would keep r*ping them till they don't care to pain and suffering they are receiving before disposing of them.

Thus, they were in disbelief that they would hear something like this one day, but knowing if they don't reply quickly their fate might be worse one of them quickly said," We know they war to make a woman fall in love with you Master!", hearing that Haitao became excited and asked," Really?! Then quickly tell me!".

All of them nodded and started telling him, by the end, Haitao had an understanding look," Is that so? Never thought making a woman fall in love will be so troublesome but since it involves my future I will do it no matter the time it takes!", he sweared while other seven looked relieved, soon Haitao left to do some practice on the method they told him.

"Are you sure it will work?", one of them asked in fear, another nodded and said," It should! I have seen many men getting the love of their life this way!", another one nodded and said," Even my father got my mother this way!", they decided to not fret over it, after all despite the bad reputation their Master is still the Holy Son of the strongest sect and which women will have balls to refuse him.

Though they didn't count two things, firstly women don't have balls, and secondly, if Haitao could really get that woman using his influence and background he wouldn't have to resort to this method in the first place.

To be continued...