Realm Exploration and New Characters

(Author's Note: Damn, what's with low review counts, seriously 1million+ reads and like what 25 reviews? You guys legitimately suck)


Noah Pov

1 month has passed since the incident with Qing Yi's Teacher, and I returned to Immortal World once to meet my all women back there and well we had a nice talk, a romantic date, and then hours of lovemaking, thankfully my mother is really powerful with Time Dao so only a single day passed here while I spent more than a few weeks there, now I have returned back for one of the main events.

Realm Exploration! Basically speaking just one of the important events in which all the important characters as introduced, and I am here just outside of the Realm Intrance which is just a pocket realm separated from the real world and the only way to enter is by using its entrance which shows up at a regular time interval.

Obviously, Immortal Realm Cultivators simply can use their raw power to break in such low-level Space pockets while in the stronger one, any Immortal with a bit of achievement in Space Dao can break in or even make them their personal small world, obviously one can do it only with a suitable treasure aka equipment or with his mastery in Space Dao.

[Dear, if you want I can give you a personal world ], said Ciel gaining my interest, I am currently at 4th Saint Realm, so I am still a lot far away but in the end, I decided not to, I have a lot in my plate to do, despite my strong cultivation realm and great mastery in sword I am still lacking in other areas except Qi Spells, and some Physical Attack Techniques, I want to get mastery in other fields such as alchemy, Rune Formation as well before going after anything, and making a personal world or owning one by Space Dao is much better than other methods, it will be like being a Supreme God of a World.

'Thanks for the idea but not now Ciel, I will like you to help me in creating a personal world when the time comes okay? ', I said, she giggled and replied,[Okay! Anyway Dear, here they are!], I looked below and found candidates from the six major sects coming in, I quickly spotted Feng Mian with Qing Yi and well one of the early Major villains Haitao who was pestering him like a simp.

I already know what happened with her and the reason Haitao followed her as a dog thanks to Ciel, I then turned to candidates from Frsot Flower set, and leading them was obviously Qing Yi, she is the Holy Daughter and there is no Holy Son thus she is the one who will be taking their lead, then I looked at the group of buddha sect, although there are some important characters including Sect Master's Daughter it isn't of any importance to me as of now.

Firstly, currently, she is very young like 10 years old, and isn't a main heroine, then I looked at the candidates from Pink Flower Sect and spotted her, rather than a disciple she was an Elder and her name is Tangxue, Protagonist isn't supposed to have any meeting till a lot later, from what I remember she has a physique which basically makes her the successor of a secret family in Central Continent, and her powers are related to darkness, demons, and stuff.

She is one of my targets, either I will subdue her as my concubine or just destroy her relationship with Ye Chen in case I don't want her as a woman, finally, I turned to the candidates from the Eternal sect and found the Tsundere and spoiled bratty heroine, her name is Xin Yan, and she is like that spoiled girl who thinks the world revolves around her.

She is supposed to meet the Protagonist during realm exploration as he will save her from her own sect members who secretly are goons of a core disciple to kill her because she rejected his proposal, and the man I can't really pity her for that, she basically used that Core Disciple to do all she wanted, flaunted her power in the sect and once he proposed finding him unworthy of her she slapped him and turned him down while showering him with insults.

Shaking my head I looked at the space pocket in front of me, it supposedly opens once every ten years, and only Cultivators up to Peak Foundation Establishment Realm can enter it due to restriction of laws of the separate space, normally even Sect Masters of major sect can't go forcefully in, maybe the ancestors but then again I am just too powerful to easily break in and do whatever I want.

I also have decided to meet up with Feng Mian and talk with her, for now, I have to just wait till the Realm Exploration starts and well, I can see below something interesting happening, I guess I won't be bored at least, thus with an amused smile I looked at the drama below me.


3rd Pov

Feng Mian snorted and said," Junior Brother, please stop pestering me", she directly insulted him and even called him junior brother while he is stronger than her, Ming Yuan sweated seeing this and quickly came beside Feng Mian, Haitao just gave her a gentlemanly smile and said," Sure", while other disciple looked at this scene with shock.

Then she snorted and said," Yuan'er let's find some better place", Ming Yuan nodded and followed her bestie, and once they were out of Haitao's range he sighed and thought,' So tiring ', he then looked at her leaving back and blushed slightly,' Even if she is this cold to me, I don't feel bad at all, it only excites me for some reason? I guess the Teacher was right she is a woman with who I can have an equal, and maybe that's why I am so attracted towards her?', he thought.

Then with a haughty and cold face looked at the disciples who were whispering to each other, they became startled and stopped talking, he just snorted and then started looking around spotting Qing Yi, with an arrogant smile he walked towards her and greeted her," It seems the Holy Daughter of Frost Flower Sect is here as well".

Qing Yi's eyebrows twitched as she heard his voice and turned to him," Why are you here Haitao? Was the last rejection from me wasn't enough?", hearing that Haitao's face turned cold as he laughed and said," I will say I am impressed, it was the first time getting rejected by a woman, but well you lost the chance to be my concubine, you will regret it later on".

Then without letting her speak he said," For now let me return to my group and well be careful after all incidents can happen in realm exploration", he then left living Qing Yi who had her fists clenched,' That f*cking b*stard ', she thought angrily, the area around her dropped by several degrees, and Mei Ying had personally come to stop her," Disciple!".

Qing Yi stopped releasing her aura and apologized seeing the stern face of her Master aka Teacher," Sorry Master I lost my control", Mei Ying shook her head and then glanced at the figure of Haitao coldly," I know you want to teach him a lesson, but you are a no match for him and his words were definitely threatening you, so be careful during Realm Exploration".

She nodded and then remembered someone,' I haven't seen him for a few days, did he leave?' she thought a bit depressed, by now talking to Noah has already become her favorite pastime, after the incident with her Master, to make up for it she decided to thank him in person, this time more officially by gifting him the precious things which he didn't take much to her annoyance.

They started talking to each other, and she was impressed by Noah's insight, genius, and character, in fact, if not for her Master, she would have already started spending more time with him, and for one week they haven't seen each other, which made Qing Yi sad.

Suddenly she heard a girl's laughter," Qing Yi, it seems you are in some trouble huh?", Qing Yi felt a headache knowing whose voice it was, she turned towards Xin Yan and asked," What do you want?", Xin Yan snorted and said," This time during Realm Exploration I will establish it that I am better than you!", she looked at her arrogantly.

Meanwhile, they both were bickering two men were observing her," They are so beautiful said Ye Chen looking at Xin Yan and Qing Yi, a man put his hand around his shoulder and said," Just a said brother Ye, they are one of the three great beauties of the Continent", Ye Chen nodded and smiled and said," Ling you were right they both are very beautiful and powerful as expected of Holy Daughters! But in the future when we get strong getting women like them won't be a dream who knows I might get them as my future wives", he joked and both of them started laughing.

Meanwhile, Noah looking at the poor lamb aka Ye Chen smiled cruelly.


Noah pov

I can see Ye Chen having a chill, I guess the benefit of being a Protagonist is to sense my hidden malicious intent toward him, I looked at his best friend Ling Ken, a supporting character if I were to say, he has a fiancee as well, and like all supporting males he is actually a Prince of Ulyossa Kingdom, in future with Ye Chen's help he will become the King instead of his brothers who are way stronger.

His elder sister is a heroine as well, but well side-heroine if we go by my standards, she lost her charm after Ye Chen ascends to Heaven aka Immortal World, and well Ling Ken will die in the future after becoming King intrusting his kingdom to him, and Ye Chen as a good brother will c*ck his dead best friend him by making out love with his fiancee and then appoint her as the Empress.

Though that's quite a bit far away, other than that in the last month I prevented his other meeting with a side-Heroine, a Core disciple of the Red Lotus Sect and he would have saved her from injuries she got after battling a False Core Monster, I just killed in advance preventing their meeting and him getting a connection with her which would have been quite beneficial to him in Red Lotus Sect.

And yup, she has a fiancee as well who is basically Ye Chen's stepping stone to becoming Red Lotus Sect's Holy Son, everything is as it should be, though one thing that is surprising is that his growth is too faster than what I had expected, originally he should have been a Peak Qi Condensation disciple at this point, but he is a 1st Realm Foundation Establishment Realm.

[Dear, it is due to what I have previously told you], said Ciel,' Hmm, then I guess it's related to how he found out someone has been ruining his chances in a form that he thinks he is cursed right? ', I asked her, she replied[ Yes, that's Universe's will providing him help ], my eyes became cold as I looked at him.

He shivered and looked above in confusion, damn Protagonist's sixth sense is Op, if not for us being Realm parts he might have already spotted me, well it doesn't matters I am gonna take his everything away, his power, his women, his wealth, everything, this Realm Exploration will be the first time I officially start suppressing him directly instead of cutting off his chances with women.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Guys please give me a lot of reviews and comments, I kinda like your comments, and yeah you all free to criticise my mistakes as well, I will reply to that or accept it if your comments don't cross boundaries)