Ice Cold Beauty? No I am Colder!!

(Author's Note: We all know that heat flows from an hot to cold object, aka love. Thus how to get a Cold Beauty? Be Colder! Let her heat flow into you!! Jokes aside, where are my powerstones?!! I was not joking guys, give me powerstones and I will give you chapters!! My Mushoku one having less chapters and worse update schedule got in 32 with over 1K powerstones last week, so show that this one is also worth that much!)


Noah Pov

Sipping tea leisurely, I sat on a room that was made specially for me. Forst Flower Sect was a bit surprised by a guest like by me, and after hearing Mei Ying's explanation they were a bit suspicious of me as well. But in the end with a Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator watching over me, they were at ease. In the end they were one of the strongest sect in the Eastern Continent thus they doubted a Golden Core Formation Realm Cultivator like me could do anything.

Truly why these sects get trouble by Evil Sect is because of their arrogance and I can see a dozens of Evil Cultivators from the Sect called Blood God Sect being spies here. Although the sect now stood strong if it exposed any weakness then this Evil Sect with an extremely common cliche name will hurt them greatly and even destroy it if other hidden evil sects were to join them.

" Senior do you want something else?", questioned a girl who was standing in front of me. Even I was a suspicious guy, in the end it was just a suspicion from bitch Mei Ying, in the end I have saved their Saintness and thus except for the slight insurance in the form of an old hag. They treated me well and provided the best of the hospitality, even if I don't have that Protagonist Aura to lower everyone's EQ and IQ, I am a villain and I am not looked down upon everywhere I go like Ye Chen!

" Well I doubt I want anything else, so you can leave", I said, leaving the empty cup. She sighed in disappointment, she was an newly joined outer disciple arranged to do menial chores for me. After she realized how hard the Cultivation world was, and had been trying to become my woman after knowing I am a Golden Core Cultivator, and a young one at that.

While all the inner disciples who managed to enter the Core Formation Realm before a certain age became Core disciples in Frost Flower Sect, but the true Core Formation Realm Cultivators in the end were Golden Core Formation Realm, and they were backbone of the major sects. Thus, I was a eye candy to this Outer Disciple who didn't care much that I am an outsider, after all I am destined to become an Nascent Soul Cultivator, pffft. Women are truly delusional.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing the figure of Qing Yi which stunned the girl. " Saintness!", she bowed respectfully, and she just snorted," Leave", she ordered in a cold tone and the girl nodded, and taking the cup and plate she quickly got out, meanwhile I casually mind-controlled their so called insurance. Yes, I already have mind-controlled her, after all it is more convenient, thus no I can talk with Qing Yi leisurely.

" I thought you left", she said, with an hint of complaint and dissatisfaction in her voice. I looked at her plainly and said," Miss Yi, I was shifted to this room a few days ago, and it was done by your sect. ", she frowned hearing my words and her mind started going the direction I wanted, and in the end she came up to the conclusion," It was Master, wasn't it?", she said somewhat bitterly.

" I don't know, but most probably it was her ", I said nonchantly and she sighed, she sat in front of me and said," I see- I apologize on her behalf, you are supposed to be my saviour yet you are treated like this", well getting a private quarters especially for you in a sect isn't something bad. Even if she did me to separate her, others didn't allowed her to do it in disrespectful way, not everyone is stupid like her.

" Is there any meaning behind your apology? It's useless to apologize Miss Qing Yi, anyway if you are for something then do state it, I will be cultivating after all ", I said, she sighed knowing that I was like this and in the end being the cold beauty she understood me, finally she started telling me about the Inheritance battle that occurred in the pocket dimension.

" I know my position and I am grateful to master, but I am still dissatisfied, afterall it seems like as if our master-disciple relationship isn't worth that much", she said bitterly, and ranting about her dissatisfaction towards Mei Ying in a nice way. Yes, in a nice way, not like some tsundere. [ Hehe, Dear the progress has been more rapid than expected!], said Ciel.

' Yeah you are right, after all considering Qing Yi, she is supposed to be an aloof cold beauty, not a person who is supposed to act like this ', I replied, well aware of my rapid process, and I was going to make it even faster by using more manipulation. I have decided to break Mei Ying and Qing Yi's relationship, after all compared to the worth Qing Yi has, Mei Ying is simply someone there to add spice and master-disciple duo in the harem.

Thus, I have decided to discard her after using her. She did dare to insult me after all, and she isn't worth much to let me spare her. " I see, Miss Qi anything else?", I said making her eyebrows twitch. " Yes, I have a favor to ask you!", she said and then started explaining me how her cultivation has regressed and wanted my help to regain it faster. " Shouldn't you ask your master to help you?", I asked her.

" Well, master's mood is not that good and I don't want to wait till her mood gets better", she said, and I nodded," Fine, I shall lend you a hand. But don't disturb me if you don't like the method", I said and seeing her nod and slight excitement I continued," Do you remember the massage I gave back then? If used in another way it can increase the rate of Yin Qi, which should be beneficial considering your Sect's Ice related technique".

Her mind into deep thought, and Noah said," It might make you end in an unpleasant situation, so choose carefully", she nodded," I see, then I would like you to give me again- erm- that massage ", she said, knowing well how much of sensitive matter it was. But knowing me, she believed in me so that I won't take advantage of her. ' Damn, I feel like some eroge protagonist, but well I will go far more than them! ', I thought with an evil smirk inside my mind.

Soon Qing Yi got on the floor while loosening her robe and exposing her tummy. Her face was slightly red with anticipation in her eyes. I gently touched her navel part and started massaging it using the broken Dual Cultivation Technique Ciel gave me back in Heaven and directly amplified the pleasure and sensitivity of her body by several times making her unable to hold back her moans.


If anyone were to hear it from outside then it was bound to cause misunderstanding, but with the Sound-insulating spell I casted there were no problems. Qing Yi moaned while her face turned red with shame, soon she orgasmed splurting her love juices all over the floor, while her face morphed into anger," What was that?! You didn't tell me about this!", she said and stood up while the temperature in the room dropped by several degrees, a chilly aura came out of her.

My face morphed into anger, and looking at her with disgust I said," Didn't I told you about it already? Also how do you think you would get more Yin Qi from a massage?!", my anger overshadowed hers, and realizing that it was her fault she said," Bu-But! You didn't tell me it was such a technique!", I snorted and said," I warned you enough, and why should I tell you about my techniques?!!".

Her expression lowered realizing she had no strong point to blame me. I opened the door using my Qi and said," Get out Miss Qing Yi! As I thought you and your master both are unpleasant! Leave me alone!!", she wanted to say something but seeing my anger she quickly left the place while closing the door my face returned to normal.

[Woah!! That was fantastic Dear! You didn't just faked your anger! But you really got angry on her and then used it to your advantage!!], she said, while I chuckled. ' First part is done, now I won't pursue her any longer, instead it will be her running towards me, I won't be melting her heart instead she will try to melt my heart! ', I said.

I had no plans to stay within Frost Flower Sect forever, instead I will move towards my next part of plans, which is none other taking Feng Mian's sect under me and destroying Ye Chen's chances slowly. ' Also thanks for the plan Ciel ', I said, thanking the one who contributed most to this plan. Afterall I was no genius manipulator,[ Gosh! Daddy's praise is all I need to make up the day! Anyway, Dear World's will seemed to notice Ye Chen's trouble and has started helping him more], she said.

I remained calm as I heard about it,' Whatever, it's time I cultivate ', I thought and went to cultivate inside the treasure.


3rd Pov

Qing Yi quickly used her spells to clean and dry herself, returning to her former self, but her expression wasn't good at all, after Noah threw her out fearlessly which itself was questionable considering she was the Saintness and Noah was an outsider, if she wanted she could threw him out of the sect. But she wasn't Xin Yan, and started reflecting on her mistakes.

' What have I done?! It's all my fault! I was the one who asked him to help me! Yet lashed at him when I did shameful even when he had warned me already! ', she thought, Qing Yi had never considered finding a Dao Companion, in her eyes such things were unnecessary and she should just focus on strength! Ye Chen had a long time before he would have met Qing Yi and even then at most he would have earned her appreciation.

It would have nearly took all of the time Ye Chen spent in Mortal Realm to get into her heart, but Noah just in such a short time already made Qing Yi end up in such a state. Qing Yi suddenly heard her door opening, and she composed herself and saw to find Mei Ying standing in front of her," Master!", she bowed and greeted briefly and Mei Ying nodded, then she asked coldly," Yi'er I heard that you went to meet that man".

She knew her master would know about it considering she made effort to search for him and even asked an Elder. Thus she didn't hid and replied," Yes, Master- I did went to meet him", Mei Ying frowned and asked," Why?", she became silent for a minute hearing her Master's words, and decided to not tell her what transpired in the room to her master, after all knowing her Master she will kill Noah.

" I went to chat with him, and hear about his cultivation experiences", she said, and Mei Ying nodded satisfied that her disciple wasn't lying to her, since this what she heard from the old granny who witnessed their meeting. " Qing Yi, whatever- I don't want to scold you anymore, I just want you to stop meeting that man", she said.

" Why? Master! He saved me and just because he is a man you don't need to frame him for something he didn't do!!", she retorted in anger, after all her master had been really biased against him, just because some stupid suspicion she insulted the savior who saved her life! If not for Noah she would have died back in the cave! 

Mei Ying, meanwhile got angry, after all to her it looked as if Qing Yi was fighting against her for a man whom she met just for a few days while she was trying to protect her! It was obviously unacceptable to her and not to mention her tone was disrespectful to her, as an powerful Cultivator she had her own massive pride, not to mention as an Ice Qi Cultivator she had more pride and arrogance.

Thus she released her Aura making Qing Yi kneel and cough a mouthful of blood! However, seeing that she crossed the limit and hurt her own daughter-like disciple she quickly stopped and took out a pill and threw it in front of her. " Eat this Pill, it will recover your injuries", she said coldly, while having an internal panic. She didn't knew what to do and handle things thus the first thing that came in her mind and that was to escape!

Thus she left an injured Qing Yi who was in shock, she was sent to Frost Flower Sect due to her special Physique from birth at an early age, and she had spent more time than her master than her family. To her Mei Ying was like a mother, but seeing how she treated her just now it hurt her! More than the fact she injured her! 

She looked at the pill in front of her, suddenly she grabbed it and threw it with her entire strength, the pill shattered, cracking the Protection Array, while the entire room's temperature dropped by several degrees, and entire room started freezing. An Ice Phoenix Manifested above her and shrieked loudly, the temperature of the room went straight to -100 degree celsius.

No tears came out of her eyes, her face became cold and emotionless, while the Ice Phoenix disappeared. " I see, you were just my Master Mei Ying", she muttered feeling betrayed and hurt. She wished her master would hug her and fed her the pill the moment she was hurt, but instead she just threw a pill as if giving a beggar and without any care left her.

Suddenly she coughed more blood as her meridians erupted and got destroyed. It was apparent that a high cultivator like Mei Ying did more damage to her than she would have thought. She needed to heal quick and instead of going to her master, or anyone else, ' Noah ', a name came inside her mind, and she clicked on her room's Array and teleported to Noah's room.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I hope you liked the chapter!! Give me Powerstones!! 

Also here are the pics-->

Qing Yi


Lin Ruoxi




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