H-He left?

(A/N: Bad health bruh)


3rd Pov

Qing Yi teleported to Noah's room, on might wonder how could she do that, and it was simple their sect was covered with an Array that had an teleporting function within the limits of Array as well. It was limited to Core Disciples, Inner Sect Elders and above though and was mostly used in emergencies or because of another reasons, of course a core disciple couldn't barge in a Sect Leader's room, and complex hierarchy and permissions were needed for that.

Naturally being the Saintness of Frost Flower Sect she had her Qi marked in such a useful and expensive function and since Noah's authority as guest was lower than her she could enter his room through teleportation. Though she will later need to pay a fee for this, after all teleportation even a short range caused a lot of Qi, which was refilled by High-grade Qi stones, one of the reasons, it was rarely used.

(A/n: Yeah it costs a lot, I mean a lot even for these rich elders, that's why they don't use and this Array had been passed down since generation so, I guess it's legit to include in Mortal World)

Finally she appeared in Noah's room, and looked to find him cultivating, he quickly opened his eyes and looked at her surprised, and then saw her pale look. " You are injured", he said and she nodded with a pale face, her body felt weak and her physique was reacting weirdly and her body felt as if it would burst out any moment. Normally, being the heroine she couldn't die this easily thus her Physique was trying to heal her.

It would have normally created a shock of Ice Qi which would have healed her injuries and made her stronger. Of course she didn't knew about it or else she would have not come to Noah. " Why are you here? It is your sect, you can ask them for help or you can't ask them help and Sect is being under attack", he said while Qing Yi grabbed his hand.

" There is no such thing- Please help me I will explain it to you later", she said while her voice quivered, he looked at her and then sighed,' Still she is stupid, there is a granny watching over me Bruh ', he thought amused about her decision and softly made her lay on the ground, while unwrapping her clothes in a second.

There was a blush on Qing Yi's face, but she knew once she came here that she would end up in such a situation. Afterall in her eyes Noah is just an Golden Core Cultivator and he can't simply have a pill that could heal injuries caused by a powerful Cultivator, thus he would resort to some other method. As for Noah won't be able to heal her? Such a situation never came in her mind, if it was Qing Yi before she met Noah then she would have noticed such a flaw in her decision to come to Noah.

He touched her waist and started caressing it smoothly while having an emotionless look on her face, a trace of Qi gathered on his fingers, and he glanced at her Qing Yi who nodded and suppressed her resistance against the foreign Qi exploring her body. The situation was rather unpleasant to her, after all since Noah was stronger than her and she gave him permission to enter his Qi in her body, he could kill in her a second if he wishes.

But she didn't thought any of this and simply trusted him, no it wasn't trust rather something more-but her mind couldn't comprehend it as she just simply looked at his face in a daze. Noah meanwhile just smirked inside seeing Qing Yi looking at him like that. Infact he was the one who used the mind-controlled granny to manipulate Mei Ying and make her angry on Qing Yi, he was hoping for just a more crack in their relationship.

But, Mei Ying outperformed his expectations and harmed her disciple while running away. He knew that strongest Ice related techniques in Forst Flower Sect used made cultivator's emotions more colder generally and even if they love or care for someone they can't express it properly although not as worse as Qing Yi, Afterall she is Ice Phoenix. Normally, the latter effect is shown in younger and more powerful cultivators and Mei Ying just happened to meet this criteria.

Coupled with the fact she is still a virgin and didn't had any close ones other than Qing Yi, such a reaction was expected by him, and she added a cherry on the top by not explaining herself properly making it look as if she didn't care for Qing Yi. Noah was manipulating to get Qing Yi, so what? He isn't some good guy who will use his good personality to get women, no he is a villain! He will use all methods to get their heart! Whether to love them, force them or manipulate them! 

Of course, only if the Heroines are likeable, otherwise they will be killed and discarded by him. Anyway, he quickly suppressed Qing Yi's physique using his own Physique and unknown to Qing Yi he destroyed a chance that would have made her stronger. Then he looked at her and said," I have stabilized your situation, but your injury is still there, I don't have rare pills but I do have one method, though it will require me to touch your sensitive parts, and one that you wouldn't like".

She became silent while feeling her pain lessen considerably, she didn't knew that the most of it came from her physique trying to make her stronger, to her Noah was the only man in the world she could trust, he didn't look her as like other men who always looked at her with lust or greed. Even women looked at her jealousy and she had only one female friend but even then she didn't trust her much as Noah, not at this moment.

Thus when he looked at her breasts covered with a thin layer of cloth, she understood what he meant after all she could feel pain in her chest as well and a blush covered her face, after all this was a matter of her purity, but making her decision she grabbed his hand and guided it to her breast. Her answer was clear thus Noah didn't wait any more and quickly started using his technique. 

"~Ahhhhnn!~", she moaned loudly as she felt intense pleasure, Noah didn't held back and she orgasmed at once splurting out inhumane amount of love juices. He used his Qi slowly making it tangled with Yin Qi she healed and destroyed the thin threads of Mei Ying's Qi in her body. Soon her pain lessened again, and then he fed her a healing pill which healed her quickly.

Finally she wore her clothes back while a slight blush adorned her face. Her heartbeat had already accelerated and every time she looked at Noah a bubbly feeling rose inside her. It was done, she was in love with him. Although it took a lot of manipulation in his part, Noah made the heroine who should have taken the longest time to fall in love, in just a span for a few days.

Qing Yi couldn't dare look at his face,' Why my heart is beating so rapidly? I am healed now and my condition is perfect then why? ', she thought as she quivered. In the end she couldn't handle her emotions as well and quickly using the teleportation function teleported back leaving Noah speechless. ' Well, whatever, my task is done here and I will leave now. ', he thought and decided to leave the sect the moment.


3rd Pov

Qing Yi teleported back to her room while her face flushed in embarrassment, she grabbed her chest while Noah's face appeared in her mind, no matter how much she tried her face continued appearing again and again. Her heart started reacting more violently while her blush deepened. She fell on the floor while a bubbly feeling arise in her stomach as she thought of Noah's caress, his touch.

Then she thought how she allowed him to touch her breast! It was a matter of purity and that was a sensitive part for her! Still she didn't regret it a bit, and a smile appeared on her face, it was a bit broken as if Qing Yi didn't knew how to smile but it looked beautiful on her. She slowly fell on the floor while her chest started heaving up and down," Noah~", she called his name sweetly.

Her body was feeling hot which was first for her, and before she knew her right hand was on her pussy rubbing it while her left hand grabbed her own breast that Noah touched before and she started thinking of his addictive touch, smell and his massage! "~Noah!~Please!~", she said in a daze while thinking of him naked and touching her body everywhere erotically!

"~Ah!~Ahh!~Ahhh!~An!~Ah!~", she moaned while furiously rubbing her clit, and soon orgasmed, finally she looked at her depraved self and her hand drenched in her own juices. Thinking of her fingers as Noah's she started licking it. Though soon she recovered making her embarrassed her as hell, ' What did I do?! How can I do a shameful thing?! ', she thought not knowing Noah's technique had increased her lust.

He had planned to give her another orgasm before leaving, alas she left away in a rush. But it went according to his plan, he had did the highly difficult task in such a short span of time and had conquered her heart. Qing Yi decided to rest for now, and later she will meet Noah again.


Next day,

Qing Yi came out of Noah's room puzzled, today she recalled and understood how she left Noah without explaining him the things! Thus she had decided to quickly apologize to him and came to his abode, but found it empty. ' Where is he? ', she thought, and decided to check the other places, after all it wasn't necessary for Noah to stay in the same damn place unless he is cultivating or in seclusion.

But she didn't found him, only earned the confused look of entire sect who saw their saintness going from one place to other, whether it was Outer Sect, Inner Sect or Core Area of Sect. She didn't asked anyone or replied to anyone's query behind her actions, she couldn't bother. She only wanted to meet Noah and apologize, and then enact her plan. Yes, she knows she is love with Noah and it will be stupid for her to not recognize her own feelings.

Thus she had planned to talk with him, confess her love and then ask her to join their sect. Frost Flower Sect was a woman dominated sect but it doesn't meant that it didn't allow men, there were a lot of men in sect but they would never get a strong position as compared to women since Ice Qi was more prominent in women.

Only Pink Flower Sect was a woman exclusive peak sect. Anyway, as long a Noah becomes a member of their sect, with his prowess of a Golden Core Cultivator, he would definitely become a important member within the Inner Area, thus it won't be impossible for her to be with him! Alas, she soon realized it was but a mere dream of her as her Master came in front of her, and told about Noah's departure.

" H-He left?", she said stunned as she heard her Master's words, Mei Ying sighed while having an awkward face, she already thought to apologize to her for yesterday's behavior but finding Qing Yi was causing a ruckus for Noah made her forget that, and she just told him the truth. " Yes, he left yesterday saying our sect wasn't as hospitable he thought ", she said while snorting," Hmph! To think he had guts to stay that, thankfully he left otherwise I would hav-"

"Stop", Qing Yi said cutting her Master's words, her voice was cold and so was her expression. She understood he left because of her master, their treatment towards him, and because of her! She pathetically ran away while leaving him confused and baffled. She understood that neither her master, nor her circumstances would allow her to be with Noah.

Mei Ying looked at Qing Yi stunned, and then became silent for a moment," Anyway, Qing Yi let's go I will teach you personally-", said Mei Ying only to stop suddenly as an intense amount of Ice Qi came out of Qing Yi's body. " What?!", she said shocked while taking several steps back,' To make even me, a Sky Realm Cultivator afraid! What is this Aura?! ', she thought.

Suddenly strong Cultivators appeared beside her, almost all of them were women except two, and even then they were but Inner Sect Elders, all of them bowed before her slightly while looking at Qing Yi's weird changes. Even Sect Leader appeared and Mei Ying and others bowed before her respectfully," Sect Leader!", the Frost Flower Sect leader was an old granny who nodded.

" Mei Ying what is happening with your disciple? It had caused quite a commotion!", she asked the Vice-Sect Leader, aka Mei Ying who shook her head and said bitterly," I don't know what is happening either", all of them focused at Qing Yi who floated in air and a Ice Phoenix manifested behind her and shrieked loudly.

A wave of Ice QI gushed out from it dropping the temperature to an astonishing -150 degree celsius! If not for the Sect Leader creating a barrier then the entire sect would have been engulfed by the Ice Qi wave, which would have frozen the weaker members of their sect like Outer disciples, Outer Sect Elders to death! 

The old granny whose name was Li Na started laughing loudly," Sect Leader?", asked Mei Ying confused while she looked at her, Li Na explained," Can't you see Mei Ying?! Your disciples Physique which we thought was Ice Phoenix, is actually Ice Phoenix King!", her words made all of them shocked. Afterall the Ice Phoenix Physique was already a extremely rare Physique but the latter was an legendary Physique!

Only their Sect Founder had this Physique and she was able to Froze entire Eastern Continent at Sky Realm Cultivation! Hearing this they looked at Qing Yi with shock! Afterall someone with the same physique as their founder was before them! Even Mei Ying was stupefied, afterall even Qing Yi was a genius, she didn't expect her to be this special!

They looked at her and felt intense Qi fluctuations in the environment, a huge amount of Ice Qi gushed towards her, and she started breaking through Cultivation Realms! Under everyone's disbelief, she broke from 1st Body Foundation Establishment Real to the peak of Body Foundation Establishment Realm!

But it wasn't over, as she broke further earning gasps," She became a core formation Realm Cultivator?!", said Mei Ying baffled, afterall they had never seen someone breaking through cultivation realms like this! Just when they thought it was over, they realized it wasn't! Qing Yi's false core started rotating and absorbing Qi crazily, it didn't absorb just Ice Qi but devoured all kinds of Qi!

Her core which was greyish in color turned Blue, and then cracked revealing a Golden Core! Which shined brightly while a hue of blue overlapped with it. Finally the Ice Qi calmed down and Qing Yi opened her eyes, a powerful Aura radiated from her. " She became a Golden Core Formation Realm Cultivator just like that?!", it was Li Na who shouted, as she couldn't believe what had transpired in front of her.

All of them quickly gathered in front of her, and she bowed," This disciple greets the Sect Leader", she said in a cold voice, while there was respect there was also hidden indifference as if Li Na didn't matter to her at all. " Congratulations Qing Yi for becoming a Golden Core Cultivator!", Li Na congratulated with a big smile on her face, and Qing Yi simply nodded.

Mei Ying meanwhile looked at her, and Qing Yi looked at her as well," Master", she called her and Mei Ying said," Yes Yi'uer?", Qing Yi replied," I want some new techniques, I think previous ones are inefficient", she nodded happily hearing that and said," Don't worry! I will give you whatever technique you desire!". She was happy that Qing Yi was her disciple and they had such a strong bond.

" That's it! Qing Yi you no longer have to participate in other tests! I shall make you the Prime Disciple!", announced Li Na, making everyone gasp. Some wanted to retort but they couldn't, after all what would they say? She was inexperienced? She hadn't shown if she was truly worthy of it? It might have worked only if Qing Yi doesn't posses the same Physique as their founder.

In the end Qing Yi's status changed from the Saintness of Frost Flower Sect to the Prime Disciple of the Frost Flower Sect. Now she was destined to inherit the entire Frost Flower Sect and lead it in the future, meanwhile the news caused an uproar among disciples! Fortunately they didn't knew that their Saintness ascended to a Golden Core Cultivator otherwise they would have shocked to death!

Afterall a 23 year old Golden Core cultivator was unheard of! Thus to protect Qing Yi from evil cultivators they decided to hide this news not knowing that spies within their ranks quickly spread it to the Evil Sects.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Qing Yi also looks a bit different than before! She has a bit bigger breast, longer hair with darker shade of blue and thicc thigs! I do have the pics, but I doubt the webnovel will let you see, still gonna drop them here!

Qing Yi-->

P.S: Give me all of your powerstones, I was sick on thursday and yesterday I didn't have enough time, but still let's get it top 100 atleast!)