Timmy the dealer...

It's Samuel. Something happened to him."

"Oh! my God! is he okay!?" Mrs Green asked.

"Honestly, I really don't know. I'm sorry Mr Tobi. I can't stay for your party. But I'll come back and make it to you another time,"

Adria did not know what was going on, but there was no way Helen was leaving and he was staying.

All the while, Nora had been with DD in her room. Adria got her and she joined them.

On the way back to the Belmont manor, they dropped Cupfill.

The moment they got back, Helen immediately rushed into the manor and to the sick bay.

There, on a bed laid Samuel. By his side was Gloria and His last remaining friend that had not become vampire food.

Helen immediately went to his side and grabbed his hand. He was on IVY.

"What happened to him!?" She asked.

"Drug overdose," Gloria answered.

"Drug overdose!? What the hell was he taking?"

Gloria pointed to Samuel's friend, "Ask him."