Timmy the dealer 2....

Adria did not exaggerate when he said it was going to be real quick.

All the while, as he made quick work of the guards and destruction of the place, Avin hid in a corner.

Soon enough, Adria was done and the three of them walked out of the Fair lady's Jewel.

In the distance, Adria could see a particular recognizable small figure on a power bike, speeding off in the distance.

"Timmy!" Adria muttered lowly.

This time around, Adria took the wheels of the vehicle himself.

They went through turns back and forth through a particular familiar district.

At least For Adria, it was familiar.

Helen looked outside her window at the people on the streets.

Some of them smoked while making obvious shady deals at a corner.

She also saw some men kicking a man on the ground in between two buildings.

Lastly, commercial sex workers in their ever Skippy clothes walked about with their eyes darting around for potential customers.