24. Yours

Tanya's POV

This was a decision I was glad about and so I swerved to grant the man who was clothed in a long-sleeved red dress shirt and black slack a nod in acknowledgment which he reciprocated as we reached the stairs.

The excited murmurs of the pack were heard as we descended, Dante's elbow in mine holding me to his side and ready to catch me in case I stumbled. At the realization, I lifted my head to permit him an appreciative smile that caused his right brow to lift in an inquiry which I responded to with a shake of my head and a giggle.

As we arrived at the last flight of steps the buzz slowly died down, hence one by one they began to acknowledge our presence, their eyes carrying joy, awe, and some envy. In seconds the vast hall turned quiet to the point you could hear a pin drop.