25. Moans

Tanya's POV

In truth, he was because the next few minutes were filled with my moans as his cock drilled my insides. I could feel my vagina walls expand each time he went in to accommodate his size.

"You like that don't you?" He urged, his voice ragged as his free hand went to flick my nipple, while he bit my shoulder.

"Y-yees-s-" I responded, my voice breaking at his rough pace.

"You want more?" He asked and I didn't need to look back to see the sick smile on his face as he continued his merciless thrusts.

"Please," I pleaded, having no idea what I driving at.

"I'll give you more," he grunted, misinterpreting my plea as his left hand shifted to lift my leg till it was dangling atop his shoulder. 

"Fuuuuuccckkk," I moaned as he pushed deeper, his tip hitting that strange spot within me that caused my brain to reel.