28. Market

Tanya's POV

"Up!" someone screamed in my ear, together with a harsh slap on my bare arm. I bolted upright on the bed, my eyes scanning around the horizon in panic.

"Morning sunshine," the greeting came from my right. Swerving slowly, my eyes locked on the grinning devil in black-fitting jeans and a red off-the-shoulder blouse coupled with black boots, her blonde hair in a ponytail.

"Dalia, you need to stop this," I groaned in irritation and defeat as I threw my head back on the pillow. "This is the third time bitch, the third time."

"And there'll be many more to come," she cooed sweetly, prompting me to shoot fire in her direction. If my glare had any effect she'd be 6ft under, rather it induced her smile to grow wider.

"I told her this was a bad idea," Abigail inputed, appearing from somewhere behind her in a flowery print dress with long sleeves that halted above her knees, her fiery hair styled to the side, and nude heels.