29. Cottage

Tanya's POV

"Are we there yet?" Dalia whined as we stomped through the woods, our feet crunching on dried leaves and twigs, the trees swaying as if dancing to a secret tune.

"Stop whining," I chided, my vision whirling around as I recalled the last time I was here and the rogue event that occurred barely two weeks ago. "You are the one who asked to bring you."

"You said it wasn't far," she countered, dragging her feet as if all strength had deserted her.

"It isn't," I defended leading the way.

"It is," she argued.

"Dalia, it isn't," I exhaled and resisted the urge to run my fingers through my hair.

"Tanya, it is," she mimicked. I was just about to scream we head back when Abigail spoke.

"Is that it?" She asked, gesturing a little distance from us where a little light shone.

"Yes." I bobbed my head as I remembered leaving the light on in my haste to get to the grocery store. "Let's go."