31. Parents

Tanya's POV

"This pain meds ain't doing shit," I grunted under my breath as I trudged painfully to the door in black singlet and leggings with pink flip flops and a colorful long jacket.

"Are you okay?" The door was pushed open by Dante who stood with a frown on his face and a loose blue sweatshirt above black slacks.

How can a man be so fine in simple attire? My subconscious groaned in my head.

I almost cooed at how handsome he looked but recalled I needed to stay angry at him so I bestowed him a glare and squeezed my face to express my fury.

"What's the matter?" He fretted as I pushed past him in the entryway.

I whirled around sharply, my forefinger pointed at his face "Don't." I warned and hissed when he stepped closer, his breath fanning my face. "Just don't."

"I have no idea why you are mad," he told attempting to sound sincere but I could sense the smile in his voice.