32. Mansion

Tanya's POV

"When you said mansion, I didn't envision it to be this big," Mom let out in awe as Ricky packed the limo and we got out. 

"It looks like it could house the whole town," Dad frowned, gazing up at the tall building that dwarfed every one of us.

"That's because it could," Dalia chatted in a low tone.

"What did you say?" Dad asked. He must have caught a whiff of what she said.

"Eeerh I said---"

"Let the girls be Leo," Mom spoke and jerked him to follow after her. "We need to explore this place."

Dad's grumble was muffled as they both hiked past the entrance. Mom wavered for a moment as she spotted the guards stationed at the door.

"I can't believe she's your mother," Dalia clamored as I released a sigh at their departure.

"Trust me, I doubt it at times," I agreed, strutting away from the car.