34. Disbelief

Tanya's POV

"If you taunt me like that." He bent to bring his face to my level, "I just might."

My mouth understood as whatever retort I had was swallowed as I moved backward. His nose twitched and he smiled wickedly before he drew back to his previous stance.

"Now, you get it," he rasped and pulled a face.

I fidgeted and drifted till I was on the headboard. My lips trembled as tears streaked down my face. Feeling ashamed and wanting to avoid his gaze, I buried my face in my knees as my shoulders shook with sobs.

The room was silent except for the sound of my whimpers and his heavy breaths. I had no idea how long we spent that way as I poured out my sorrow. I cried till no drops left my lids, till my throat cracked from the sobs, till I felt exhausted. The pain in my heart, however, didn't lessen.