35. Explain

Tanya's POV

"I need to see them," I announced, my breathing accelerated as the information I'd just gathered threatened to wreck my sanity.

"Your parents," he declared, a brow raised.

"Yes, I need to," I maintained and prayed I don't fall as I gradually let go of the wood.

"Why?" He implored, watching me, a worried expression, running past his face for only a second.

"To find the answers we both seek," I exhaled and silently rationed my breathing back to normal.

"Fine," he agreed much to my surprise that my head shoot up in his path to gauge he wasn't joking. "I'll take you."

"Where are they?" I asked and ran my bloodied fingers through my hair, not caring if the red smudges get scattered in my black strands.

"In the dungeon," he responded and trudged forward like he didn't just say something irregular.

"What?!" I yelled out in query.