39. Void

Tanya's POV

I'd locked myself up in my room for days. I wasn't certain how many days I'd stayed without stepping out, however, I knew it was close to a week.

I was laid on the bed, allowing my thoughts and feelings to overwhelm me. I was drowning in misery and the confines of my mind, rather I gave no two shits about it.

Sarah and Leo had tried every day, to get me to leave the four corners of the lavender-painted walls, of the childhood room I'd grown up in, but their actions had proven futile.

Though my body needed a bit of the fresh air, my mind needed the solitude of my room. The only place I could cry my heart out and scream into my pillow for as long as I could, till I felt the weight in my chest give me chance to breathe before it drowned me again.