40: Weapon

Tanya's POV

Vengeance is a drug, one that you consume unknowingly and become addicted to on the first drag. It in turn consumes you and before you know it, it becomes the driving force of your life.

If I had known this then, I wouldn't have let my rage create such a driving need for blood. However, I didn't and so I let it take control of me.

After that day I let Leo and Sarah in, I snapped out of my sorrow or at least tucked it somewhere in the back of my mind so it won't get in the way of my future actions. Actions that were going to wreak havoc on the one that caused me pain.

It was 5 days later and I had just had my bath and dressed in fitting denim and a black crop top. My waist-length black hair had been trimmed and now it barely reached my back, giving me the same look but with a different volume.

In that instant, it was styled in a high ponytail as I rubbed pink eyeshadow on my eyelids and finished off my appearance with a straight eyeliner.