45. What?

Tanya's POV

I almost fell, thankfully I caught myself in time. My fingers gripped my vest as I hunched over, inaudible words leaving my lips. I blocked out their voices as I tried to comprehend the words I'd just overheard.

Cramped that way for seconds, I struggled to regain my breath as panic rose in my throat. Gradually, I summoned the strength to stand erect, my limbs trembling as my eyes threatened to spill pools of tears.

Unhurriedly, I placed one foot in front of the other, my gaze concentrated on my steps as I sensed my body about to collapse at the slightest stumble. 

My right hand supported my weight on the wall as my left remained gripping my vest, I was able to make it across the marble tiles lining the hallway to the door of my room. A little nudge of my shoulder was all it needed to shove the unlocked door inward.