44. Lies

Tanya's POV

"Lycan?" Sarah let out the word in a question, left hand on hip, the other running through her hair in distress as she paced the perimeter. "What the fuck do you mean by he's a Lycan?"

"It means he can't--"

"Shut the fuck up," she growled at Marie who tried to speak up. "Did I tell you I didn't know what that means?"

"But you said--"

"Shut the fuck up," she gritted in her face.

"Sorry," Marie succumbed and lowered her head. 

It was a few hours after the brutal fight and Marie, Daniel, Sarah, and I were in the living room of Leo's house. Our forms were still smeared with blood and dirt but Sarah didn't let us up.

Leo was in his room being looked at by the vampire doctor. It turned out that the scratch I saw as light happened to be pretty deep. To add to it, the wound wasn't healing as fast as it should judging by the fact he was supernatural.

"Fuck!" Sarah hissed and kicked an empty seat.