62. Unconscious

Dante's POV

It had been a week since Tanya had blacked out after I transferred my werewolf syndrome into her system. After it got more than 24 hours without her waking up, I rushed her to the pack hospital hence Henry the pack doctor was busy at the time.

Each day seemed a torture as the hours ticked by with her showing no signs of stirring. The only assurance she was alive was the steady beating of the heart monitor and the soft rise and fall of her chest.

Henry had assured me she was fine thus this was slightly normal for humans. He explained it didn't happen in my mother's case because she was determined to come out of the sleep state sooner due to her condition and the pain was also a trigger.

I wondered how he knew of that hence he wasn't alive at that time. He must have had an idea of what I was thinking thus he conveyed that he'd heard the story and then made investigations of his own.