69. Rage

Tanya's POV

I ripped off her shoulder at the same instant the knife is rammed into my side by her free hand. A burning sensation emanated from the spot and I swayed, spitting away the chunks of flesh I had in my mouth.

She screamed in agony as I aimed to mask mine, going in for another hit when I'm kicked from my left provoking me to sprawl arms and limbs on my right.

Struggling to get up with the weapon still drilled in my side, I shuffled, finally able to stand. My irises peered sideways to observe Leo a distance away staring at me with anger.

From my side eye, I was able to spot Sarah lying limp and bleeding from the gaping wound on her left arm. Leo gawked at me intensely a scowl etched on his face, his jaw and fingers clenched to showcase his rage.