70. Kill

Tanya's POV

He peered at me. His fingers clenched and unclenched as a series of emotions ran through his eyes. He seemed to be having an internal battle with himself on which to choose, doing what is right. Or his loyalty to his side.

His jaw hinged and Dante sent me a warning gaze as he assumed a defensive stance. A minute passed, and Sarah was gaping at me with contempt from the other side. 

I sent Leo a silent plea to agree with me hence I didn't want him to end up dying. He diverted his sight from my face, provoking me to grit my teeth in anger and grief at what was to come as Dante moved an inch the exact instant I let my fingers elongate into claws.

"Hold!" Leo shouted, raising his left palm in the air to my relief.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing Leonard?" Sarah interrogated in a shaky tone as she struggled to get to his side. 

"What is right!" He countered in a loud octave